

单词 低低
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔VOICE〕Martin's voice was low, with a note of sadness in it. 马丁说话声音低低的,带有一丝悲伤。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Eddie walked a few paces behind his mother, his head hung low. 埃迪跟在母亲身后数步,头垂得低低的。朗文写作活用〔autumnal〕A low autumnal mist shrouded the trees that lined the front drive.低低的秋雾笼罩着前面车道旁的林木。外研社新世纪〔ball〕The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills.太阳像个大火球,低低地挂在山顶上。牛津搭配〔buzz〕The plane buzzed the control tower.飞机低低地飞过控制塔美国传统〔down〕She kept her voice down.她把嗓音压得低低的。英汉大词典〔hang〕The sun hung low in the sky that afternoon.那天下午太阳低低地挂在天上。外研社新世纪〔hawk〕The hawk swooped low over the field.雄鹰猛地一个俯冲,低低地掠过田野。牛津搭配〔hip〕She was wearing a short blue dress, belted across the hips.她穿着一件蓝色短款连衣裙,腰间低低地系着带子。牛津搭配〔light〕The low sun lit the fortress walls with yellow light.低低的太阳用金黄色的阳光照亮了堡垒的墙壁。外研社新世纪〔mourn〕To make a low, indistinct, mournful sound. Used especially of a dove.咕哝:发出低低的、不清晰的、痛苦的声音,尤指野鸽子咕咕低鸣美国传统〔murmur〕The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation.钢琴的弹奏声混杂着低低的交谈声。柯林斯高阶〔obscure〕Low clouds obscured the mountains. = The mountains were obscured by low clouds.低低的云层遮住了群山。韦氏高阶〔pounce〕The cat crouched low and waited for the moment to pounce.这只猫低低地蜷伏着,等待时机扑上前。韦氏高阶〔slump〕Her head slumped into the crook of her arm.她的头低低埋在臂弯里。英汉大词典〔squib〕Football To kick (the ball) low on a kickoff so that it bounces along the ground.【橄榄球】 到位开球:开球时把球踢得低低的,使它沿着地面滚动美国传统〔stipple〕The evening sky was stippled with a few wisps of low-lying clouds.傍晚的天空点缀着几抹低低的云彩。剑桥高阶〔strike〕He's too tall, and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway.他长得太高,头总难免要撞上那低低的门楣。 英汉大词典〔toned〕Low-toned mutterings could be heard in the next room.可听到隔壁房间里传来的低低的咕哝声。剑桥高阶〔veneer〕Her voice was low, shaking under the veneer of calm.她故作镇静,低低的说话声却在颤抖。英汉大词典〔whimper〕A low, broken, sobbing sound; a whine.啜泣声:低低的、断断续续的抽泣声;哭哭啼啼声美国传统〔whistle〕She gave a low whistle of admiration.她赞叹地低低吹了一声口哨。牛津搭配A black limousine purred up (= drove up making a quiet, continuous, slightly shaking sound) outside the hotel.一辆黑色的豪华轿车在旅馆外低低地震颤着开过。剑桥国际He wore a black cap with the peak pulled down low over his eyes. 他带一顶黑帽子,帽舌拉得低低的一直盖到眼睛。译典通My computer makes a continuous low buzzing noise.我的电脑不停地发出低低的嗡嗡声。剑桥国际She spoke in a low voice, leaning towards him confidingly.她低低地说着,很信任地靠向了他。剑桥国际The engine of my old car rattled all the time, but my new one purrs.我那辆旧车的引擎总是咯咯作响,但是新的只是低低地颤动。剑桥国际We could hear the sound of a lawnmower purring in the back garden.我们可以听见一台割草机在后花园里低低的颤动声。剑桥国际When I stroked the cat, it gave a low purr.当我抚摸猫时,它低低地呜呜叫。剑桥国际




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