

单词 rest with
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕The responsibility for the accident must, in the last analysis, rest with the captain. 归根结底,这起事故肯定是船长的责任。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕Responsibility for any military operation always rested with the commander. 要进行任何军事行动,其责任总是落在指挥官身上。朗文写作活用〔DECIDE〕The committee has made certain recommendations, but the final decision rests with the President. 委员会已经提出了一些建议,但还是得由总统来作最终的决定。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕Legislative authority rests with parliament. 立法机关是国会。朗文写作活用〔decision〕The decision about/on whether he is innocent or guilty rests with the jury.他是否有罪要由陪审团来裁决。剑桥高阶〔officer〕The decision rests with the ranking officer (= the most senior officer present).决定要由在场的级别最高的军官作出。牛津搭配〔power〕The real legislative power still rests with the lower chamber.真正的立法权仍然在下议院手中。牛津搭配〔responsibility〕Ultimate responsibility rests with the president.由总统承担最终的责任。牛津搭配〔rest with sb/sth〕Our hopes rest with you.我们的希望寄托在你身上。剑桥高阶〔rest with sb〕The authority to call an emergency meeting rests with the president.召集紧急会议的权力在总统手中。剑桥高阶〔rest with〕All power rests with the people.一切权力属于人民。21世纪英汉〔rest with〕But much of the blame rests with simple lack of sleep.但主要原因就是睡眠不足。外研社新世纪〔rest with〕It rests with him to make the most of the opportunities available.要充分利用现有的机会还得靠他。外研社新世纪〔rest with〕It rests with the headmaster to make the decision.决策要由校长来制定。21世纪英汉〔rest with〕The final decision rested with the president.最终的决定要由总统作出。外研社新世纪〔rest with〕The final decision rests with you.最终决定由你定夺。韦氏高阶〔rest with〕The matter rests with you.这件事取决于你了。21世纪英汉〔rest〕Her fate rests with her father.她的命运全在父亲的手中。21世纪英汉〔rest〕It rests with management to justify their actions.管理部门应当为他们的行动说出个道理来。牛津高阶〔rest〕It rests with the chairperson to decide.决定权在于主席。文馨英汉〔rest〕It rests with you to propose terms.条件要由你来提出。英汉大词典〔rest〕Responsibility for child care rests with social services.社会服务部门担负儿童保育的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕Supreme authority rests with the people.最高权力属于人民。英汉大词典〔rest〕The answer (decision) rests with you.回答(决定)由你负责裁夺。英汉大词典〔rest〕The blame rests with each of us.过失的责任在我们每一个人的身上。英汉大词典〔rest〕The decision rests with him.决定权操在他的手里。文馨英汉〔rest〕The decision ultimately rests with the council.决定最终由理事会作出。牛津搭配〔rest〕The final decision rests with the President.得由总统作最后的决定。朗文当代〔rest〕The final decision rests with the chairperson.由主席做最后决定美国传统〔rest〕The final decision rests with the doctors.要由医生作出最后决定。牛津高阶〔rest〕The final decision rests with the general manager.最后的决策要由总经理来决定。21世纪英汉〔rest〕The matter now rests with the medical committee.这事现在由医学委员会负责。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕The prisoner's fate rests with them (或 in their hands).囚犯的命运由他们发落裁决。英汉大词典〔rest〕The real authority rests with the committee.实权掌握在委员会手中。韦氏高阶〔sit〕To rest with the hindquarters lowered onto a supporting surface. Used of animals.骑:后腿弯曲地坐在某支撑面上。用于表述动物美国传统〔sit〕To rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks.坐:躯干直立并且用臀部支持身体的静止美国传统〔ultimately〕Ultimately, the decision rests with the child's parents.最终,决定权是在这孩子的父母身上。朗文当代〔ultimate〕The ultimate decision rests with the Public Health Service.最后的决定权属于公共卫生部。朗文当代〔with〕It rested with me to decide.=The decision rested [was] with me.决定的权力在我手中。文馨英汉〔with〕It rests with you to decide.这事由你决定。英汉大词典A defendant is innocent until proven guilty, and the onus of proof rests with the prosecution.在证明有罪之前被告是无辜的,而证明的责任则落在原告一方。剑桥国际Mrs. Whitman rests with her husband. 惠特曼太太与先生长眠一处。译典通Responsibility for dealing with such issues rests with senior management.处理这类问题的责任在高级管理人员身上。牛津商务The authority to call an emergency meeting rests with the president (= The president is the only person who has the authority to do this).召集紧急会议的权力属于总裁。剑桥国际The decision rests with you. 由你作决定。译典通The decision about/on whether he is innocent or guilty rests with the jury.判决他是无辜的还是有罪的取决于陪审团。剑桥国际The decision whether he is innocent or guilty rests with the jury. 判决他是无辜的还是有罪的取决于陪审团。剑桥国际




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