

单词 共同
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we have absolutely nothing in common. 我们俩除了上过同一所学校以外,就毫无共同之处。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Jane and I met through a mutual acquaintance at a party. 简和我是在一次聚会上通过一个共同的朋友认识的。朗文写作活用〔Koine〕A dialect of Greek that developed primarily from Attic and became the common language of the Hellenistic world, from which later stages of Greek are descended.古希腊共通语:一种希腊方言,最初从阿提卡语发展而来,后来成为整个古希腊地区的共同的语言,后来的希腊语就是由此发展而成美国传统〔Mid-Atlantic〕Mid-Atlantic English 英美共同英语文馨英汉〔Penates〕The Roman gods of the household, tutelary deities of the home and of the state, whose cult was closely connected and often identified with that of the Lares.珀那忒斯:罗马家神,家庭和领土之守护神,在人们膜拜时,将之与家庭守护神共同施以祭礼美国传统〔WITH/TOGETHER〕A manager's main task is to coordinate the collaborative efforts of a number of people. 经理的主要工作是把大家的共同努力协调起来。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Both sides are going to have to work together to find other ways of settling their differences. 双方必须共同努力,找出其他办法来解决分歧。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Kerry called the labor laws ‘a legitimate collective effort to protect our children’ and said he supported them. 克里称劳动法是“保护孩子的合法共同努力”,他说他支持。朗文写作活用〔absentee〕Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child maintenance.父亲不和子女共同生活将会被强制要求支付孩子的抚养费。外研社新世纪〔agree〕The two countries were unable to agree on a common strategy.两国未能达成共同的行动计划。牛津搭配〔animatism〕A belief that all animate and inanimate objects are infused with a common life force.万物有灵论,泛灵论:相信所有的生物和非生物都具有共同的生命力美国传统〔annex〕These protocols were annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community economic and monetary union.这些议定书被附加到关于成立欧洲共同体经济和货币联盟条的约中。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕A group of persons gathered together for a common reason, as for a legislative, religious, educational, or social purpose.与会者:为一共同理由,如为立法的,宗教的,教育的或社会目的聚集在一起的人美国传统〔basin〕A broad tract of land in which the rock strata are tilted toward a common center.盆地:岩层向共同的中心倾斜的广大陆地区域美国传统〔bring together〕She and her husband were brought together by a shared love of the natural world.对自然界共同的热爱使她和丈夫走到了一起。韦氏高阶〔care〕They shared the care of the children.他们共同照顾孩子。朗文当代〔cite〕He has been cited as the co-respondent in the divorce case.他作为这起离婚案的共同被告被传讯。剑桥高阶〔co-operate〕The couple spoke about how they would co-operate in the raising of their child.这对夫妇讲述了他们将如何共同抚养孩子。柯林斯高阶〔co-operate〕The couple spoke about how they would co-operate in the raising of their child.这对夫妻谈到了他们将如何共同抚养孩子。外研社新世纪〔codirect〕To direct (a play, film, or other form of public entertainment) jointly with another or others.共同指导:与另一人或其他人共同地指导(一部戏剧、电影或其他形式的公众娱乐物)美国传统〔coheir〕A joint heir, as to an estate.共同继承人:一位共同的继承人,如对遗产美国传统〔combined〕These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations.这些难民由接收国与非政府组织共同看顾。外研社新世纪〔common denominator〕The common denominator in all his novels is the use of the supernatural.他所有小说的共同点是对超自然因素的使用。麦克米伦高阶〔commonality〕We are looking for commonalities.我们正在寻找共同点。外研社新世纪〔common〕Intersecting lines have one point in common.几条交叉线有一个共同交点。韦氏高阶〔common〕They hold the property as tenants in common (= they share it).他们是这一房产的共同承租人。牛津搭配〔common〕This decision was taken for the common good(= the advantage of everyone).作出这个决定是为了共同的利益。牛津高阶〔communion〕A body of Christians with a common religious faith who practice the same rites; a denomination.教派:实行相同礼拜式且有共同宗教信念的基督教徒团体;宗派美国传统〔concerted〕Libraries have made a concerted effort to attract young people.各图书馆共同努力来吸引年轻人。朗文当代〔concert〕The FBI acted in concert with the local police to solve the murder.联邦调查局联合当地警方共同侦破那起谋杀案。韦氏高阶〔concur〕To act together; cooperate.合作:共同行动;合作美国传统〔consanguineous〕Of the same lineage or origin; having a common ancestor.同宗的:同血统或同源;有共同祖先的美国传统〔conspire〕They conspired with the terrorists to overthrow the government.他们和恐怖分子共同密谋颠覆政府。英汉大词典〔contributory〕The company offers a contributory pension plan (= one to which both the employee and employer pay money).该公司实行雇主和雇员共同缴存养老金计划。剑桥高阶〔converge〕Many companies are combining rapidly converging communication technology into one device that can act as a phone, take photographs, and send e-mail.许多公司迅速联合起来,共同研发将通信技术融合进集电话、相机和电子信箱为一体的设备。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕To work or act together toward a common end or purpose.合作:为共同的目标或目的而合作或共同起作用美国传统〔coparcenary〕Joint ownership.共同所有权美国传统〔corresponsive〕Jointly responsive.共同应答的,互相反应的美国传统〔culturally〕Culturally, they have much in common with their neighbours just across the border.在文化方面, 他们与邻国人民有许多共同之处。外研社新世纪〔desirable〕It is clearly desirable to have a common set of principles throughout the industry.全行业有一套共同的原则显然比较理想。牛津搭配〔faithful〕The faithful gather here each year to celebrate together.信众每年在此聚会,共同庆祝。韦氏高阶〔former〕If the family home and joint pension rights are of equal value, the wife may choose the former and the husband the latter.如果家庭住房和共同养老金具有同样的价值,妻子可能会选前者,而丈夫会选后者。柯林斯高阶〔friendship〕Friendship is based on shared interests.友谊建立在共同利益的基础上。外研社新世纪〔friend〕A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.同志,同事:和你一起为同一件事而联合共同奋斗的人;同志美国传统〔goal〕We are all working towards / toward a common goal.我们都在为一个共同目标而努力。牛津搭配〔hatred〕The three former Army buddies shared a common hatred for the government.这3个昔日的战友对政府怀有共同的仇恨。麦克米伦高阶〔husband〕They lived together as husband and wife(= as if they were married)for years.他们像夫妻一样共同生活了很多年。牛津高阶〔ideology〕They share a common political ideology.他们拥有共同的政治理念。牛津搭配〔in tandem with〕They're working in tandem with scientists from England to find a cure.他们正和英格兰的科学家共同合作,寻找治疗方法。韦氏高阶〔incompatible〕When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.开始共同生活后,我们发现彼此是多么合不来——我们的兴趣差别太大了。剑桥高阶〔indinavir〕A protease-inhibiting drug usually used in combination with other drugs to suppress the replication of HIV.克滤满:为蛋白酶抑制剂,通常与其它药剂共同使用,以抑制人体免疫缺损病毒的复制美国传统〔inheritance〕The inhabitants share a common inheritance of language and culture.居民们拥有共同的语言与文化遗产。牛津搭配〔jointly〕Today managers and personnel officers are jointly responsible for investigating complaints of discrimination.现在管理人员和人事部门官员共同负责调查有关歧视的投诉。外研社新世纪〔join〕The tribes joined to battle their common enemy.几个部落联合起来, 与共同的敌人战斗。外研社新世纪〔kick over〕Members of the association kick over 40 dollars a month for a common fund.该协会成员每月交纳40美元来建立一项共同基金。21世纪英汉〔language〕She and I will never get along. We just don't speak the same language.我和她永远也合不来。我俩就是没有共同语言。韦氏高阶〔lunisolar〕Of or caused by both the sun and the moon.月和日的:太阳和月球的,或由太阳或月球共同引起的美国传统〔meeting ground〕The raves are the last meeting ground for the children of Catholic and Protestant violence.对陷于天主教和新教冲突中的儿童来说,喜欢狂欢聚会是他们的最后一个共同点。麦克米伦高阶〔melt〕To change (a solid) to a liquid state by the application of heat or pressure or both.熔化:用热力或压力,或者两者的共同作用使固态变为液态美国传统〔minority〕As minorities, we need to work together.作为少数民族,我们需要共同努力。麦克米伦高阶〔mutual friend〕Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend.林恩和菲尔是通过他们共同的朋友认识的。剑桥高阶〔mutually〕The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress.东西方可以为彼此共同的利益和发展而合作。柯林斯高阶〔mutual〕The scheme would be to our mutual benefit.该计划将符合我们共同的利益。麦克米伦高阶〔mutual〕They share a mutual interest in design.他们在设计上有共同的兴趣。外研社新世纪〔mutual〕We found that we have a mutual interest in mountaineering.我们发现我们在爬山方面有共同的兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔nationality〕A people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation.民族:一个拥有共同起源和传统的民族,通常构成一个国家美国传统〔partnership〕The two companies have formed a long-term partnership to develop and sell these products together.这两家公司已经形成了长期的合作伙伴关系,共同开发和销售这些产品。牛津搭配〔piscary〕Law The right to fish in waters owned by another.【法律】 渔场共用权:与他人共同拥有在水域捕鱼的权利美国传统〔pool〕A mutual fund established by a group of stockholders for speculating in or manipulating prices of securities.集合基金:为了投机或操纵证券价格而由一群证券持有人建立起来的共同基金美国传统〔propitious〕When the moment became propitious we might act together.时机一到,我们可共同行动。英汉大词典〔redeploy〕They redeployed their assets into mutual funds.他们把资产调配到共同基金上。韦氏高阶〔relative〕One related by kinship, common origin, or marriage.亲属:因亲戚关系共同的起源或婚姻相关联的人美国传统〔riot〕Law A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose.【法律】 聚众闹事(罪):由三人或三人以上的人聚集起来为了某一共同目的而导致的破坏公共和平的暴力扰乱美国传统〔rosy〕She painted a rosy picture of their life together in Italy(= made it appear to be very good and perhaps better than it really was).她把他们在意大利的共同生活描绘得非常美好。牛津高阶〔sentiment〕His criticism of the court's decision expresses a sentiment that is shared by many people.他对法庭判决的批评表达了许多人的共同观点。韦氏高阶〔set〕They agreed to set aside their differences and work together for peace.他们同意搁置分歧,共同为和平而努力。麦克米伦高阶〔share〕I felt we both shared the same sense of loss, felt the same pain.我觉得我们两个有着共同的失落感,经受着同样的痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔share〕Responsibility is shared between parents and teachers.责任由家长和老师共同承担。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕We will need you and the chairman standing shoulder to shoulder on basic positions.我们需要你和主席在一些基本立场上共同进退。柯林斯高阶〔span〕A pair of animals, such as oxen, matched in size, strength, or color and driven as a team.共轭(马、骡):一对大小、力气或颜色互相搭配并被共同驾驭的动物,如牛美国传统〔sphere〕They see the region as their natural sphere of influence due to their historical links and a shared language.基于历史上的联系和共同的语言,他们把该地区看成是自己天然的势力范围。柯林斯高阶〔strength〕If the two parties joined forces, their combined strength would be 127 seats.如果两党联合,他们将共同拥有127个席位。剑桥高阶〔sufferer〕She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.许多和她有共同遭遇的人给她来信,表示支持。牛津高阶〔sympetalous〕Having united petals; gamopetalous.有共同花瓣的;合瓣的美国传统〔synergism〕Theology The doctrine that individual salvation is achieved through a combination of human will and divine grace.【神学】 神人协作论:认为个人灵魂的拯救是通过人的意愿与神的恩典共同作用的教义美国传统〔syntrophism〕A biological relationship in which microorganisms of two different species or strains are mutually dependent on one another for nutritional requirements.互养,共同生长:生物间的一种关系,即两种不同物种或品质的微生物体互相依靠,从彼此的身上获取所需的营养美国传统〔together〕They split up after ten years together.他们共同生活十年后分手了。英汉大词典〔triumvir〕One of three men sharing public administration or civil authority in ancient Rome.三执政之一:在古罗马共同管理公共事务或分享民政权威的三个人中的一个美国传统〔unite〕We were all united by a common purpose.我们所有人为了共同的目标团结在一起。韦氏高阶Factions previously at war with one another are now united against the common enemy.先前互相对立的派别现在联合起来反对共同的敌人。剑桥国际Most of the characters in the novel exhibit those common human frailties--ignorance and greed.小说中的大多数人物都展示了人类的共同弱点----无知和贪婪。剑桥国际Our production and IT people don't speak the same language.我们的生产人员和资讯技术人员无共同语言。牛津商务People find fulfillment in working for a common goal. 人们在为一个共同目标而努力的过程中得到满足。译典通Team members are committed to achieving common goals.团队成员都致力于实现共同的目标。牛津商务Television as we have it now is the product of many inventors, both amateur and professional.我们现在使用的电视机是许多业余和专业发明者的共同创造。剑桥国际The British and Italian police collaborated in catching the terrorists.英国和意大利警方共同合作,抓住了恐怖分子。剑桥国际The President yesterday formally signed the Joint Resolution of Congress granting him the authority to go to war.昨天总统正式签署了授权他开战的两院共同决议。剑桥国际The companies signed a memorandum to develop the product jointly, but the deal was never finalized.这些公司签订了协议备忘录以共同开发产品,但是交易最终没有完成。牛津商务There were no points of similarity between the politicians’arguments.政客们的论点中没有共同点。剑桥国际We need to organize a share-out of the tasks that still need to be done.我们需要组织大家共同分担尚需完成的任务。剑桥国际




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