

单词 人面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Not many people have the nerve to stand up and speak in front of a large audience. 不是很多人都有勇气站在一大群人面前讲话的。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕She enjoys putting me down in front of other people. 她喜欢在别人面前奚落我。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Some of the children were in danger of starvation. 这些儿童中的一些人面临着挨饿的危险。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Two thousand car workers face the grim prospect of redundancy. 两千名汽车工人面临着可能被裁员的严峻前景。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Her nervousness is shown by a tendency to laugh a lot in public. 她在众人面前经常发笑,这说明她紧张。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The senator loves parading his beautiful new wife before the nation. 参议员喜欢在国人面前炫耀他那位美丽的新太太。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕His reticence with strangers was sometimes interpreted as unfriendliness. 他在陌生人面前的沉默寡言有时被理解为不友善。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕I could think of very little to say in the presence of so many important people. 在那么多要人面前我想不出来要说些什么。朗文写作活用〔adjunct〕Online instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing.线上教学是对真人面对面教学的有用的辅助。朗文当代〔affection〕I don't go in for public displays of affection.我不喜欢在众人面前表露自己的情感。牛津搭配〔apprehension〕Many of us face our retirement with apprehension.我们中许多人面临退休时忧心忡忡。麦克米伦高阶〔bear〕Being made a fool of in front of a roomful of people was more than he could bear.他受不了在一屋子的人面前出丑。麦克米伦高阶〔bob〕The little girl bobbed before the visitor.小女孩在客人面前鞠了一个躬。外研社新世纪〔boggle at〕The mind boggles at the infinite universe.有才智的人面对广阔无边的宇宙也是一筹莫展。21世纪英汉〔brave〕It was brave of you to speak in front of all those people.你很勇敢,能在这么多人面前说话。朗文当代〔breathe〕Don't worry, Seamus, I won't breathe a word to a living soul.放心吧, 谢默斯, 我不会在任何人面前走漏风声。外研社新世纪〔company〕Don't yawn in company.在客人面前别打呵欠。英汉大词典〔company〕Parents should teach their children how to behave in company.父母应当教导孩子怎样在别人面前举止得体。朗文当代〔company〕When they were in company she always seemed to dominate the conversation.在外人面前时, 他们之间的谈话似乎总是由她主导。外研社新世纪〔count〕I've lost count of the number of interviews I've given.我已经数不清我给多少人面试过。麦克米伦高阶〔embarrassing〕It was so embarrassing having to sing in public.非得在众人面前唱歌太令人难为情了。牛津高阶〔face〕Many of the shipyard workers face losing their jobs.许多造船工人面临失业。麦克米伦高阶〔face〕The police faced the prisoner with a simple choice:he could either give the names of his companions, or go to prison.警察让犯人面临一个简单的选择:要么供出同伙的名单,要么进监狱。21世纪英汉〔famine〕A million people are facing famine .一百万人面临着饥荒。朗文当代〔force back〕Nancy forced back tears. She wasn't going to cry in front of all those people.南希强忍着眼泪。她不想在那么多人面前哭。外研社新世纪〔front〕He has been brought up not to swear in front of women.他从小就被教导不要在女人面前说粗话。外研社新世纪〔glum〕The three of us sat glumly looking out to sea.我们三人面向大海闷闷不乐地坐着。牛津高阶〔grovel before〕The dog groveled before his master when he saw the whip.狗看到主人的鞭子就匍匐在主人面前。21世纪英汉〔gut〕It takes a lot of guts to admit to so many people that you've made a mistake.在那么多人面前承认自己犯了错误是需要很大勇气的。剑桥高阶〔head〕Until the time of his arrest, he did not show his head to anyone.在他被捕前,他一直没有在任何人面前露过面。英汉大词典〔himself〕He thanked God for concealing Himself from the wise and revealing Himself to the simple.他感谢上帝,因为上帝在自作聪明的人面前自行隐匿,在心地纯洁的人面前则显现神迹。柯林斯高阶〔hook〕He led her to the masses with his arm hooked round her waist.他搂着她的腰,把她领到众人面前。21世纪英汉〔house〕The challenge for American leadership is this: can we put our economic house in order?美国领导人面临的挑战是:我们能否解决好本国的经济问题?外研社新世纪〔idiot〕I felt (like) a complete idiot, standing there in front of all those people! 站在那么多人面前,我感觉自己像个十足的白痴!牛津搭配〔indiscretion〕They were embarrassed at his indiscretion in talking about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率地在陌生人面前大谈家庭私事,这使他们感到难堪。英汉大词典〔intake〕There is an intake of breath and some of us look at each other.大家倒抽一口冷气,有些人面面相觑。英汉大词典〔jack-o'-lantern〕A lantern made from a hollowed pumpkin with a carved face, usually displayed on Halloween.杰克灯,南瓜灯:把南瓜挖空并雕成人面形状,通常在万圣节出现美国传统〔life mask〕A cast of a person's face taken while the subject is alive.活人面模,石膏面模:依照活人制作的脸部模型美国传统〔manhood〕Why did he feel he had to prove his manhood in the company of women? 他为什么觉得非要在女人面前证明他的男人气概呢?朗文当代〔nerve〕Not many people have the nerve to stand up and speak in front of a large audience.不是很多人都有勇气站在一大群人面前讲话的。朗文当代〔point〕I don't intend to let him score points off me in front of the others.我不想在他人面前被他驳倒。英汉大词典〔presentable〕I need to have a wash and make myself presentable for our guests.我得去洗个澡,让自己在客人面前看上去像样一点。剑桥高阶〔problem〕Homelessness is a serious problem for a lot of young people.无家可归是许多年轻人面临的一个严重问题。麦克米伦高阶〔prospect〕Greeks face the prospect of new general elections next month.下个月希腊人面临新的大选。朗文当代〔pull〕Baseball To hit (a ball) in the direction one is facing when the swing is carried through.【棒球】 把球打向前方:将投过来的球向着某人面对的方面击出美国传统〔put〕He's always trying to put me down.他总是想方设法使我在众人面前下不了台。麦克米伦高阶〔pyramid〕We set off to see the Pyramids and Sphinx.我们出发去看金字塔和狮身人面像。柯林斯高阶〔quail〕The coward quai- led before the enemy.这个懦夫在敌人面前畏缩不前。21世纪英汉〔quick〕We bought it quick, before someone else could.我们很快抢在别人面前买下了。剑桥高阶〔recumbent〕The Egyptian sphinx has the body of a recumbent lion.埃及狮身人面像拥有卧狮的身体。韦氏高阶〔redundancy〕Sixty workers at the factory face redundancy.该厂有 60 名工人面临解雇。牛津搭配〔repatriation〕Mexican American workers faced forced repatriation.墨西哥裔美国工人面临强制遣返。牛津搭配〔retreat〕They retreated before the Americans.他们在美国人面前退却了。牛津搭配〔rise〕Tenants face a 20% rent rise.承租人面临 20% 的租金提价。朗文当代〔risk〕An estimated seven million people are at risk of starvation.估计有700万人面临着饿死的危险。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕Reports indicated that up to 4,000,000 people risked death from starvation.报告显示多达400万人面临着饿死的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕He's always running her down in front of other people.他总是在别人面前说她的坏话。牛津高阶〔sack〕Four hundred workers face the sack.四百名工人面临解雇的危险。牛津高阶〔school〕He is one of the old school who still believes in honour in public life.他思想传统,在别人面前仍然讲究体面。柯林斯高阶〔self-contained〕He is a rather silent, self-contained man when with strangers.他在生人面前是个沉默寡言又颇为持重的人。英汉大词典〔sensitivity〕Interviewing victims of crime must be done with sensitivity.和罪案受害人面谈一定要顾及他们的感受。朗文当代〔shy〕He is very shy about singing in public.他羞于在众人面前唱歌。麦克米伦高阶〔shy〕She is shy about speaking English in public.她不好意思在众人面前说英语。文馨英汉〔shy〕She was very shy with strangers.她在陌生人面前很害羞。朗文当代〔shy〕She's very shy with adults.她在大人面前很拘束。牛津高阶〔stage fright〕I get stage fright whenever I have to speak in front of a large group of people.每当要站在一大群人面前说话时,我就怯场。韦氏高阶〔strut〕She strutted all her new clothes before the guests.她在客人面前炫耀她所有的新衣服美国传统〔taut〕Eric Rochant's 'Aux yeux du monde', a taut thriller about the kidnapping of a school bus.艾希·侯相导演的《在世人面前》——一部劫持校车的情节紧凑的惊悚片柯林斯高阶〔theophany〕An appearance of a god to a human being; a divine manifestation.显灵:神在人面前出现;显形的灵魂美国传统〔today〕Young people today face a very difficult future at work.如今的年轻人面临着充满困难的工作前景。牛津高阶〔trial〕Appearing in public can be a trial for shy people.怕羞的人面对公众会感到苦恼。牛津同义词〔unemployment〕Closure of the plant means 80 workers are facing unemployment.这家工厂的关闭意味着 80 个工人面临失业。朗文当代〔unfair〕Indirect taxes often impose an unfair burden on the poor.间接税收经常使穷人面临过大的负担。麦克米伦高阶〔unnecessary〕He just humiliated her in front of everyone - it was so unnecessary.他就在众人面前羞辱她——这太不合适了。剑桥高阶〔unperturbed〕He seemed completely unperturbed at the idea of having to sing in a room full of strangers.他似乎一点都不担心在一屋子陌生人面前唱歌。剑桥高阶〔unused to〕He is unused to large crowds.他在众人面前很不习惯。韦氏高阶〔vulgarity〕He was a vulgar old man, but he never swore in front of a woman.他是个粗鲁的老头,但他从来不在女人面前说脏话。柯林斯高阶〔vulgar〕He was a vulgar old man, but he never swore in front of a woman.他是个粗鲁的老头, 但他从来不在女人面前说脏话。外研社新世纪〔witness〕He signed the treaty in the presence of two witnesses.他在两位见证人面前签署了条约。剑桥高阶Academic ability doesn't weigh much in my mind when I'm interviewing someone for a job.当我给应聘人面试时,学术才能在我头脑中并不是很重要。剑桥国际He gets nervous in the presence of famous people. 他在名人面前变得局促不安。译典通He had the indiscretion to talk about family matters in front of strangers. 他轻率得在陌生人面前谈论家庭私事。译典通He remained cool before the enemy. 在敌人面前他保持镇静。译典通He signed the treaty in the presence of two witnesses.他在两个见证人面前签署了条约。剑桥国际I feel strange in the presence of strangers. 在陌生人面前,我感到不自在。译典通I suffered the indignity of having to say I was sorry in front of all those people. 我蒙受了要在那么多人面前道歉的屈辱。译典通It's taken me a while but at last I've managed to overcome my fear of public speaking.虽然花了些时间,但是最后我成功地克服了在众人面前讲话的胆怯。剑桥国际She has interviewed most of the applicants for the job. 她已和大部分申请这份工作的人面谈过。译典通She said that she wanted to die surrounded by the people she loves (= with them all present).她说她想死在所爱的人面前。剑桥国际She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers. 她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。译典通Small children are often shy of anyone they do not know. 小孩子在陌生人面前常常是怯生生的。译典通The West's inaction on the famine puts millions of people at risk of starvation.西方对饥荒不采取行动使无数人面临着饥饿的威胁。剑桥国际The cat just sat there, sphinx-like and mysterious.猫坐在那里,如狮身人面像般的神秘。剑桥国际The little child stammers in the presence of strangers. 那小孩在陌生人面前说话就结巴。译典通The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure your success with women, but it may help.拥有大量钱财并不能保证你在女人面前成功,但会有帮助。剑桥国际The proposed cutbacks have put 5 000 jobs on the line.建议中的削减计划使 5 000 人面临着失业的风险。牛津商务The translation of her birth certificate had to be sworn to before a notary.必须在公证人面前对她的出生证明的译文进行宣誓。剑桥国际They had it out in front of all the guests.他们在所有的客人面前争论这件事。剑桥国际Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy in the New Year.新年期间数千名工厂工人面临裁员。牛津商务While most people would blanch at the prospect of so much work, Daniels seems to positively enjoy it.当大多数人面对如此多的工作会脸色苍白时,而丹尼尔却似乎特别喜欢。剑桥国际




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