

单词 众人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anticipated〕the much-anticipated new Indiana Jones movie众人期盼的印第安纳•琼斯系列新影片外研社新世纪〔decline〕declining attendance at baseball games 棒球赛观众人数的减少朗文当代〔frenzy〕the media frenzy over the celebrity wedding 媒体对公众人物婚礼表现出的极大兴趣剑桥高阶〔fusion〕a complete fusion of minds 众人思想的完全趋同英汉大词典〔get〕get lunch for a crowd. 为众人准备午饭美国传统〔giant〕a giant in the field of physics; an intellectual giant. 物理学界的巨人;智慧出众人物美国传统〔high-profile〕a high-profile public figure 一位引人注目的公众人物朗文当代〔limelight〕an ordinary person who was suddenly thrust into the limelight 突然受到众人瞩目的普通人牛津搭配〔meddlesome〕a meddlesome member of the public. 一个爱管闲事的公众人士柯林斯高阶〔meekly〕the meekest and most docile of people. 众人之中最温顺驯良的一个柯林斯高阶〔mingle〕reporters who mingled freely with the crowd与众人随意交谈的记者们外研社新世纪〔multitude〕the multitudes that throng around the Pope簇拥着教皇的众人外研社新世纪〔murmur〕a general murmur of assent 众人表示赞同的低语声牛津搭配〔opprobrium〕an opprobrious remark 众人的指摘牛津高阶〔pre-eminent〕to achieve pre-eminence in public life 成为出色的公众人物牛津高阶〔public〕a public figure(= a person who is well known because they are often on the television, radio, etc.) 公众人物牛津高阶〔ration〕ration out the work 把工作分给众人承担英汉大词典〔retreat〕a place where one can retreat from everybody 一个可以避开众人的去处 英汉大词典〔ridicule〕be the object of a lot of lively ridicule 成为众人哗然耻笑不止的对象 英汉大词典〔shenanigans〕the private shenanigans of public figures. 公众人物见不得人的诡计柯林斯高阶〔shenanigans〕the private shenanigans of public figures公众人物私底下的诡计外研社新世纪〔well known〕a well-known face/voice 众人所熟识的面孔/嗓音剑桥高阶〔widely〕the group which is widely blamed for having planted the bomb. 因安放炸弹而遭众人谴责的团体柯林斯高阶




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