

单词 先约
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appointment〕Viewing of the property is by appointment only.按约定时间;按事先约定麦克米伦高阶〔dot〕I was there on the dot of four, as agreed.我按照事先约好的时间4点整到达那里。麦克米伦高阶〔fair catch〕A catch of a punt on the fly by a defensive player who has signaled that he or she will not run with the ball and who therefore may not be tackled.完全接球:一个队员接到一个凌空踢过来的球,但已经预先约定的信号是这个队员不准备带球前进因此不会受到对方的阻挡美国传统〔prearranged〕At a prearranged signal, everyone stood up.一见到事先约定的信号,大家都站了起来。朗文当代〔prearranged〕They met at a prearranged time and place.他们在预先约定的时间和地点见了面。韦氏高阶〔prearrangement〕They met by prearrangement at the restaurant.他们按照预先约定在餐厅见了面。韦氏高阶〔preconcerted〕At a preconcerted signal the policemen rushed in.事先约好的信号一发,那些警察就冲了进去。文馨英汉〔preconcert〕We all got out of the room as if by preconcert.我们大家好像事先约定似的全都走出房间。英汉大词典〔prior〕I have a prior engagement.我有一项先约。文馨英汉〔rendezvous〕Boats picked us up at pre-arranged rendezvous.船在预先约定的地点接我们。朗文当代〔rendezvous〕To cause to assemble or to assemble at a prearranged time and place.在指定的地点集合:使在预先约定的时间和地点集结美国传统〔signal〕At a prearranged signal, everyone started cheering.看到预先约好的信号,大家都开始欢呼起来。牛津搭配〔walk-in〕One who walks in without having an appointment.不速之客:没有事先约定就闯进的人美国传统At a predetermined time, three groups of soldiers will simultaneously attack different places.按预先约定的时间,三组士兵将同时袭击不同的地点。剑桥国际Time is getting on and we're meant to be there by eight o'clock.时间渐晚,而按照预先约定,我们应在8点钟前赶到那儿。剑桥国际




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