

单词 几家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕European Court decisions have forced several employers to climb down and change their policy on women's pay. 欧洲法院的判决已经迫使好几家雇主作出让步,在妇女报酬问题上改变政策。朗文写作活用〔FIRE〕Eleven homes and several businesses were destroyed in the inferno. 11户人家和几家商店毁于火海之中。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕We are all heartened by the news that several families had already reached safety. 听说有几家人已经到达安全的地方,我们大伙儿都振作起来。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕There are some good restaurants around here, but I can't tell you their names off the top of my head. 附近有几家不错的餐馆,可我一时说不上它们的名字。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Kylie soon became a familiar figure at some of London's top fashion stores. 凯莉很快就成了伦敦的几家顶级时装店的常客。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕Two car windows were broken and minor damage was done to some shops. 两扇车窗被打破,有几家商店遭到轻微破坏。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Elsa contacted several companies to ask if they could offer her part-time work. 埃尔莎联系了几家公司,问他们是否能给她兼职工作。朗文写作活用〔acquisitive〕It has been one of the most acquisitive firms in recent times, buying over a dozen businesses in the last 18 months.该公司是近年来收购行为最为频繁的公司之一,在过去18个月内收购了十几家公司。剑桥高阶〔ally〕This bank is allied with several others.这家银行与另外几家银行有业务联系。英汉大词典〔ancestor〕Our grandfathers ancestored some of the well-known families in Beijing.我们的祖父辈是北京几家望族的祖先。21世纪英汉〔apply〕I applied in writing to several different companies.我向几家公司递交了书面申请。韦氏高阶〔approach〕I have already been approached by several other companies (=offered a job, work etc) .其他几家公司已经同我联系过。朗文当代〔appropriately〕Several other newspapers have appropriated the idea.另外有几家报社已盗用了这个创意。柯林斯高阶〔bid〕Several local companies are bidding for the same job.几家当地公司投标,争做同一项工作。韦氏高阶〔blistering〕Families were made to wait in the blistering midday sun for hours.几家人被迫在正午炽热的阳光下等了几个小时。外研社新世纪〔board〕He sits on the board of several companies.他担任几家公司的董事长。麦克米伦高阶〔bop〕There are a couple of decent clubs where you can go for a bop.有几家还不错的夜总会可以去跳舞。剑桥高阶〔break〕There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies.有计划要把这家公司分拆成几家独立的小公司。朗文当代〔brick-and-mortar〕They have a Web site as well as several brick-and-mortar stores.他们有一家网站和几家实体店。韦氏高阶〔call〕Several of the newspapers were calling for his resignation.几家报纸都要求他辞职。麦克米伦高阶〔close〕There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.附近有几家挺不错的咖啡馆和一家餐馆。牛津高阶〔combination〕The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.这家公司与几家海外合伙人在联合开发新产品。牛津高阶〔combine〕The companies combined to negotiate a loan.那几家公司联合起来商谈一笔贷款。英汉大词典〔company〕He has shares in several companies.他在几家公司都有股份。牛津搭配〔compete〕Several companies are competing for the contract.为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。牛津高阶〔completion〕The companies will announce the completion of their merger tomorrow.这几家公司将于明天宣布合并完成。外研社新世纪〔coordinate〕A number of charities are coordinating their efforts to distribute food to the region.几家慈善机构通力协作为该地区分发食品。剑桥高阶〔corporation〕He works as a consultant for/to several large corporations.他为几家大公司担当顾问。韦氏高阶〔cut〕Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment.现在有几家大医院正在裁员。朗文当代〔dicker for〕Several movie studios are dickering for the rights to her life story.几家电影制片厂正在为取得她的生活小说的拍摄权而讨价还价。21世纪英汉〔dowse〕We dowse oil and ore in South America for big companies.我们在南美洲用占卜杖为几家大公司探测石油和矿石。外研社新世纪〔drapery〕My mother ran a couple of drapery shops.我母亲经营着几家布料店。柯林斯高阶〔drop〕Some of these corporations threaten to sue at the drop of a hat.这些大公司中有几家威胁说要马上提出诉讼。朗文当代〔enter〕Several new firms have now entered the market.有几家新公司已打入市场。牛津高阶〔entry-level〕Several companies are offering new, entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers.几家公司正推出新的入门级产品, 期望吸引更多的顾客。外研社新世纪〔entry-level〕Several companies are offering new, entry-level models in hopes of attracting more buyers.几家公司正推出新的入门级产品,期望吸引更多的顾客。柯林斯高阶〔finance〕Several banks are providing finance for the project.有几家银行为该项目提供资金。牛津搭配〔follow〕The factory closure follows hard on the heels of several others.这家工厂紧随其他几家工厂倒闭了。麦克米伦高阶〔fracture〕The company was fractured into several smaller groups.这家公司被支解成几家小公司。牛津高阶〔front〕Several trading companies were set up in the early 1960s to act as fronts for money-laundering operations.20世纪60年代早期成立了几家贸易公司,目的是为洗钱作掩护。剑桥高阶〔good〕There are some good restaurants in this neighborhood.这附近有几家好餐馆。韦氏高阶〔ill-affected〕Some of the newspapers seem to be ill-affected toward the new cabinet.有几家报纸对内阁似乎不抱好感。文馨英汉〔imprudent〕The banks made hundreds of imprudent loans in the 1970s.20 世纪 70 年代那几家银行轻率地发放了几百笔贷款。朗文当代〔inaction〕Several newspapers have criticized the President for inaction.好几家报纸批评总统无所作为。朗文当代〔injured〕The injured were taken to several nearby hospitals.伤者被送到附近几家医院。剑桥高阶〔label〕The band has made records for/on/with several different labels in their career.这支乐队在他们的演艺生涯中已经为/在/和几家不同的唱片公司录制过唱片。韦氏高阶〔leader〕The tour leader suggested several restaurants in the area.旅行团的向导推荐了当地的几家饭店。韦氏高阶〔management〕The managements of several top corporations met yesterday.几家顶尖公司的管理层于昨天会面。韦氏高阶〔mooch around/about〕We mooched around at some antique stores and then went to a café.我们闲逛了几家古玩店,然后去了咖啡馆。韦氏高阶〔notice〕A few guest houses had 'No Vacancies' notices in their windows.有几家旅社在窗户上贴出了“客满”的告示。柯林斯高阶〔outclass〕Few city hotels can outclass the Hotel de Crillon.没有几家城市酒店能与克里雍大饭店媲美。外研社新世纪〔partnership〕The company is developing a new car in partnership with leading auto manufacturers in Japan.公司正在与日本的几家主要汽车生产商合作开发一种新型轿车。韦氏高阶〔pocket〕Few companies can afford, out of pocket, to pay staff salaries.没有几家公司有能力用手头现款来给职员发工资。英汉大词典〔pocket〕Some people had gained control of a handful of banks to line their own pockets.有些人控制了几家银行,以便从中牟取暴利。英汉大词典〔press-agantry〕She was press-agenting for several large companies.她为几家大公司担任宣传员。21世纪英汉〔pull〕Several political parties vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves.几家政党相互争着为自己多拉选票。21世纪英汉〔redeem〕This voucher can be redeemed for a free meal at several local restaurants.这张代金券可以在几家当地餐厅兑换免费餐。韦氏高阶〔reoffer〕He acquired a quarter of the shares sold and reoffered them to Canadian buyers.他取得了售出股票的¼,然后再重新开价出售给加拿大几家买主。英汉大词典〔report〕Several TV stations are reporting that the police are close to making an arrest.几家电视台报道称警方即将实施抓捕。韦氏高阶〔road〕There're shops just down the road.就在这条街上不远的地方有几家商店。英汉大词典〔rush sth out〕When the war started, several publishers rushed out books on the conflict.战争一爆发,几家出版社就迅速出版了一批有关这场冲突的书。剑桥高阶〔sell〕Only a few stores sell that type of equipment.那种类型的设备只在少数几家商店销售。韦氏高阶〔shop around〕She is shopping around for a bank with low fees.她走了几家银行,想找家手续费低的。韦氏高阶〔shop〕I'm shopping around for a new winter coat.我逛了好几家商店,想买一件冬天穿的新外套。麦克米伦高阶〔slip along〕He has just slipped along to the shops.他刚刚走马观花地逛了几家店铺。外研社新世纪〔slug it out〕The companies are slugging it out in court.几家公司要在法庭上一决雌雄。韦氏高阶〔snaffle〕The company grew by snaffling up several smaller businesses.这家公司是靠一气吞并几家小公司而发展起来的。剑桥高阶〔sniff around/round〕Rival companies have been sniffing around her for years.多年来几家竞争公司一直在寻求她加盟。韦氏高阶〔support〕Several major companies are supporting the project.几家大公司正在对这一项目提供资助。牛津高阶〔test sth out〕The students tested out their cost-cutting ideas in several companies.学生们在几家公司试验了他们降低成本的构想。剑桥高阶〔textile〕Johnstons was one of a dozen textile factories in the town.约翰斯顿是镇上十几家纺织厂中的一个。外研社新世纪〔trial〕We will trial the new drug in several hospitals.我们将在几家医院试用这种新药。剑桥高阶〔try〕I tried several hotels, but there were no rooms available.我试着问了几家旅馆,但都没有空房。韦氏高阶〔veto〕She vetoed several restaurants before we could agree on one.她否决了好几家餐馆之后我们才在一家达成了一致。韦氏高阶〔vicinity〕There are several hotels in the immediate vicinity of the station.就在车站附近有好几家旅馆。剑桥高阶〔wall〕Since the war,several magazines have gone to the wall.自战争开始以来,已有几家杂志停刊了。英汉大词典〔wander〕We wandered through the stores, hoping to get ideas for his birthday present.我们在那几家商店兜了一圈,希望得到些启发,看给他送什么生日礼物为好。英汉大词典He holds several company directorships (= the position of being a director).他担任几家公司的董事。剑桥国际He owned several bars in the city and ran an illegal gambling joint.他在城里有几家酒吧并经营一家非法赌场。剑桥国际Her libel actions against several newspapers have won her a reputation for litigiousness.她针对几家报纸的诽谤而采取诉讼的行动使她招来了爱打官司的名声。剑桥国际In the 1980s, several companies switched their attention to the US market.八十年代好几家公司都将目光转向美国市场。剑桥国际Parts of the report were printed in several newspapers.报告的部分内容被刊登在几家报纸上。牛津商务Several companies have disclosed profits of over £200 million.几家公司已经公布了其超过二亿镑的利润。剑桥国际Several insurance companies are now touting their services/wares on local radio.几家保险公司现在用当地的广播为他们的服务/产品作宣传。剑桥国际Several major companies are supporting the project.几家大公司为此项目提供资助。牛津商务Several more companies have entered the fray to win the contract.又有几家公司加入角逐,争取这份合同。牛津商务Several television stations gave spot coverage to the conference. 好几家电视台对大会作了现场报导。译典通She was the subject of laudatory (= expressing praise) articles in several New York magazines.她是几家纽约杂志的文章称赞的对象。剑桥国际The brothers formed a successful partnership that ran several restaurants in the area.这些兄弟成功地合伙在该地区开设了好几家餐馆。牛津商务The firm amalgamated with several others to form a new electronics group.这公司与其他几家公司合并,组建新的电子产品集团。牛津商务The mobile phone market is dominated by a handful of very large companies.移动电话市场被少数几家很大的公司所支配。牛津商务The retired executive consults for several large companies. 那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。译典通There are several bed and breakfast places near the station.车站附近有几家提供床位和早餐的旅馆。剑桥国际There are several good bed and breakfasts in the area.这地区有几家很不错,可提供住宿加早餐的旅馆。牛津商务There are several hotels in the vicinity of the station.在车站的周围有好几家旅馆。剑桥国际There were pictures of emaciated families on the cover of the magazine.杂志封面上是面黄饥瘦的几家人的照片。剑桥国际They have been maligned in the gossip columns of several newspapers.他们受到几家报刊的漫谈专栏的污蔑。剑桥国际They have sold several stores to try to pay back bank borrowings.他们已经出售几家商店以偿还银行贷款额。牛津商务You should get quotations from several plumbers for having a shower put in.请人装淋浴器,你应该从几家水管公司问价。剑桥国际Youths ram-raided several shops in the city centre.几名年轻人在市中心驾车闯店偷了几家商店。剑桥国际




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