

单词 去时
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DIE〕when someone dies 某人死去时朗文写作活用〔Kyrie〕eleēson [aorist imperative of] elein [to show mercy] from eleos [mercy] eleēson elein的不定过去时祈使语气动词 [显示怜悯] 源自 eleos [怜悯] 美国传统〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕buildings that reflect the elegance of a bygone era 反映了一个过去时代的典雅风格的建筑朗文写作活用〔attitudinal〕the attitudinal past 表示说话人态度的过去时(指不是用以表示时间而是用于婉语,如: Did you want to see me now?)英汉大词典〔bide〕past tense bided To await; wait for. 【过去时态】 bided 等待;等候…美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid Games To state one's intention to take (tricks of a certain number or suit in cards): 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 【游戏】 叫牌:陈述要(某一花色或赢墩数目)的意愿:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To make an offer to pay or accept a specified price: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 投标:出价或接受某一特定的价格:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To offer (someone) membership, as in a group or club: 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 成为会员:接受为某一团体或俱乐部的成员:美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To offer or propose (an amount) as a price. 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 出价:提出或建议一个数量作为价格美国传统〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To seek to win or attain something; strive. 【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 力求:企图得到或赢得某物;力求美国传统〔cover〕if I go outside without my head covered如果我出去时没戴帽子外研社新世纪〔day〕the men of other days 过去时代的人们英汉大词典〔dusty〕the dusty precepts of a bygone era. 过去时代的枯燥戒律美国传统〔fly〕past tense and past participle flied[flīd] Baseball To hit a fly ball. 【过去时态与过去分词】 flied[flīd] 【棒球】 击高飞球美国传统〔idol〕a matinee idol of a bygone era 一个逝去时代的妇女戏剧偶像牛津搭配〔idyll〕when the initial romantic idyll fades当最初的浪漫激情渐渐退去时外研社新世纪〔outlaw〕outlaw a debt 使债务失去时效英汉大词典〔pay〕past tense and past participle paid or payed [pād] To let out (a line or cable) by slackening. 【过去时态与过去分词】 paid 或 payed [pād] 慢慢放松:通过松开使(绳索或缆绳)脱出美国传统〔sigh〕probably back-formation from sighte [past tense of] siken [to sigh] 可能源自 sighte的逆成词 siken的过去时 [叹气] 美国传统〔stick〕past tense and past participle sticked Printing To set (type) in a composing stick. 【过去时态与过去分词】 sticked 【印刷术】 (把铅字)排入排字盘中美国传统〔stick〕past tense and past participle sticked[stĭkt] To prop (a plant) with sticks or brush on which to grow. 【过去时态与过去分词】 sticked[stĭkt] 用棍子或树枝支撑(植物)使其在上面生长美国传统〔weave〕past tense weaved To make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side: 【过去时态】 weaved 使迂回行进:弯弯曲曲地进进出出或从一连到另一边地行路:美国传统〔weave〕past tense weaved To move in and out or sway from side to side. 【过去时态】 weaved 穿行,摇晃着前进:进进出出或从一边到另一边地摆动美国传统




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