

单词 例子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAMPLE〕Attitude problems? Can you give me an example? 态度问题?能给我举个例子吗?朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕Other countries have totally different laws on abortion. By way of illustration let us look at the cases of Germany and Japan. 其他国家在堕胎问题上有着完全不同的法律。举个例子,我们可以看一下德国和日本的情况。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕Some birds have returned to England after once being extinct here. The return of the osprey is a case in point. 有些鸟在英国一度绝迹之后又回到了英格兰,鹦的回归就是一个典型的例子。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕Some women have managed to achieve success in football. A case in point is Anne Spencer. 有些女子努力在足球上取得了成功,安妮·斯潘塞就是一个好例子。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕As the examples imply, some markets are local while others are national or international in scope. 这些例子表明,从范围来看,有些市场是地方性的,有些则是全国性乃至国际性的。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕His life has been the classic American success story, from rags to riches. 他由贫穷到富有的一生,成了美国经典的成功例子。〔朗文写作活用〔TIME〕As we're running short of time, let me end with just one example of what I mean. 我们时间不多了,让我仅举一个例子说明一下我的意思,并就此结束。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕France produces some of the world's best dessert wines, and this is an excellent example. 法国出产世界上最好的餐后甜酒,这就是一个出色的例子。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕The fox is a good example of a wild animal that has adapted to living in towns. 这种狐狸是野生动物适应了城市生活的好例子。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕The invention of the X-ray was a classic case of discovering something by accident. X射线的发明是偶然发现某物的典型例子。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕There've been so many cases of malingering that now you need a doctor's note if you're absent. 装病的例子太多了,现在如果你缺席的话就需要有医生的证明。朗文写作活用〔assume〕In this example we have assumed a unit price of $10.在这个例子中,我们已假定单价为 10 元。牛津高阶〔barrel〕Slang An act or an instance of moving rapidly, often recklessly, in a motor vehicle.【俚语】 莽撞行驶:机动车高速且常莽撞行驶的过程或例子美国传统〔case〕In many cases religious persecution is the cause of people fleeing their country. A case in point is colonial India.在很多情况下, 宗教迫害是导致人们逃奔异国他乡的原因。殖民地时期的印度就是一个典型例子。外研社新世纪〔cast〕The act or an instance of casting or throwing.扔,掷:掷或者抛的动作或例子美国传统〔cite〕Can you cite another case like this one?你能举出另一个像这样的例子吗?21世纪英汉〔classic〕Their romance is a classic case of opposites attracting.他们的风流韵事是异性相吸的典型例子。麦克米伦高阶〔cog〕An instance of cheating; a swindle.诈骗:一个欺诈的例子;诈取美国传统〔colour〕The examples chosen add colour to the writing.所选的例子为作品增色不少。麦克米伦高阶〔concrete〕It's helpful to have concrete examples of how words are used in context.具体的例子有助于了解词语在上下文中的使用。韦氏高阶〔counterexample〕An example that refutes or disproves a hypothesis, proposition, or theorem.反例证:对某种假设、命题或定理进行反驳或推翻的例子美国传统〔cozenage〕An act or example of cozening.欺诈:欺诈的行为或例子美国传统〔crosscut〕An example of the cinematic technique of interweaving fragments of two or more scenes.交叉剪接:把两个或多个场面的片断交叉连接起来的电影技巧的一个例子美国传统〔denote〕In this example ‘X’ denotes the time taken and ‘Y’ denotes the distance covered.在这个例子中,X 表示所用的时间,Y 表示所行的距离。牛津高阶〔display〕An instance of such behavior.这种行为的例子美国传统〔dive〕The act or an instance of submerging, as of a submarine or a skin diver.潜水:潜水的动作或例子,如潜水艇或裸潜者美国传统〔double negative〕The phrase "a not unfamiliar situation" is an example of a double negative.短语“一种并非不熟悉的情况”就是一个双重否定的例子。剑桥高阶〔dunk〕The act or an instance of dunking.浸的动作或例子美国传统〔economy〕An example or result of such management; a saving.积蓄:此种经营的例子或结果;积蓄美国传统〔ellipsis〕An example of ellipsis is "What percentage was left?" "20." (= 20 percent) 省略的一个例子是:“还剩下百分之几?”“二十。”剑桥高阶〔example〕Fisher used a hypothetical example to illustrate his point.费舍尔用了一个假设的例子来说明自己的观点。牛津搭配〔example〕He uses a number of historical examples to support his thesis.他援用了历史上的若干例子证明自己的论点。牛津搭配〔example〕Many sports are still dominated by men – football is an obvious example.很多体育项目依然是男子的天下——足球便是一个明显的例子。麦克米伦高阶〔example〕The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital.医生们列举了很多病人被赶出医院的例子。外研社新世纪〔example〕The leaflet includes several examples of bad grammar.这个小册子里包含几个语法错误的例子。牛津搭配〔example〕This is a classic example of a badly designed building.这栋大楼是拙劣设计的典型例子。牛津搭配〔example〕Twenty-seven examples are presented in this video.这个录像中举了 27 个例子。牛津搭配〔exemplify〕The bank's collapse exemplifies the risks of large-scale currency dealing.这家银行的倒闭是反映大规模货币交易的风险的典型例子。麦克米伦高阶〔extreme〕The extreme case was Poland, where 29 parties won seats.极端的例子是波兰,共有29个政党拥有议席。柯林斯高阶〔fantasy〕An example of such fiction.这种作品的例子美国传统〔fetch〕The act or an instance of fetching.带来:拿来的行动或例子美国传统〔flow〕Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text.例子太多会使行文不流畅。牛津高阶〔four〕The example is on all fours with the other.这个例子与另一个例子完全对应。英汉大词典〔giveaway〕The act or an instance of giving something away, especially the appropriation of natural resources or public lands for private gain.让渡,转让:送出某种东西的动作或例子,尤指为了个人利益占用自然资源或公共的土地美国传统〔guess〕An act or instance of guessing.猜测:猜测的例子或行为美国传统〔illustrate〕A complicated rule can be illustrated by a simple example.复杂的规则能用简单的例子来说明。英汉大词典〔illustrate〕This consequence can be illustrated by a simple example.这种后果可以用一个简单的例子来说明。牛津搭配〔illustration〕The illustrations that he provided in his speech were very effective.他在演讲中所举的例子很有用。韦氏高阶〔inapplicable〕I find this example inapplicable for comparison.我发现这个例子不适于作比较用。英汉大词典〔instance〕Give me an instance of what you mean.举个例子说明你的意思。牛津同义词〔instance〕This is an instance of his general attitude to his employees.这个例子表明了他对待雇员的惯常态度。牛津搭配〔instance〕To demonstrate or show by an example; exemplify.例示:用例子来说明或证明;例证美国传统〔key〕The exercises are keyed to examples at the end of the chapter.这些练习与本章最后的例子相关。外研社新世纪〔layout〕The act or an instance of laying out.安排,规划:安排或规划的行为或例子美国传统〔legion〕Examples of this are legion.这样的例子数不胜数。麦克米伦高阶〔lesson〕An experience, example, or observation that imparts beneficial new knowledge or wisdom.经验,教训:能给人以有益的新知识或智慧的经历、例子或见闻美国传统〔let〕Let me give you an example.让我来举一个例子吧。牛津高阶〔let〕Let me give you one quick example.我给你举个简单的例子。柯林斯高阶〔living〕He is living proof that not all engineers are boring.并非所有工程师都缺乏情趣,他就是活生生的例子。牛津高阶〔living〕I'm living proof that you don't need a college degree to be successful.没有大学学位也能获得成功,我就是一个活生生的例子。朗文当代〔malpractice〕The act or an instance of improper practice.不端行为:不良行为的行动或例子美国传统〔miniaturization〕The silicon chip is a classic example of the benefits of miniaturization.硅片是体现微型化所带来的裨益的一个经典例子。剑桥高阶〔narration〕The act, process, or an instance of narrating.叙述:叙述的行为、过程或例子美国传统〔ne plus ultra〕In its day, the ship was the ne plus ultra of steam navigation.在当时,这艘船是蒸汽船航行最出色的例子。剑桥高阶〔nomination〕The act or an instance of appointing a person to office.任命:指派某人到一职位的行为或例子美国传统〔notification〕The act or an instance of notifying.通告,通知:通知、通告、宣告的行为或例子美国传统〔object〕The plans are an object lesson in how to ruin a city.在如何毁掉一座城市方面,这些规划是引以为戒的例子。牛津搭配〔obscurity〕An instance of being imperfectly known or difficult to understand.难于理解的:不被清楚知晓或难于理解的例子美国传统〔omission〕The act or an instance of omitting.省略,删除:省略的行为或例子美国传统〔pertinent〕These examples are directly pertinent to the question asked.这些例子与提出的问题直接相关。牛津搭配〔pet〕The example is chosen solely for its aptness in illustrating the current pet theory of the critic.选择这个例子仅仅是因为它能说明这位评论家目前最钟爱的理论。柯林斯高阶〔poacher〕It's going to be a case of poacher turned gamekeeper for the former headmaster.前校长就是由违法人员转变为执法者的一个例子。外研社新世纪〔projection〕An example of projection is when someone thinks that everyone hates them because they hate themselves.情感投射的一个例子是,有些人自己都不喜欢自己,所以认为所有人也不喜欢他们。韦氏高阶〔purchase〕The act or an instance of buying.购买:购买的动作或例子美国传统〔rag〕Hers was a classic tale of rags to riches.她的经历是从赤贫到富有的一个典型例子。牛津高阶〔replete〕History is replete with examples of populations out of control.历史上人口失控的例子比比皆是。外研社新世纪〔ripper〕Slang One that is an excellent example of its kind.【俚语】 非同寻常者,优秀者:是此类中绝好例子者美国传统〔row〕The act or an instance of rowing.划:划船的动作或例子美国传统〔score〕The act or an instance of buying illicit drugs.走私禁药:购买非法毒品的行为或例子美国传统〔serve〕A single example serves to illustrate what I mean.只需举一个例子就可以说明我的意思。朗文当代〔shifting〕The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations.伊洛卡的克罗地亚小镇就是人口不停流动的典型例子。柯林斯高阶〔stomp on sb/sth〕This is another example of the big companies joining together to stomp on small businesses.这是大公司联合起来挤垮小企业的又一个例子。剑桥高阶〔stylebook〕A book giving rules and examples of usage, punctuation, and typography, used in preparation of copy for publication.排印手册:说明铅字、标点符合、字体等印刷规格及给出例子的书,在准备出版印刷时使用美国传统〔suffice〕Her example alone should suffice to show that anything is possible.单是她的例子就足以说明一切皆有可能。韦氏高阶〔take〕Lots of couples have problems in the first year of marriage. Take Ann and Paul.在婚后头一年里,许多夫妇都出现一些问题。安和保罗就是个例子。牛津高阶〔take〕They just want attention. For instance, take the way they wear their hair.他们只是想引人注意,他们理的发型就是个例子。韦氏高阶〔teeoff〕The act or an instance of teeing off in golf.发球:高尔夫比赛中发球的动作或例子美国传统〔textbook〕The advertising campaign was a textbook example of how to sell a product.这个广告活动是如何销售产品的一个标准例子。朗文当代〔trade〕The act or an instance of buying or selling; transaction.交易:购买或销售的行为或例子;交易美国传统An early example of privatizatioin was the enclosure of public land for private use by wealthy landlords.私有化的一个早期例子是公共土地被富有的地主圈起来作为私用。剑桥国际Captain Scott's example inspired them ( with the determination) to reach the South Pole on foot.斯科特上校的例子鼓舞着他们(有决心)徒步到达南极。剑桥国际Cases of human infestation with this parasite are relatively rare.这种寄生虫寄生人体的例子是比较罕见的。剑桥国际It is invidious to single out specific examples of failure and ignore the overall success of the project.挑出这个项目中具体的失败例子而忽视其整体上的成功是会引起不满的。剑桥国际The building is a classic case/example of poor-quality housing -- it is badly designed and has been built using cheap materials.这幢房子是劣质住宅的典型实例/例子----它设计得很难看,又是用廉价材料建造的。剑桥国际The most striking example of the dangers of nationalism is the violence that engulfed the former Yugoslavia.民族主义危险最突出的例子是席卷前南斯拉夫的暴力行动。剑桥国际These are unhealthy examples for the young. 这些例子对年轻人有害。译典通This example underlines the consequences of bad management. 这个例子突显了管理不好的后果。译典通This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency. 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。译典通This is only a hypothetical example (= not one that really exists), but it will help us to consider the problem.虽然只是一个假设的例子,但它对我们考虑这个问题会有帮助。剑桥国际We have examples from Britain and elsewhere.我们有从不列颠和别的地方得来的例子。剑桥国际




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