

单词 beverages
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRINK〕Non-alcoholic beverages will be on sale in the foyer. 不含酒精饮料将在休息厅内有售。朗文写作活用〔abstinence〕Abstention from alcoholic beverages.戒酒,控制饮酒美国传统〔alcoholism〕The compulsive consumption of and psychophysiological dependence on alcoholic beverages.酗酒:嗜好饮用酒精饮料及对其在心理和生理上产生的依赖美国传统〔aversion〕Her aversion to alcohol consumption caused her to shun all social gatherings where such beverages would be served.对酒类消费的厌恶感使她避开所有可能卖酒的社交活动场所美国传统〔barkeeper〕A person who owns or operates a bar for the sale of alcoholic beverages.酒吧间老板:拥有或掌管酒吧以卖酒类饮料的人美国传统〔barroom〕A room or building in which alcoholic beverages are sold at a bar.酒吧间:内设出售酒类饮料的酒吧柜台的房间或建筑美国传统〔beverage〕Beverages are listed on the back of the menu.饮料列在菜单背面。韦氏高阶〔beverage〕Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.酒店的公共休息室供应含酒精饮料。外研社新世纪〔beverage〕Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.酒店的公共休息室出售酒精饮料。柯林斯高阶〔beverage〕Hot beverages include tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.热饮包括茶、咖啡和热巧克力饮料。剑桥高阶〔beverage〕We do not sell alcoholic beverages.我们不出售含酒精的饮料。剑桥高阶〔booze〕To drink alcoholic beverages excessively or chronically.酗酒:过度地或剧烈地饮用酒精类饮料美国传统〔brasserie〕A restaurant serving alcoholic beverages, especially beer, as well as food.啤酒店:提供酒精饮料,尤指啤酒,同时也提供餐饮的餐馆美国传统〔calamondin〕The sour fruit of this plant, resembling a small tangerine and sometimes used as a flavoring or for beverages, sauces, or marmalades.柠檬:这种植物的酸味果实,与小的柑桔相似,用作调味剂或制作饮料、酱油或果酱美国传统〔can〕An airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron, in which foods or beverages are preserved.罐头:一种不透气容器,常用马口铁制成,可将食物或饮料放于其中保存美国传统〔carbonate〕Carbon dioxide is used to carbonate beverages.二氧化碳用于饮料的碳酸化。外研社新世纪〔cashew apple〕The soft, swollen, pear-shaped edible stalk of the fruit of the cashew, used for beverages, preserves, or jams.贾如树果梗:贾如树果实柔软、膨大、梨状的可食梗,用于制作饮料、蜜饯或者果酱美国传统〔cranberry〕The berries of this plant, used in sauces, jellies, relishes, and beverages.蔓越橘:这种植物的果实,可用于做果酱、果冻、调味品和饮料美国传统〔currant〕The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages.醋栗:茶 子属植物的果实,用来制作果酱、果味、甜食或饮料美国传统〔dipsomania〕An insatiable, often periodic craving for alcoholic beverages.间发性酒狂,酗酒狂:难以控制、往往周期性的对酒精饮料的渴望美国传统〔elbow-bender〕One who habitually indulges in the drinking of alcoholic beverages.酗酒者:酗酒者,经常沉溺于喝酒精饮料的人美国传统〔flip〕A mixed drink made with any of various alcoholic beverages and often including beaten eggs.混合饮料:一种由多种酒精饮料中的一种制成的混合饮料,通常还加入打过的鸡蛋美国传统〔grenadine〕A thick, sweet syrup made from pomegranates and used as a flavoring, especially in beverages.石榴汁糖浆:一种由石榴制成的浓稠的糖浆,用作调料,尤其是加在饮料中美国传统〔guzzle〕To drink, especially alcoholic beverages, greedily or habitually.大量或习惯性地饮用酒精饮料美国传统〔hit〕To engage in drinking alcoholic beverages.喝烈酒美国传统〔imbibe〕To drink alcoholic beverages.饮:喝酒精饮料美国传统〔intemperance〕Excessive use of alcoholic beverages.饮酒过度美国传统〔intemperate〕Not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in the use of alcoholic beverages.无节制的;过分的,尤其指在饮酒方面美国传统〔juicer〕Slang One who drinks liquor or alcoholic beverages habitually or excessively.【俚语】 酒鬼:习惯性地或过度地饮用烈性酒或含酒精饮料的人美国传统〔juice〕Slang To drink alcoholic beverages excessively.【俚语】 酗酒:过度饮用含酒精饮料美国传统〔liqueur〕Any of various strongly flavored alcoholic beverages typically served in small quantities after dinner.利口酒:一种味道强烈的酒精饮料,通常在饭后少量饮用美国传统〔meal ticket〕The meal ticket is $15 and includes three meals with beverages.餐券为十五美元,包括三餐和饮料。朗文当代〔nondrinker〕One who does not drink alcoholic beverages.不喝酒精饮料的人美国传统〔off-licence〕A store that sells bottles or cans of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises.无牌酒商:未经许可贩卖含瓶罐装酒精饮料的商店美国传统〔package store〕A store that sells sealed bottles of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises.销售瓶装酒的酒店:只卖密封容器盛装的酒精类饮料,让顾客离开商店喝的酒店美国传统〔permit〕This city permits the sale of alcoholic beverages.本市准许出售含酒精饮料。英汉大词典〔prohibitionist〕One in favor of outlawing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.禁酒主义者:支持将生产和销售烈性酒视为非法的人美国传统〔prohibition〕The forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.禁酒:由法律禁止生产、运输、出售和占有烈性酒美国传统〔public house〕A place, such as a tavern or bar, that is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.啤酒屋,酒馆:如客栈或酒吧等获准出售含酒精饮料的地方美国传统〔pub〕A place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and drunk.小酒馆:一种出售和饮用硬饮料的商业场所美国传统〔rectifier〕A worker who blends or dilutes whiskey or other alcoholic beverages.调酒员:混合或稀释威士忌或其它酒类饮料的工人美国传统〔returnable〕All beverages must be sold in returnable containers.所有的饮料都必须装在可回收的容器中出售。柯林斯高阶〔rum shop〕A tavern, usually selling alcoholic beverages by the bottle as well as by the drink.酒店,酒吧间:按瓶也按杯卖酒饮料的酒店美国传统〔rum〕Intoxicating beverages.酒:能使人麻醉的饮料美国传统〔small〕Diluted; weak. Used of alcoholic beverages.稀释的:被稀释过的;淡的。用来形容各种酒类美国传统〔social drinker〕A person who drinks alcoholic beverages in moderation, chiefly when socializing.社交小酌者:主要在社交场合适量饮酒的人美国传统〔spice〕Any of various pungent, aromatic plant substances, such as cinnamon or nutmeg, used to flavor foods or beverages.辛香料:一种具有刺鼻香味的植物产品,例如桂皮或肉豆蔻,用来在食物中作加香调料或作饮料的加香调料美国传统〔tavern〕An establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the premises.小酒店:允许出售只供在屋里饮用的酒精饮料的小店美国传统〔tea〕Any of various beverages, made as by steeping the leaves of certain plants or by extracting an infusion especially from beef.浸剂:各种饮料的任何一种,如通过浸泡某种植物的叶或通过提取尤其是牛肉的浸液而制成的浸剂美国传统〔teetotaler〕One who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages.绝对戒酒者:彻底戒除酒精饮料的人美国传统〔teetotal〕Of, relating to, or practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.绝对戒酒的:属于、关于或练习完全戒除酒精类饮料的美国传统〔thermos〕A vacuum bottle used to keep beverages hot or cold.热水瓶:用来保持饮品温度(冷或热)的真空瓶美国传统〔wagon〕Abstaining from alcoholic beverages.戒酒美国传统〔wagon〕No longer abstaining from alcoholic beverages.不再戒酒美国传统〔wet〕Informal One who supports the legality of the production and sale of alcoholic beverages.【非正式用语】 支持酒精饮料的生产或销售的合法地位的人美国传统Hot beverages include tea, coffee and hot chocolate.热饮料包括茶、咖啡和热巧克力饮料。剑桥国际These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages. 这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料。译典通We do not sell any alcoholic beverages.我们不出售含酒精的饮料。剑桥国际




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