

单词 以半价
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔defect〕Goods with slight defects are sold at half price.有轻微瑕疵的货品以半价出售。牛津搭配〔demonstrator〕They sold the demonstrator at half price.他们以半价卖掉了那件示范产品。英汉大词典〔half price〕Many shoes are at half price or less.许多鞋以半价或更低价出售。朗文当代〔half-price〕By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price.到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售股票。柯林斯高阶〔half-price〕Many items are at half price.许多商品都以半价出售。牛津高阶〔half-price〕We can get in for half-price.我们可以半价进入。外研社新世纪〔half-price〕We can get in half-price.我们可以半价入场。柯林斯高阶〔price〕For a limited period only, all our carpets are being sold at half price.限时抢购,我们所有的地毯均以半价出售。麦克米伦高阶〔price〕I bought these jeans at half price in the sale.我在特卖会上以半价买了这条牛仔裤。朗文当代〔sell sth off〕They're selling off last year's stock at half price.他们正以半价抛售去年的存货。剑桥高阶He returned in triumph from the sales with stereo system he'd got for half price.他带着在抛售中以半价买得的立体声音响系统兴高采烈地回来。剑桥国际If you wait until the January sales, you might be able to get it at half-price.如果你等到一月份的大降价,你也许能以半价买到它。剑桥国际Shares were trading at half their usual value.股票正以半价进行交易。牛津商务The railcard allows students and young people to travel half-price on most trains.铁路卡让学生和年轻人可以半价乘坐大多数的火车。剑桥国际The wine glasses were sold at half price because of blemishes in the crystal. 酒杯因晶质玻璃有瑕疵以半价出售。译典通They're selling off last year's stock at half price.他们以半价出售去年的库存。剑桥国际We have many items at half price or less.我们有许多商品以半价或更低价出售。牛津商务




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