

单词 亲切
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔affable〕be on affable terms with one's neighbours 与邻人亲切友好相处英汉大词典〔affectionate〕an affectionate hug 亲切的拥抱朗文当代〔amiable〕an amiable tone of voice 亲切的声调牛津高阶〔benign〕a benign smile.亲切的笑容。牛津同义词〔bumbling〕a kind bumbling man with a gentle smile 一个心地善良、脸上带着亲切微笑的粗心男人朗文当代〔cosily〕a cosy chat between friends. 朋友间亲切的闲聊柯林斯高阶〔cosy〕a cosy chat 亲切的闲聊朗文当代〔cosy〕a cosy chat between friends朋友间亲切的闲聊外研社新世纪〔damnably〕damnably unkind 非常不亲切的文馨英汉〔disarming〕a disarming smile (使人消除怒气或疑惧的)亲切的微笑文馨英汉〔egg〕old egg 老伙计(对熟朋友的亲切称呼) 英汉大词典〔familiar〕a familiar way of addressing someone 称呼某人的亲切方式韦氏高阶〔familiar〕familiar language.亲切的言语。牛津同义词〔fireside〕a report written in fireside language 用平易亲切的文笔写成的报告英汉大词典〔friendly〕a friendly smile/welcome 亲切的微笑;友好的欢迎牛津高阶〔genial〕a genial smile 亲切的微笑朗文当代〔genial〕a genial welcome.亲切的欢迎。牛津同义词〔genial〕give sb. a genial welcome 亲切地欢迎某人英汉大词典〔genial〕to smile genially 亲切地微笑牛津高阶〔gracious〕a gracious and complimentary letter 措辞亲切的贺信英汉大词典〔gracious〕a gracious smile 亲切的微笑剑桥高阶〔heart-to-heart〕a heart-to-heart talk 坦诚亲切的交谈牛津高阶〔homy〕a homy smile 亲切的笑容英汉大词典〔hotel〕a friendly, family-run hotel 一家亲切随和、家庭经营的旅店牛津高阶〔informal〕an informal greeting.亲切的欢迎。牛津同义词〔kind〕is kind to sick patients; 对病人亲切;美国传统〔kind〕kind language 亲切的言语英汉大词典〔kinship〕the warmth and kinship one farmer feels for another农民彼此感受到的温暖和亲切外研社新世纪〔lady〕a sweet old lady 一位亲切的老太太牛津搭配〔middle age〕a pleasant woman in early/late middle age 刚到中年的╱接近老年的亲切和蔼的女人牛津高阶〔ministrations〕the tender ministrations of the buxom woman who cut his hair. 为他理发的那个丰满女人亲切温柔的服务柯林斯高阶〔portentous〕a voice that manages to be both cozy and portentous 能使人听来感到既亲切又带矜持的嗓音英汉大词典〔repay〕repay a person's kindness 报答某人的亲切文馨英汉〔soul〕sing with a soul appeal 以亲切的感染力歌唱英汉大词典〔tender〕a tender mother; his tender concern. 慈爱的母亲;他亲切的关怀美国传统〔tender〕tender care.亲切的照顾。牛津同义词〔tender〕tender words 亲切的话语牛津高阶〔tete-a-tete〕friends having a cosy tete-a-tete 私下亲切交谈的朋友朗文当代〔ungracious〕an ungracious remark 不亲切的话文馨英汉〔warm〕a warm voice (smile) 亲切的说话声(微笑)英汉大词典




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