

单词 充斥着
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bad〕a film with a lot of violence and bad language一部充斥着暴力和脏话的电影外研社新世纪〔blood and guts〕a movie with lots of blood and guts 充斥着血腥和暴力的影片韦氏高阶〔brimful〕a letter brimful of slangy expressions充斥着俚语的信外研社新世纪〔chase〕a tedious movie with endless car/police chases 充斥着没完没了追车/警察追捕场面的乏味电影剑桥高阶〔clutter〕a road cluttered up with refugees 充斥着难民的公路英汉大词典〔flood〕flood the market with cheap foreign goods. 市场上充斥着廉价的外国货美国传统〔gore〕an action movie with guns, death, gore, and explosions充斥着枪战、死亡、搏杀和爆炸场面的动作片外研社新世纪〔gossip〕a magazine full of gossip about famous people 充斥着名人各种流言蜚语的杂志牛津搭配〔intrigue〕an administration characterized by intrigue and corruption 充斥着阴谋和腐败的政府韦氏高阶〔lard with〕a novel larded with clichés 充斥着陈词滥调的小说韦氏高阶〔lard〕a long phone call, larded with 'darlings' and a sickening amount of baby-talk. 一句一个“亲爱的”且充斥着令人反胃的儿语情话的电话粥柯林斯高阶〔lard〕a long phone call, larded with 'darlings' and a sickening amount of baby-talk一通长长的电话, 其中充斥着“亲爱的”和多到令人作呕的故作天真的话外研社新世纪〔lingo〕an author who writes in a lurid lingo, freely punctuated with crude expletives. 文笔间充斥着低俗的暗语和随兴插入的粗话的作者柯林斯高阶〔militarism〕a culture of militarism, business jargon, and meaningless soundbites充斥着好战思想、生意经和空洞政治口号的文化外研社新世纪〔monster〕cheap sci-fi movies with bug-eyed monsters 充斥着暴眼怪物的劣质科幻片牛津搭配〔nastily〕evil organisations, peopled with nasties. 充斥着恶棍的邪恶组织柯林斯高阶〔nasty〕evil organizations, peopled with nasties充斥着恶棍的邪恶组织外研社新世纪〔naughty〕saucy TV shows, crammed full of naughty innuendo. 充斥着淫猥暗示的下流电视节目柯林斯高阶〔naughty〕saucy TV shows, crammed full of naughty innuendo充斥着淫猥暗示的下流电视节目外研社新世纪〔pack〕directors who pack their movies full of violence 让影片充斥着暴力的导演们韦氏高阶〔psychobabble〕a popular book filled with the usual psychobabble 充斥着老生常谈的心理学呓语的通俗读物韦氏高阶〔red tape〕a procedure surrounded by bureaucracy and red tape 充斥着官僚作风和繁文缛节的程序朗文当代〔review〕a closely printed journal bursting with book reviews 充斥着书评文字排得密密麻麻的杂志 英汉大词典〔ridden〕a zone ridden with crime and violence 充斥着犯罪和暴力的地区麦克米伦高阶〔rife with〕a history rife with scandal 充斥着丑事的历史韦氏高阶〔rife〕a life rife with petty irritations 充斥着琐屑烦恼的生活英汉大词典〔self-serving〕a speech full of self-serving comments. 一篇充斥着谋私利的评论的发言美国传统〔shoot〕be shot through with corruption 充斥着腐化现象 英汉大词典〔soup〕an alphabet soup of other government agencies (used to say that their names consist of complicated abbreviations) 充斥着其他政府机构名称的复杂的字母缩写牛津搭配〔stench〕a government filled with the stench of corruption 充斥着腐败风气的政府朗文当代〔stereotype〕a play full of stereotyped characters 充斥着模式化人物的戏剧牛津高阶〔swearword〕a movie filled with violent images and rough swearwords 充斥着暴力画面和污言秽语的电影韦氏高阶〔underworld〕a Spanish Harlem underworld of gangs, drugs and violence. 充斥着犯罪团伙、毒品和暴力的西班牙哈莱姆区黑社会柯林斯高阶〔underworld〕a Spanish Harlem underworld of gangs, drugs and violence充斥着犯罪团伙、毒品和暴力的西班牙哈莱姆区黑社会外研社新世纪〔useless〕a website full of useless information 充斥着无用信息的网站朗文当代〔wilderness〕a bureaucratic wilderness 充斥着官僚主义的荒漠韦氏高阶




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