

单词 纺纱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔card〕A wire-toothed brush or a machine fitted with rows of wire teeth, used to disentangle fibers, as of wool, prior to spinning.梳理机:一种钢丝齿的刷子或装有数排钢丝齿的机器,在纺纱前用于理清纤维,如羊毛纤维美国传统〔creel〕A frame for holding bobbins or spools in a spinning machine.轴架:纺纱机里用来固定线轴的柜架美国传统〔crewelwork〕Needlework produced with crewel.绒线刺绣:用松捻精纺纱线做成的针线活美国传统〔crewel〕Loosely twisted worsted yarn used for fancywork and embroidery.松捻精纺纱线:松捻精纺纱线,用于钩编和刺绣美国传统〔distaff〕A staff that holds on its cleft end the unspun flax, wool, or tow from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand.(手工)纺纱杆:在杆的开裂的一端夹有未纺的亚麻、羊毛或丝束,手转动木杆,线从中纺出美国传统〔distaff〕An attachment for a spinning wheel that serves this purpose.手纺车附件:为能达到上面纺纱目的的手纺车的附属装置美国传统〔return〕Gandhi urged Indians to return to spinning their own yarn.甘地敦促印度人重新拿起纺车自己动手纺纱。剑桥高阶〔rove〕To stretch and twist (fibers) before spinning; ravel out.纺纱前把(纤维)拉直并拧曲;拆开线头美国传统〔slub〕To draw out and twist (a strand of silk or other textile fiber) in preparation for spinning.轻捻,初纺:把(一束丝或其它纺织纤维)抽出并捻搓以备纺纱美国传统〔spindle〕A pin or rod holding a bobbin or spool on which thread is wound on an automated spinning machine.纺纱轴:自动纺纱机中用来固定绕线的筒管或线轴的杆或针美国传统〔spindle〕A rod or pin, tapered at the ends, on which fibers are spun by hand into thread and then wound.锭子:手工纺纱中的两头尖、中间粗的圆杆或针,纱被纺成线后就绕在其上美国传统〔spinning jenny〕An early form of spinning machine having several spindles.詹妮纺纱机:具有几个纺锤的早期样式的纺纱机美国传统〔spinning wheel〕An apparatus for making yarn or thread, consisting of a foot-driven or hand-driven wheel and a single spindle.手纺车:由一个脚动或手动的轮子及一个纺锤所组成的纺纱或纺线的工具美国传统〔spinning〕The process of making fibrous material into yarn or thread.纺纱:将纤维材料制成纱或线的过程美国传统〔spin〕She span on a spinning wheel.她用纺车纺纱。21世纪英汉〔spin〕The old woman was spinning in the corner of the room.老妇人在房内一角纺纱。英汉大词典〔spin〕To make thread or yarn by drawing out and twisting fibers.纺纱:通过拉或捻线的方法由纤维制成纱或线美国传统〔stocking〕A close-fitting, usually knitted covering for the foot and leg made from nylon, silk, cotton, wool, and similar yarns.长袜:用尼龙、真丝、棉线、羊毛或相似的纺纱制成的紧身的遮盖腿脚之物,常编织而成美国传统〔twine〕The girls, before their marriage-day, cut off a curl, and twining it round a distaff, lay it upon the grave of the strangers.姑娘们在她们的婚礼日之前, 剪下一绺头发, 缠在纺纱杆上, 放到陌生人的坟头。外研社新世纪〔weave〕She spins and weaves.她纺纱织布。韦氏高阶〔weave〕They spun and wove cloth.他们纺纱、织布。外研社新世纪〔weave〕They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.她们纺纱、织布、煮饭以及料理家务。柯林斯高阶〔yarn〕She still spins the yarn and knits sweaters for her family.她仍然纺纱为家人织毛线衫。柯林斯高阶〔yarn〕She still spins the yarn herself.她仍然自己纺纱。外研社新世纪Aided by increasing automation of spinning and weaving, some big surviving factories have cut their workforces by a half.由于日益增加的纺纱与织布自动化,一些幸存的大公司已经削减了一半工人。剑桥国际In the story of Sleeping Beauty, when the princess went into the room in the tower, she found an old woman spinning.在《睡美人》的故事中,当公主走进塔里的那个房间时,她发现有一个老妇在纺纱。剑桥国际Mother used to spin her own yarn. 母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。译典通The old woman was spinning in the corner of the room. 老妇人在房间一角纺纱。译典通




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