

单词 修饰语
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attributive〕Abbr. attrib.Grammar Of, relating to, or being an attributive, as an adjective.缩写 attrib.【语法】 修饰性的,形容的:属于、关于或作修饰语的,如形容词美国传统〔headword〕Linguistics A word that may be modified by an adjunct.【语言学】 可以被一个修饰语修饰的词美国传统〔literally〕Used as an intensive before a figurative expression.在修饰语前表强调美国传统〔modifier〕Adjectives and adverbs are modifiers.形容词和副词是修饰语。英汉大词典〔modifier〕In "safety barrier" the noun "safety" is being used as a modifier.在 safety barrier 中,名词 safety 被用作修饰语。剑桥高阶〔modifier〕In “They were talking loudly,” the adverb “loudly” is a modifier of the verb “talking.” 在They were talking loudly中,副词loudly是动词talking的修饰语。韦氏高阶〔modifier〕In “a red hat,” the adjective “red” is a modifier describing the noun “hat.” 在a red hat中,形容词red是修饰语,用于描述名词hat。韦氏高阶〔postmodifier〕In ‘the house on the corner’, ‘on the corner’ is a postmodifier.在 the house on the corner 中,on the corner 是后置修饰语。牛津高阶〔premodifier〕In ‘a loud noise’, the adjective ‘loud’ is a premodifier.在 a loud noise 中,形容词 loud 是前置修饰语。牛津高阶〔qualifier〕Grammar A word or phrase that qualifies, limits, or modifies the meaning of another word or phrase.【语法】 修饰语:修饰或限制另一个词或短语意思的词或短语美国传统〔thy〕Used as a modifier before a noun.你的(古):用作名词前的修饰语美国传统In grammar, an adjunct is an adverb or adverbial phrase that gives extra information in a sentence.语法中,修饰语是在句子中提供附加信息的副词或状语短语。剑桥国际In ‘safety barrier’, the noun ‘safety’is being used as a modifier.在“安全栅栏”中,名词“安全”用作修饰语。剑桥国际The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.这篇杂志文章使用的最高级修饰语太多了,令我觉得很难相信它说的都是真的。剑桥国际




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