

单词 切合
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming. 为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。朗文写作活用〔both〕The problem with both of these proposals is that they are hopelessly impractical.这两项提议共同的问题是都太不切合实际了。剑桥高阶〔businesslike〕His businesslike approach to the dispute was very helpful.他切合实际的解决争端的方式是十分有益的。韦氏高阶〔closely〕We are working closely with the police.我们正与警方密切合作。剑桥高阶〔closely〕We work closely with the careers officers in schools.我们和学校的就业指导员密切合作。外研社新世纪〔clued-up〕Under the tutelage of my clued-up wife, I'm starting a new, sensible regime.在见多识广的妻子的指导下, 我正开始采用一种新的、切合实际的管理方法。外研社新世纪〔collaborate〕He worked in close collaboration with French scientists.他与法国科学家密切合作。韦氏高阶〔collaborate〕We have collaborated closely with the university on this project.我们与该大学在这个项目上密切合作。牛津搭配〔collaboration〕The two playwrights worked in close collaboration (with each other) on the script.两位剧作家密切合作编写这个剧本。剑桥高阶〔command〕The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.国家应当有权运用一切合法手段保卫自身安全。外研社新世纪〔command〕The country should have the right to defend itself with all legal means at its command.国家有权运用一切合法手段保卫自身安全。柯林斯高阶〔cooperate〕They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project.他们曾密切合作,共同规划这一项目。牛津高阶〔cooperation〕Their duties involved close cooperation with the prince.他们的职责需要他们与王子密切合作。麦克米伦高阶〔dovetail〕There may be a place where their interests dovetail.也许可以找到他们双方利益的切合点。外研社新世纪〔ecological〕The system is both practical and ecologically sound.这个系统不但切合实际,从生态学观点来看也是合理的。牛津高阶〔entity〕The museums work closely together, but are separate legal entities.这些博物馆密切合作,但它们都是独立的法人实体。剑桥高阶〔equally〕You must have a good education, but practical training is equally important.你必须接受良好的教育,不过切合实际的培训也同样重要。朗文当代〔factually〕Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.任何不完全切合实际的比较都有可能被当作主观臆断。柯林斯高阶〔fail〕They have failed to come up with any practical solutions.他们没有提出任何切合实际的解决办法。麦克米伦高阶〔fairyland〕The Minister's argument belongs to fairyland.部长给出的理由完全不切合实际。剑桥高阶〔fall down〕Your plan fell down when it proved too costly.你的计划是不切合实际的,因为它被证实耗资太大。21世纪英汉〔for〕The commentators all say it's not practical, but I'm for him trying.评论员都说这不切合实际,但我主张他试试看。英汉大词典〔governorship〕He had worked closely with the President during his governorship.在担任州长期间, 他与总统密切合作。外研社新世纪〔hand in glove〕We are working hand in glove with the police to recover the stolen property.我们正与警方密切合作,以找回失窃财物。韦氏高阶〔i.e.〕The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower.价格必须更切合实际些,也就是说要更低些。剑桥高阶〔love〕Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.与福特的密切合作开始令我爱上了电影。柯林斯高阶〔love〕Working with Ford closely, I fell in love with the cinema.经过与福特的密切合作, 我爱上了电影。外研社新世纪〔matter-of-fact〕Relating or adhering to facts; literal.关于或依照事实的;切合实际的美国传统〔play along〕We'll play along with his suggestion,although it's not exactly what we wanted.我们将按照他的建议行事,尽管他的建议并不完全切合我们的需要。21世纪英汉〔precaution〕You must take all reasonable precautions to protect yourself and your family.你必须采取一切合理的预防措施,保护自己和家人。牛津高阶〔realistic〕The plan is not very realistic.这一计划不是太切合实际。韦氏高阶〔realistic〕Try to keep your ambitions realistic.尽量使你的志向切合实际。牛津搭配〔reciprocate〕Every definition must reciprocate with the thing defined.每条定义必须切合所对之下定义的事物。英汉大词典〔sensible〕This seems to be a sensible way of dealing with the problem.这似乎是处理该问题切合实际的方法。麦克米伦高阶〔shoulder〕In close cooperation.密切合作地美国传统〔target〕Managers must set targets that are realistic.经营者必须制定切合实际的目标。牛津搭配Her remarks could not have been more germane to the discussion.她的话和这次的议题再切合不过了。剑桥国际Her reply was matter-of-fact. 她的回答切合实际。译典通If the teeth on the cogs don't match up properly (= If they are not in the correct place), the mechanism will jam.如果轮齿上的齿不相互切合,机器就会轧住。剑桥国际It's simply not practical to divide the work between so many people.把这个工作分给这么多人是完全不切合实际的。剑桥国际The two playwrights worked in close collaboration (with each other) on the script.这两个剧作家在写这个脚本时密切合作。剑桥国际They are collaborating closely with two other companies in this research.他们正在与另外两家公司密切合作从事这方面的研究。牛津商务We have been working hand in glove with our European partners to beat our American competitors.我们和欧洲伙伴密切合作以击败我们的美国竞争者。剑桥国际Working closely with its clients, the marketing company developed targeted tie-in promotion events. 这家销售公司与客户密切合作,开发了有目标的搭卖推销的活动。译典通




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