

单词 人行
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Gadarene〕the Gadarene swarms surging along the pavements of cities 城市人行道上行色匆匆潮涌向前的人群英汉大词典〔STEAL〕to steal from someone in the street 在街上向某人行窃朗文写作活用〔behaviour〕a new study looking at the behaviour and attitudes of young men 一项对年轻人行为态度的新研究牛津搭配〔boardwalk〕a 5-mile Atlantic Ocean boardwalk 大西洋海滨5英里长的木板宽阔人行道英汉大词典〔breast〕an old man breasting the crowds on the narrow sidewalks 在狭窄的人行道上迎着人群向前走的老人英汉大词典〔bribe〕pay (或 offer, give) bribes to sb. 向某人行贿英汉大词典〔carpet〕carpet the stairs; snow that carpeted the sidewalks. 在楼梯上铺地毯;覆盖在人行道上的雪美国传统〔casual〕a casual encounter on the sidewalk 在人行道上的偶然相遇韦氏高阶〔covered〕a covered walkway/entrance/porch 有顶的人行通道/入口/门廊韦氏高阶〔crossing〕a pedestrian crossing 人行横道麦克米伦高阶〔crowd〕crowd sb. off the pavement 把某人挤下人行道英汉大词典〔curbside〕a car hugging the curbside 紧靠人行道的汽车英汉大词典〔curbside〕the rear curbside door of a car 汽车靠人行道一边的后车门英汉大词典〔dirty〕dirty sidewalks. Something that is 肮脏的人行道。 美国传统〔distress〕pavement distress. 人行道的损坏美国传统〔exercise over〕to exercise authority over someone对某人行使权威21世纪英汉〔expanse〕great expanses of pavement 十分宽阔的人行道韦氏高阶〔flagstone〕a walkway paved with flagstones 用石板铺成的人行道韦氏高阶〔front〕a walk along the front 沿着海滨人行道散步英汉大词典〔grating〕an open grating in the sidewalk. 人行道上敞着的下水道格栅柯林斯高阶〔inside〕the inside of the pavement 人行道内侧英汉大词典〔interdict〕interdict sb. from practising medicine 禁止某人行医英汉大词典〔killing〕a verdict of unlawful killing 对非法杀人行为的裁决牛津搭配〔limitation〕limitations on one's freedom of action 对某人行动自由的限定牛津搭配〔link〕a new footbridge linking the Tate Modern with St Paul's Cathedral 一座把泰特现代艺术馆和圣保罗大教堂连接在一起的新的人行天桥麦克米伦高阶〔lousy〕a pavement lousy with lawyers站满律师的人行道外研社新世纪〔meaning〕the meaning of someone’s behaviour.某人行为的含意。牛津同义词〔mobility〕a disease that impairs the mobility of many older people 损害许多老年人行动能力的疾病牛津搭配〔near〕the near wing mirror靠近人行道一侧的后视镜外研社新世纪〔peck〕birds pecking at breadcrumbs on the pavement 在人行道上啄食面包屑的鸟儿;朗文当代〔premeditated〕a premeditated act of murder 预谋杀人行为英汉大词典〔public〕a public footpath 公共人行小径朗文当代〔scrape〕scraped my knee on the sidewalk. 我的膝盖在人行道上刮破了美国传统〔shovel〕to shovel the sidewalk/driveway(= to remove snow) 铲除人行道╱车行道上的积雪牛津高阶〔slush〕slushy pavements 雪泥覆盖的人行道牛津高阶〔step〕step the pavements 在人行道上行走英汉大词典〔tattoo〕heels tattooing the sidewalk 得得得地敲击着人行道的靴跟英汉大词典〔walkway〕a brick/wooden/concrete walkway 砖地/木板/混凝土人行道韦氏高阶〔warren〕a warren of narrow, dark alleys and side streets. 一个具有又窄又黑的小巷和人行道的易迷路之地美国传统〔wet〕a wet sidewalk; 潮湿的人行道;美国传统




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