

单词 先前
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕When the witness was cross-questioned, it became clear that his earlier testimony was not entirely true. 证人被反复盘问,情况渐渐表明,他先前所作的证词不全都是真实的。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕During the interview, they kept returning to the question of why he had left his previous job. 面试时,他们老是回到他为何辞去先前的工作这个问题上。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Getting back to what we were talking about earlier, do you think it's a realistic goal? 回到我们先前谈论的话题,你认为那目标现实吗?朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I must now confess something which I kept back from you earlier. 我现在一定要向你坦白先前对你隐瞒的事。朗文写作活用〔antecedent〕It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation.允许考虑先前的法律。柯林斯高阶〔anterior〕Occurring before in time; earlier.先前的:时间上先发生的;较早的美国传统〔antitype〕One that is foreshadowed by or identified with an earlier symbol or type, such as a figure in the New Testament who has a counterpart in the Old Testament.先前原形:先前的标记或模型所预示或表明的原形,如《新约》中的人物在《旧约》中有对应的形象美国传统〔athwart〕His statement ran athwart what was previously said.他讲的话与先前所说的相抵触。牛津高阶〔bear〕She says she bears him no resentment for the way he treated her.她说,她并不怨恨他先前那么对待她。韦氏高阶〔betray〕He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.有人指责他背弃了他先前的社会主义理想。牛津高阶〔beyond〕I've got nothing to tell you beyond (= in addition to) what I told you earlier.除了先前告诉你的以外,我没有别的可说了。剑桥高阶〔bit〕The house cost a good bit more than we had planned.这栋房子的价格比我们先前预想的要高出好多。外研社新世纪〔blindside〕The recession blindsided a lot of lawyers who had previously taken for granted their comfortable income.经济衰退出其不意地打击了那些先前想当然地认为自己应获得丰厚收入的律师们。剑桥高阶〔borderline〕In borderline cases teachers will take the final decision, based on the student's previous work.在难以定夺的情况下,教师将根据学生先前的作业作出最终评分。牛津高阶〔build〕The new plan will build on the success of the previous programme.这个新计划将以先前那个方案所取得的成功作为基础。朗文当代〔change〕To reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision.改变:推翻先前的观点或以前的决定美国传统〔companion〕The book is the companion volume to his previous book on jazz.这本书是他先前那本关于爵士乐的书的姊妹篇。韦氏高阶〔consistent〕The results are consistent with earlier research.结果与先前的研究相符合。朗文当代〔cryptogam〕A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns.隐花植物:先前已被确认的一个分类的成员,包括有所有的无籽植物,如苔藓、水藻、真菌和蕨类植物美国传统〔cut〕We should cut back to previous levels of spending.我们应该减少到先前的开支水平。牛津搭配〔diriment〕A prior marriage is only a diriment impediment to marriage when it is truly valid.先前婚姻只有在确定有效时才是妨碍再婚的绝对障碍。外研社新世纪〔double dipping〕The practice of drawing two incomes from the government, usually by holding a government job and receiving a pension, as for prior military service.双重支薪:从政府中领取两份薪金的行为,通常是因为一方面在政府任职,另一方面因为先前的服役等领取退职金美国传统〔draft〕The published poem differs quite a bit from earlier drafts.发表的诗作与先前的草稿有诸多不同。韦氏高阶〔early〕As I mentioned earlier… 正如我先前所提到的…牛津高阶〔erstwhile〕His erstwhile friends turned against him.他先前的朋友转而与他作对。牛津高阶〔expand on/upon〕She declined to expand on her earlier statement.她拒绝详述她先前的声明。韦氏高阶〔expel〕He had been expelled from his previous school for stealing.他因偷窃被先前的学校开除。外研社新世纪〔extension〕The article is an extension of (= takes further) the ideas Professor Fox developed in an earlier book.这篇文章进一步发展了福克斯教授在先前出版的著作中阐述的观点。剑桥高阶〔fallback〕Yesterday's vote itself was a retreat from an earlier fallback position.昨天的投票本身就是放弃先前所留退路的做法。柯林斯高阶〔finding〕Our recent findings are in line with those of an earlier study.我们最近的研究结果与先前的一致。牛津搭配〔foreclose〕The bank foreclosed on the mortgage for his previous home.银行取消了他先前住房的抵押赎回权。柯林斯高阶〔forenamed〕Named previously; aforementioned.上述的:先前提到过的;前面提到的(常用于法律文件)美国传统〔fore〕At an earlier time.先前地:在早些时候美国传统〔former〕It was a long time after the accident before he seemed like his former self (= behaved in the way he had before).事故过后很长时间,他似乎才恢复了先前的样子。剑桥高阶〔forward〕The letter was forwarded from a previous address.这封信是从先前的地址转来的。英汉大词典〔front〕He said the present civilian government is just a front for the old military regime.他说现今的平民政府只不过是先前军事政权的一个幌子。柯林斯高阶〔fusion〕His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highly successful.事实证明他先前融合了爵士乐、流行乐和非洲旋律的作品非常成功。柯林斯高阶〔go against〕He was surprised when some of his former supporters went against him.他很惊诧先前的一些支持者竟然反对他。韦氏高阶〔go〕We must make more efforts than the governments that have gone before.我们必须作出比先前几任政府更大的努力。英汉大词典〔hark back〕I have to hark back to this question that I mentioned earlier on in order to let you understand how serious it is.为了让你认识到情况有多严重,我还得重提一下我先前提到的这个问题。21世纪英汉〔hear〕She has been heard to make threats to her former lover.有人听见她威胁她先前的恋人。牛津高阶〔hold over〕He is the only player to have been held over from their previous team.他是先前的球队留下来的唯一球员。韦氏高阶〔hold〕This film doesn't hold a candle to his previous ones.这部电影并不比他先前的几部好美国传统〔implication〕They are called 'Supertrams', the implication being that (=which is meant to suggest that) they are more advanced than earlier models.它们被称作“超级电车”,这是暗指它们比先前的型号更先进。朗文当代〔imply〕Early reports implied that the judge's death was not an accident.先前的几份报告暗示那名法官并非死于意外。韦氏高阶〔improvement〕This is a great improvement on your previous work.你的工作比先前有很大进步。牛津高阶〔incarnation〕I worked for her in her earlier incarnation(= her previous job)as a lawyer.她先前当律师时我曾受雇于她。牛津高阶〔inconsistent〕There is some inconsistency between the witnesses' evidence and their earlier statements.证人的证词与他们先前的陈述有些出入。牛津高阶〔insistence〕The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments.工会先前坚持工人应得到奖金,但现在已不再坚持了。牛津搭配〔invalidate〕This study invalidates their earlier research.这项研究证明他们先前的调查是错误的。麦克米伦高阶〔memsahib〕Used formerly as a form of respectful address for a European woman in colonial India.太太,夫人:先前在印度殖民地所使用的对欧洲妇女的尊称美国传统〔métier〕He realized that he had found his métier, having previously thought that finance was a world reserved for Ivy Leaguers.他意识到终于找到了适合自己的职业, 先前他还以为金融业都是留给那些常春藤名校毕业生的呢。外研社新世纪〔nihilism〕Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.道德虚无主义:否认所有道德及宗教价值观的特点并意欲否定所有先前的有关道德及宗教信价的理论美国传统〔optimistic〕Previous estimates of whale numbers may be wildly optimistic.先前对鲸的数量的估计可能太过乐观了。英汉大词典〔outgrowth〕This policy is just an outgrowth of earlier decisions.这项政策不过是先前决议的产物。剑桥高阶〔past〕The report is highly critical of the Department's past performance.报告对该部门先前的表现提出了严厉批评。麦克米伦高阶〔pickup〕Previous journalistic copy to which succeeding copy is added.旧稿:要加上先前拷贝的原新闻的稿件美国传统〔pick〕I'd like to pick up on a point that Steven made earlier.我想再提一提史蒂文先前说过的一个观点。朗文当代〔piece〕He had previously written an investigative piece about the killings.他先前曾就那些谋杀事件写过一篇调查性的文章。麦克米伦高阶〔preceding〕Existing or coming before another or others in time, place, rank, or sequence; previous.在前的,在先的:在时间、地方、等级或次序上比另一个或其他存在或出现都先的;先前的美国传统〔preexisting〕The insurance does not cover preexisting medical conditions.此项保险不涵盖先前得过的疾病。韦氏高阶〔prevenience〕The act or state of being antecedent or prevenient.先行,在前:先前的或在前面的动作或状态美国传统〔prior〕The course required no prior knowledge of Spanish.这门课不要求先前学过西班牙语。剑桥高阶〔recall〕He recalled his earlier instructions.他撤销了先前的指令。英汉大词典〔recall〕The invalid could not be recalled to his former vitality.那病人不可能恢复先前那样的活力了。英汉大词典〔reclassify〕The drug is to be reclassified after trials showed it to be more harmful than previously thought.试验显示这种药比先前想像的危害更大,要重新归类。牛津高阶〔renounce〕Many of his former supporters have renounced him.他先前的许多支持者都背弃了他。韦氏高阶〔reperfusion〕The restoration of blood flow to an organ or tissue that has had its blood supply cut off, as after a heart attack.再灌注:血液复流到先前血液供应停止的器官或组织,如心脏病发作后美国传统〔report〕The reputation that preceded him did not report him accurately.先前只闻此人盛名,但他名实不符。英汉大词典〔repurchase〕The act of buying something that one previously sold or owned.买回:买某人先前卖掉或所拥有的东西的行为美国传统〔researcher〕She based her work on that of earlier researchers.她的工作是以先前研究者的研究结果为基础的。牛津搭配〔reversion〕These changes are a reversion to an earlier weather pattern.这些变化是对先前的天气状况的恢复。麦克米伦高阶〔rub〕Our team's recent losses have rubbed some of the shine off our earlier victories.我队新近的失利使我们先前获得的胜利略为减色。英汉大词典〔run〕Buses are running an hour late, because of an earlier accident.因为先前的一起车祸,公共汽车的运行晚点一小时。剑桥高阶〔second thought〕A reconsideration of a decision or opinion previously made.深思熟虑:对先前所做出的决定或意见再考虑美国传统〔secondhand〕Previously used by another; not new.二手货的:先前被另外一个人使用过的;不新的美国传统〔shabby〕She tried to make up for her shabby treatment of him.她先前待他不好,这时候想弥补一下。牛津高阶〔show〕To state one's intentions or reveal one's resources, especially when previously hidden.暴露:陈述某人的意向或透露某人的对策,尤指先前隐瞒的美国传统〔significance〕The significance of this lies in the fact that he had previously denied all knowledge of the fund.这件事的重要性在于他先前表示对这笔资金一无所知。牛津搭配〔solidify〕Vague objections to the system solidified into firm opposition.先前对这一制度不大明朗的反对演变成了坚决的抵制。牛津高阶〔stand〕He stands on his earlier offer. We will stand firm.他坚持先前的报价。我们绝不改变美国传统〔statement〕I disagree with your earlier statement about my record on this issue.我不赞成你们先前对我在这件事情上的有关记录所做的声明。韦氏高阶〔supersede〕The Chemical Weapons Convention supersedes all earlier agreements.《化学武器公约》取代了先前所有的协议。麦克米伦高阶〔telegony〕The supposed genetic influence of a previous sire on offspring of a subsequent sire from the same mother.先父遗传:一种假想的认为先前父兽基因能遗传给同一母兽同后来的父兽交配后所生的后代美国传统〔tell〕A mound, especially in the Middle East, made up of the remains of a succession of previous settlements.土堆:一系列先前定居地的废墟组成的大土丘,尤其是在中东美国传统〔thaw〕After this feeble thaw the silence set in as severely as before.略微活跃的场面过去后先前那样的严峻冷场重又出现。英汉大词典〔thermoluminescence〕A phenomenon in which certain minerals release previously absorbed radiation upon being moderately heated.热致发光:因温和加热某些矿物而释放先前吸收的射线的现象美国传统〔through〕He read the article straight through, looking for any scrap of information that might have passed him by.他将那篇文章从头读到尾,寻找先前可能漏看的任何一点零星信息。柯林斯高阶〔tint〕His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge.他的回答说明他先前就有所了解。英汉大词典〔true〕She has since admitted that her earlier statement was not strictly (= completely) true.她后来承认先前所讲的并不完全真实。剑桥高阶〔united〕Factions previously at war with one another are now united against the common enemy.先前彼此敌对的派别现在为了对付共同的敌人联合起来了。剑桥高阶〔unteach〕To teach the opposite or contrary of (something previously taught).教授(先前所教事物)的反面或与之矛盾的东西美国传统〔up〕She was even more beautiful up close than she had been from a distance.她近看比先前从远处看还要美。英汉大词典〔weaken〕Apeace deal between Israel and Lebanon would have weakened Syria's influence in the region.如果以色列和黎巴嫩先前达成和平协议,可能会削弱叙利亚在这一地区的影响。麦克米伦高阶His answer was tinted by his prior knowledge. 他的回答说明他先前就有所了解。译典通She has since admitted that her earlier statement was not strictly (= completely) true.她后来承认她先前所讲的是不十分真实的。剑桥国际Spurred (on) by her early success, she went on to write four more novels in rapid succession.受到先前成功的鼓舞,她紧接着又连续写了四部小说。剑桥国际The position of our formerly illegal workers has now been regularized (= made legal and official).我们先前的非法工人身份现在已被合法化了。剑桥国际The recent report showing economic growth doesn't jibe with an earlier report that showed a fall in consumer spending.最近表明经济增长的报告与先前表明消费下降的报告不符。剑桥国际The working party produced more flexible and less prescriptive guidelines than the previous group and emphasized the importance of creativity.和先前的组相比,现在的工作组制定了灵活性更大的规定更少的准则,并且强调创造性的重要。剑桥国际




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