

单词 proves
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕If the mixture proves difficult to ignite, increase the proportion of ethylene. 如果发现这混合物难以点燃,那就增加乙烯的比例。朗文写作活用〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕The evidence proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this man was in the victim's apartment on the day of the murder. 证据表明,凶案发生当天,这名男子确实在受害人的公寓里。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕The evidence proves clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. 证据明显地证明,被告毫无疑问是有罪的。朗文写作活用〔HONEST〕Well, frankly, I think this proves that there are a lot of people making laws in this country who don't really know what they're doing. 坦白地说,我觉得这说明这个国家有许多制定法律的人根本不知道自己在干什么。朗文写作活用〔I rest my case〕When told of Smith's angry response to her claim, she said simply, "I rest my case." (= his response proves that what I say is true) 当被告知史密斯对她的说法的恼怒反应时,她只是说:“还用我多说吗?”剑桥高阶〔OK〕OK, but I don't see how that proves your point.好,但我不明白那如何能证明你的观点。麦克米伦高阶〔WATCH〕Government experts will be keeping a close eye on the new currency to see whether it proves successful. 政府的专家会密切注意这种新货币,看它是否成功。朗文写作活用〔base〕Her study proves that the theory is off base.她的研究证明这个理论是错误的。韦氏高阶〔boon〕It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.就是因为这个原因,电视才会给这么多人带来如此大的便利。柯林斯高阶〔boon〕It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.正是这个原因, 电视才会给这么多人带来如此大的便利。外研社新世纪〔doubt〕The evidence proves beyond doubt that he is innocent.证据表明,他确实是无辜的。牛津搭配〔doubt〕This proves without a shadow of doubt that we were right.这毫无疑问地证明我们是对的。牛津搭配〔equal〕I hope that he proves equal to the challenge.我希望他最后能应付这一挑战。牛津高阶〔equal〕I hope that he proves equal to the challenge.我希望他最终证明能应付这一挑战。牛津搭配〔exception〕Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is the exception that proves the rule.今年多数电子公司都不景气,而我们公司却是普遍中的例外。牛津高阶〔exception〕Most people here are very dedicated; I'm afraid Rhea's the exception that proves the rule.这里的大多数人都很敬业,恐怕雷亚是普遍中的例外。朗文当代〔exception〕Wine-making and accountants don't usually go together, but Thierry Hasard is an exception that proves the rule.酿酒和会计师一般不搭边, 但蒂埃里•阿萨尔却是个“二般人”。外研社新世纪〔exception〕Wine-making and accountants don't usually go together, but Thierry Hasard is an exception that proves the rule.酿酒和会计通常不搭边,而蒂埃里·阿萨尔却是普遍中的例外。柯林斯高阶〔eye-opener〕Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener to me. It proves that one can do anything if the need is urgent.写这些脚本真是让我大开眼界。这证明了在紧急情况下一个人什么都能够做。外研社新世纪〔eye-opener〕Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener to me. It proves that one can do anything if the need is urgent.编写这些剧本让我眼界大开,它证明了情急之下人可以做到任何事情。柯林斯高阶〔flash〕Beene's new novel proves he isn't just a flash in the pan.比恩的新小说证明他并不是个昙花一现的作家。朗文当代〔geophysical〕Geophysical evidence proves that the San Andreas fault extends at least 16 kilometres down into the crust.地球物理学证据表明圣安德烈亚斯断层至少延伸进地壳16公里。外研社新世纪〔impeachment〕If his action proves to be unconstitutional, that would be grounds for impeachment.如果他的行为证明违宪, 这将成为弹劾的理由。外研社新世纪〔lose〕This latest movie proves Altman is by no means losing his touch.这部最新的影片证明,阿尔特曼的技艺宝刀丝毫未老。朗文当代〔mean〕See what I mean(= I was right and this proves it, doesn't it)?She never agrees to anything I suggest.这下可证明我说的对了吧?我说什么她都不听。牛津高阶〔nonevent〕An anticipated or highly publicized event that does not occur or proves anticlimactic or boring.被期望但未实现的事:预期要发生或普遍知道而没有发生或证明是不合时宜的或不受欢迎的事件美国传统〔omen〕I just hope it proves a lucky omen for the team.我只是希望这对该队来说是个好兆头。外研社新世纪〔pacifism〕His pacifism proves he has great moral courage.他拥护反战主义, 这证明他具有极大的道义勇气。外研社新世纪〔place〕In cases where it proves difficult to place a child, the reception centre provides long-term care.遇到难以安置的孩子,收容中心会提供长期的照顾。柯林斯高阶〔point to〕The prosecution is unable to point to anything that proves its case.控方未能提出此案的任何证据。韦氏高阶〔point〕That proves my point.那证实了我的论点。牛津搭配〔proof〕Do you have any proof of identity(=a document such as a passport that proves who you are)? 你有身份证明吗?麦克米伦高阶〔prove〕All this proves conclusively that she couldn't have known the truth.这一切无可置疑地证明她不可能知道真相。牛津搭配〔prove〕The experiment proves that oxygen is produced.这项实验证明产生了氧气。外研社新世纪〔prove〕Their reaction just proves my point.他们的反应恰恰证实了我的观点。牛津搭配〔prove〕This proves (that) I was right.这证明我是对的。牛津高阶〔prove〕This proves nothing!这什么也证明不了!外研社新世纪〔prove〕This just proves what I have been saying for some time.这恰好证实了我长久以来所说的。牛津高阶〔smoking gun〕This document is the smoking gun that proves that he was lying.这份文件确凿无疑地证实了他在说谎。韦氏高阶〔suggestible〕The success of advertising proves that we are all highly suggestible.广告活动的成功证明我们都很容易受他人影响。剑桥高阶〔supremacy〕This victory clearly proves the supremacy of the Brazilians in football.这场胜利清楚地表明巴西队是世界上最好的足球队。剑桥高阶〔system〕This case proves that the system works effectively.此案例证明这个制度运转有效。牛津搭配〔take〕If the bicycle proves unsatisfactory in any way, you can take it back.如果对自行车有什么不满意的地方,你可以去退掉。英汉大词典〔the exception that proves the rule〕Most company directors are middle-aged men, but this 28-year-old woman is an exception that proves the rule.大多数公司的董事都是中年男性,但这位28岁的女董事却是普遍中的例外。剑桥高阶〔underestimate〕An estimate that is or proves to be too low.低估:估计不足,轻视美国传统〔white elephant〕An endeavor or a venture that proves to be a conspicuous failure.失败的努力:结果证明是场明显失败的努力或冒险美国传统〔yet〕This just proves yet again that you have to be careful who you do business with.这恰恰再一次证明你得当心与你有来往的人。麦克米伦高阶Although some people say she has breast cancer, she proves that she is in robust health. 尽管有人说她得了乳癌,她却证明她的身体好得很。译典通The fact that the number of deaths from cancer has doubled surely gives the lie to (= proves wrong) official assurances of the safety of nuclear power.癌症引起的死亡已经增加一倍的事实的确证明官方对核电安全的许诺是错误的。剑桥国际The success of advertising proves that we are all highly suggestible.广告的成功证明我们都极易受他人影响。剑桥国际This victory clearly proves the supremacy of the West Indies (= the fact that they are the best) in world cricket.这场比赛的胜利显然证明西印度群岛队是世界上最好的板球队。剑桥国际




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