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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SYMPATHIZE〕I know he's being a jerk, but I can't help feeling a little sorry for him. 我知道他是个蠢才,但我又忍不住有点同情他。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕If you are mulling over the idea of starting a new business, remember that there are many things that can affect your decision. 如果你正在考虑要开一家新的公司,请记住有许多因素都会影响你的决定。朗文写作活用〔burn〕The building housed 1,500 refugees and it burned for hours.这幢住有1,500名难民的大楼燃烧了好几个小时。柯林斯高阶〔embassy〕A building containing the offices of an ambassador and staff.大使馆:住有大使与其职员的大楼美国传统〔hay〕We knew that war was coming, and were determined to make hay while we could.我们知道战争即将爆发,决心要趁早抓住有利时机。柯林斯高阶〔lodger〕One that lodges, especially one who rents and lives in a furnished room.房客:居住者,尤指租住有家俱的房屋的人美国传统〔require〕It required all his authority to keep them in control.要把他们控制住有赖于他的全部权威。英汉大词典〔retain〕We're trying to recruit and retain skilled staff.我们尽量雇佣并留住有技能的职员。麦克米伦高阶〔there's something to be said for〕There's a lot to be said for living alone.自己住有很多好处。剑桥高阶He couldn't resist a small gloat when the woman who sacked him lost her own job.当那个解雇他的女人自己也丢了工作时,他禁不住有点幸灾乐祸。剑桥国际It is said that little water sprites lived in this river. 传说这条河里住有小水妖。译典通No household security devices are proof against (= protect completely against) the determined burglar.没有家庭安全装置能防住有决心的窃贼。剑桥国际Several Dutch families live on the street. 这条街上住有几户荷兰人。译典通They are offering soft benefits, such as childcare services, to try to keep talented staff.他们提供诸如儿童看护服务等软福利,以留住有能力的员工。牛津商务




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