

单词 从根本上说
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bait〕Television programmes are essentially bait to attract an audience for advertisements.从根本上说,电视节目就是吸引观众看广告的诱饵。柯林斯高阶〔base〕He is a sensible chap at base.从根本上说,他是个通情达理的人。英汉大词典〔basically〕Basically, I think you're right.从根本上说, 我认为你是对的。外研社新世纪〔basically〕Basically, he is a shallow person.从根本上说,他是个浅薄的人。英汉大词典〔essentially〕That, essentially, is the difference between them.从根本上说,那就是他们之间的差异所在。麦克米伦高阶〔fundamentally〕Fundamentally, it was a conventional bomber, but it had a number of interesting innovations.从根本上说,那是一架常规轰炸机,但是有许多有意思的创新。柯林斯高阶〔fundamentally〕Fundamentally, she is a political writer.从根本上说,她是一位政治作家。麦克米伦高阶〔fundamentally〕Fundamentally, there are two different approaches to the problem.从根本上说,这个问题有两种不同的处理方法。牛津高阶〔living〕Ultimately, living is not a secure experience.从根本上说, 生存不是个安全的过程。外研社新世纪〔mark〕Although it contains a certain amount of truth, this theory ultimately misses the mark.这个理论虽然有一定的真实性,但是从根本上说还是没有达到目的。朗文当代〔misguided〕Their approach to the problem is fundamentally misguided.他们解决问题的方法从根本上说是在错误思想的指导下得出的。牛津搭配〔reality〕All science is basically a search for reality.全部科学从根本上说就是求真。英汉大词典〔root〕It is a moral question at root.从根本上说这是个道德问题。牛津搭配〔tinsel〕Gaudy, showy, and basically valueless.华而不实的:华丽的、炫耀的,但从根本上说没有什么价值的美国传统〔ultimately〕Ultimately, Bismarck's actions scarcely damaged British interests at all.从根本上说, 俾斯麦的行动几乎未对英国的利益造成任何损害。外研社新世纪〔ultimately〕Ultimately, Bismarck's revisionism scarcely affected or damaged British interests at all.从根本上说,俾斯麦的修正主义几乎未对英国的利益造成一丝一毫的影响或损害。柯林斯高阶〔ultimately〕What worries them, ultimately, is the cost of the scheme.从根本上说,他们担心的是该方案的费用。麦克米伦高阶I still believe that people are fundamentally good (=are basically good).我仍然相信人们从根本上说是好的。剑桥国际It was basically a selfish act, though no doubt a sophist would argue that it was done for the general good.从根本上说,这是自私的行为,尽管诡辩者一定会争辩说这样做有利公益。剑桥国际Ultimately, their aim is for a society based on equity and social justice.从根本上说,他们的目标是为了一个建立在公平和社会正义基础上的社会。剑桥国际




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