

单词 伸到
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕The trail winds through the hills and then down towards Ironhorse Falls. 那条小道弯弯曲曲地穿过山区,然后向下延伸到铁马瀑布。朗文写作活用〔Biscay〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean indenting the western coast of Europe from Brittany in northwest France southward to northwest Spain.比斯开湾:大西洋一海湾,在欧洲西海岸从法国西北的布列塔尼向南沿伸到西班牙西北,呈锯齿状美国传统〔Champs Élysées〕A tree-lined thoroughfare of Paris, France, leading from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe.香榭利舍大街:法国巴黎一条从协和广场一直延伸到凯旋门的林荫大道美国传统〔Coast Ranges〕A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.海岸山脉:北美洲最西部的一系列山脉,沿太平洋海岸线从美国阿拉斯加东南延伸到下加利福尼亚.美国传统〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The pole was just long enough to reach the top window. 这竿子正好够长伸到最上面的那扇窗。朗文写作活用〔Esdraelon〕A fertile plain of northern Israel extending from the coastal lowlands near Mount Carmel to the Jordan River valley.埃斯德赖隆草原:以色列北部肥沃的草原,从海边的低洼地一直延伸到卡默尔山附近的约旦河谷美国传统〔IMPRESS〕An imposing staircase led out of the hall. 一段很有气派的阶梯延伸到了大厅外面。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕The new road will stretch from Barcelona to the Adriatic, hugging the Mediterranean coast. 新的道路将沿着地中海沿岸,从巴塞罗那延伸到亚得里亚海。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕I want a rug that goes right to the edge of the room. 我要一块能延伸到房间边上的小地毯。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕The fence went all the way over to the other side of the park. 这道篱笆一直延伸到公园的另一头。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕The scar on his face went from his eye all the way down to his chin. 他脸上的那条疤痕从他眼睛一直延伸到下巴。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕Today, just 5% remains of the original wooded land that stretched from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. 原先从大西洋一直延伸到密西西比的那片林地如今只剩下5%了。朗文写作活用〔South Atlantic Ocean〕The southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica.南大西洋:大西洋的南部,从赤道向南一直延伸到南极洲美国传统〔beyond〕The road continues beyond the village up into the hills.那条路经过村子后又往上延伸到群山中。牛津高阶〔breast〕The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.胸部:人体的上身腹部表面,从脖子延伸到腹部美国传统〔carry over〕Priestley's rational outlook in science carried over to religion.普里斯特利在科学上的理性世界观延伸到了宗教思想上。柯林斯高阶〔carry over〕Priestley's rational outlook in science carried over to religion.普里斯特利在科学上的理性观点延伸到了宗教方面。外研社新世纪〔carry through〕The yellow and blue theme in the kitchen carries through to the rest of the house.厨房的黄蓝色调一直延伸到房子的其他地方。韦氏高阶〔cleft〕Botany Having indentations that extend about halfway to the center, as in certain leaves.【植物学】 半裂的:有锯齿状边缘的,延伸到距中心一半的距离,例如某些叶片美国传统〔continue〕The main road continues towards Viterbo before turning right to Bolsena.大路一直延伸到维泰博,之后右转通向博尔塞纳。柯林斯高阶〔crack〕The crack runs all the way from the top of the wall to the bottom.裂缝从墙顶一直延伸到墙脚。韦氏高阶〔crouch down〕He crouched down and reached under the mattress.他蹲下身来, 把手伸到垫子下面。外研社新世纪〔dip〕He dipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a key.他把手伸到口袋里,掏出一把钥匙。韦氏高阶〔dip〕The road dipped steeply down into the town.这条路陡然下斜,一直延伸到城里。牛津搭配〔dive〕He suddenly dived into the chest and found a silk shirt.他突然把手伸到箱子里, 翻出了一件丝质衬衫。外研社新世纪〔extend to〕The border extends to the river.边界延伸到河边。21世纪英汉〔extend to〕The fence extends to the meadow.篱笆一直延伸到牧草地。21世纪英汉〔extend〕Our land extends as far as the river.我们的土地一直延伸到河边。牛津高阶〔extend〕The fence extends to the meadow.栅栏一直延伸到牧草地。英汉大词典〔extend〕They plan to extend the service to people in rural areas.他们计划把这项服务延伸到农村居民。韦氏高阶〔finger〕Don't stick your fingers in the cookie batter! 别把你的手指伸到饼干糊里!韦氏高阶〔fork〕The path dipped down to a sort of cove, and then it forked in two directions.这条路向下延伸到了一个山坳,然后在那里分了岔。柯林斯高阶〔futtock shroud〕One of the iron rods extending from a band on the lower mast to the futtock plate, used to brace the base of the topmast.桅楼侧支索:一种用来固定中桅底座而从低桅的一个箍圈延伸到内龙骨翼板的铁杆美国传统〔gentle〕There is a gentle slope down to the river.一片平缓的斜坡延伸到河边。外研社新世纪〔go〕A huge crack went from the top to the bottom of the wall.墙上裂了一条很大的裂缝,从房顶一直延伸到地面。剑桥高阶〔go〕His land goes almost all the way down to the river.他的田地差不多一直延伸到那条河。韦氏高阶〔go〕There were steps going down to what had once been a lawn.这里有台阶一直延伸到原来是一片草坪的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔gradually〕The bank slopes gradually down to the river.河岸平缓地向下一直延伸到水边。剑桥高阶〔horizon〕The sea stretched away to the distant horizon.海平面伸到遥远的天际。牛津搭配〔increase〕The transit authority extended the subway line to the next town.交通运输部门把地铁延伸到下一个城镇。美国传统〔infinity〕The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity.风景似乎延伸到了无穷远处。牛津高阶〔jackboot〕A stout military boot that extends above the knee.长统靴,军靴:延伸到膝盖以上的结实的军靴美国传统〔jut〕There, jutting into the lagoon, was the platform.那里, 伸到环礁湖里面的, 就是那个平台。外研社新世纪〔keel〕The principal structural member of a ship, running lengthwise along the center line from bow to stern, to which the frames are attached.龙骨:船的主要结构部件,沿前沿中心线从船头延伸到船尾,船的肋骨附在这上面美国传统〔lateral line〕A series of sensory pores along the head and sides of fish and some amphibians by which water currents, vibrations, and pressure changes are detected.侧线:鱼或一些两栖动物从头部延伸到身体两侧的一系列感觉孔,通过这两条侧线可以感知水流、振动和压强的变化美国传统〔length〕The wall ran the full length of the garden.那堵墙从花园这头延伸到那头。朗文当代〔make〕The forest makes up nearly to the snow line.森林向上几乎延伸到雪线的高度。英汉大词典〔next door〕The wires trailed through other parts of the HQ into a next door building.电线穿过总部的其他部门, 一直延伸到隔壁的大楼里。外研社新世纪〔peter〕The road petered out into a dirt track.大道延伸到一条泥路小径。牛津高阶〔pharynx〕The section of the alimentary canal that extends from the mouth and nasal cavities to the larynx, where it becomes continuous with the esophagus.咽:消化道上从嘴和鼻腔延伸到喉的部分,此处喉部与食管相接美国传统〔pileum〕The top of a bird's head, extending from the base of the bill to the nape.鸟冠:鸟头的顶部,从喙底延伸到后颈美国传统〔plane〕The mellow farmlands plane to the water edge.肥沃的田地一直延伸到水边。21世纪英汉〔pole lamp〕A lighting unit consisting of a usually spring-loaded pole extending from the ceiling to the floor and having attached lamp fixtures.长杆落地灯:一种照明器具,由从天花板延伸到地面的、通常装有弹簧的一根长杆和附在灯的部件组成美国传统〔pop〕Dick popped his head out of the window.迪克突然把头伸到窗外。文馨英汉〔put ... up〕Put your hand up the cupboard and see if you can feel anything.把手伸到柜橱上面,看你能摸到什么。21世纪英汉〔radial tire〕A pneumatic tire in which the ply cords extending to beads are laid at approximately right angles to the center line of the tread.子午线轮胎:一种充气轮胎,轮胎内延伸到轮胎沿口的层面与胎面中心线成直角美国传统〔radical sign〕The radical sign together with a horizontal bar extending from its top to the end of the expression from which a root is to be extracted.根号:根号与一条水平横线,从开根的表达式开头延伸到结尾美国传统〔reach〕I reached across the table and squeezed his hand.我把手伸到桌子的另一边,捏住他的手。柯林斯高阶〔reach〕She reached inside her bag for a pen.她把手伸到包里掏钢笔。牛津高阶〔reach〕Their land reaches the river.他们的土地一直延伸到河边。韦氏高阶〔reach〕Their land reaches to the river.他们的土地一直延伸到河边。韦氏高阶〔roof〕The roof slopes down to the top of the windows.屋顶倾斜延伸到窗户上方。牛津搭配〔run ... out〕The wall runs out into the field.这面墙一直延伸到田野里。21世纪英汉〔shore〕The hotel's gardens stretch down to the lake shore.宾馆的花园一直延伸到湖滨。牛津搭配〔slither〕He slithered his hand around her waist.他悄悄把手伸到了她的腰间。韦氏高阶〔snake its way〕A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.长长的队伍排到楼下后又一直延伸到了街上。剑桥高阶〔snoozle〕The dog snoozled its nose into her face.狗把鼻子伸到她脸上来。英汉大词典〔span〕Something, such as a railroad trestle or bridge, that extends from one point to another.延伸体:从一点延伸到另一点的物体,如高架铁路或桥梁美国传统〔spill over〕I wish some of this career success had spilt over into my private life.要是事业上的成功能延伸到我的私人生活就好了。外研社新世纪〔start〕The path/trail starts here and ends at the lake.小路从这里延伸到湖边。韦氏高阶〔stick out〕A peninsula sticks out from the shore into the bay.半岛从海岸往外一直延伸到海湾中。韦氏高阶〔stick out〕She was sitting with her feet stuck out in the aisle.她坐着,脚伸到通道上。韦氏高阶〔stick through〕She stuck a finger through the bars.她将一根手指伸到栏杆外面。外研社新世纪〔stick〕Hal stuck his head out of the open window.哈尔把头伸到打开的窗户外面。外研社新世纪〔stick〕The boy stuck his finger up his nose.小男孩把手指伸到鼻孔里。朗文当代〔stretch〕Canada stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.加拿大从大西洋一直延伸到太平洋。英汉大词典〔stretch〕Don't stretch your head out.别把头伸到窗外。21世纪英汉〔stretch〕The fields stretched forever into the distance.田地一直延伸到远方。牛津搭配〔sweep〕The road sweeps down to the coast.这条路一直延伸到海岸。剑桥高阶〔tailback〕The tailback into Manhattan didn't seem to have moved for the last two hours.延伸到曼哈顿的堵车长龙在过去的两个小时里似乎没有移动过。外研社新世纪〔thaw〕He held his hands in front of the fire to thaw them out.他把手伸到炉火前取暖。朗文当代〔the Sunbelt〕The Sunbelt stretches from Florida to southern California.美国的阳光地带从佛罗里达州一直延伸到加利福尼亚州南部。剑桥高阶〔thrust〕He thrust his fist in front of my face.他把拳头伸到我脸前。21世纪英汉〔to〕The meadows lead down to the river.牧场一直延伸到河边。牛津高阶〔ugly〕It was an ugly scar that extended into his hairline.那条丑陋的伤疤一直延伸到他的发际线。外研社新世纪〔ulna〕The bone extending from the elbow to the wrist on the side opposite to the thumb in human beings.尺骨:在人体上,与大拇指相反且从肘部延伸到手腕的骨头美国传统〔undulate〕As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.我们一路南行, 乡间开始变得起伏不平, 绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸。外研社新世纪〔undulate〕As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.我们一路南行,乡间开始变得起伏不平,绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸。柯林斯高阶〔up-river〕The vineyards of Anjou extend from west of Angers to up-river of Saumur.安茹葡萄园从昂热西部一直延伸到索米尔的上游。柯林斯高阶〔waterside〕Her garden stretches down to the waterside.她的花园一直延伸到河畔。柯林斯高阶A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.长长的队伍朝楼下一直弯曲延伸到街上。剑桥国际A single human neuron can be several feet long and stretch from the brain all the way down the spine to a leg.一个人体的神经元可以有几英尺长,能从脑沿脊柱一直向下延伸到腿。剑桥国际At the back of the house were lawns which stretched down to the river.屋后面是延伸到河边的草地。剑桥国际From our window we have a view of fields extending (= reaching) into the distance.从窗口我们可以看到延伸到远方的田野。剑桥国际In the 14th century, Barcelona was the seat of a Mediterranean empire that stretched to Naples and Athens.在14世纪,巴塞罗那是那个领土延伸到那布勒斯和雅典的地中海帝国的中心。剑桥国际The bus line comes near the school. 这条公车路线一直延伸到那座学校附近。译典通The conflict threatens to spill (over) into neighbouring regions.冲突有延伸到邻近地区的危险。剑桥国际The refugee camps stretch as far as the eye can see 难民营一直延伸到他们视野的尽头。剑桥国际The road stretched into the distance as far as the eye can/could see.路延伸到远方直至目力所不及之处。剑桥国际They have extended their brand into the mobile phone market.他们将其品牌延伸到了手机市场。牛津商务




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