

单词 信任
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ADMIRE〕a relationship built on trust and mutual respect 建立在互相信任、互相尊重的基础上的一种关系朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕to believe that someone is able to do something and can be trusted 相信某人能做某事并可以信任朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕the feeling that you can trust someone 可以信任某人的感觉朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕ways of describing someone who you do not trust 描述你不信任的人的词语朗文写作活用〔absolute〕absolute confidence/trust/silence/truth 充满信心;绝对信任;万籁俱寂;绝对真实牛津高阶〔bankrupt〕an administration that bankrupted its credibility by seeking to manipulate the news. 由于政府想掩盖事实,人们已失去了对政府的信任美国传统〔barrier〕a barrier of distrust不信任的障碍外研社新世纪〔border〕a feeling of mistrust bordering on hatred 近似憎恨的不信任感麦克米伦高阶〔cancerous〕cancerous distrust 日益增长的不信任英汉大词典〔childlike〕a childlike trust in people’s goodness.以为人是善良的天真的信任。牛津同义词〔command〕command respect (confidence) 博得尊敬(信任) 英汉大词典〔confidence〕an environment which builds mutual confidence 有助于建立相互信任的环境牛津搭配〔confidence〕break sb.'s confidence 辜负某人的信任英汉大词典〔confidence〕efforts to build confidence between employers and unions 在雇主和工会之间建立信任的努力牛津搭配〔confidence〕have confidence in a leader 信任领导人英汉大词典〔confidence〕the school's campaign to win back the confidence of parents 学校试图赢回家长信任的活动朗文当代〔credential〕credentials Evidence or testimonials concerning one's right to credit, confidence, or authority: credentials 证件:关于某人可以相信、信任或具有权力的证件或证明书:美国传统〔deep-rooted〕a deep-rooted suspicion of lawyers 对律师根深蒂固的不信任朗文当代〔distrust〕distrust between the two governments 两国政府之间的不信任牛津搭配〔distrust〕investor distrust in the equity markets 投资者对股市的不信任牛津搭配〔engender〕relationships that engender trust in children 对孩子产生信任的关系朗文当代〔gulf〕a gulf of doubt and mistrust between A and B 甲与乙之间怀疑与不信任的鸿沟英汉大词典〔his〕humble faith in God, and trust in His Church. 对上帝的谦卑信仰和对教会的信任柯林斯高阶〔hope〕to hope in the great master信任大师21世纪英汉〔insinuate〕to insinuate oneself into one's confidence巧妙地取得某人的信任21世纪英汉〔instinctive〕an instinctive feeling of distrust 不信任的直觉麦克米伦高阶〔loose-lipped〕a loose-lipped confidant; too loose-lipped to be trusted. 无话不谈的知己;太口无遮拦,令人无法信任美国传统〔misdoubt〕misdoubt one's own ability 不信任自己的能力英汉大词典〔misplaced〕misplaced fears/loyalty/trust 不应有的恐惧/忠诚/信任麦克米伦高阶〔no-confidence〕fears that he may lose a vote of no-confidence in parliament 对他可能在议会中被投不信任票而输掉的担心朗文当代〔nonconfidence〕a vote of nonconfidence 不信任投票文馨英汉〔nourish〕a friendship nourished by trust 靠信任培养起来的友谊韦氏高阶〔otherwise〕that minority of lawyers who criminally or otherwise betray their clients' trust那些通过犯罪或其他方式辜负委托人信任的少数律师外研社新世纪〔plight〕a mutual plight of faith 相互信任的誓约英汉大词典〔restore〕restore confidence in and stability to the pound 恢复对英镑的信任及其稳定性 英汉大词典〔slant〕to slant a story to discredit the Administrations发表引起对政府不信任的新闻报道21世纪英汉〔trust〕a relationship based on trust 建立在信任基础上的关系牛津搭配〔trust〕public trust in police officers 公众对警务人员的信任麦克米伦高阶〔understanding〕greater understanding between sb/sth and sb/sth…与…之间更好的理解和信任外研社新世纪〔unreservedly〕trust sb. unreservedly 无保留地信任某人英汉大词典




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