

单词 件产品
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUY〕If this product does not give complete satisfaction, please return it to the manufacturer stating when and where it was purchased. 如果这件产品不能令您完全满意,请将其退还给制造商,并说明产品的购买日期和地点。朗文写作活用〔beta version〕The version of a software product used in a beta test.β测试版:用于β测试的软件产品的版本美国传统〔billing〕The product is not half as good as its advance billing indicates.这件产品远远没有原先广告上说的那样好。英汉大词典〔code〕Each product has been coded.每件产品都有编号。韦氏高阶〔exhaustive〕Every product is exhaustively tested before being sold.每件产品销售前都经过全面检验。牛津高阶〔identification〕Each product has a number for easy identification.每件产品都有号码以便于识别。牛津高阶〔label〕A distinctive name or trademark identifying a product or manufacturer, especially a recording company.标明产品的标记:标明一件产品或厂家身份的特有名号或商标,尤指唱片公司的商标美国传统〔package〕The code informs us where and when a product was packaged.这个代码告诉我们一件产品的包装地和包装时间。朗文当代〔raft〕The company has launched a whole raft of new software products.公司推出了大量新的软件产品。朗文当代〔reject〕We'll have to reject these. They've got little cracks in them.我们不得不拒绝买下这几件产品,因为产品上有细裂纹。英汉大词典〔review〕The journal receives review copies (=free copies to review) of most new software products.这家杂志会收到大多数新软件产品的赠样,作评论之用。朗文当代〔unit〕The company needs to sell 10,000 units to break even.公司需要卖掉1万件产品才不盈不亏。麦克米伦高阶〔widget〕Company A produces 6000 widgets a month at a unit price of $0.33.A 公司每月生产 6000 件产品,每件单价 0.33 美元。朗文当代〔widget〕Company A produces two million widgets a year.*A 公司年产 200 万件产品。牛津高阶Calculate the total cost per widget.计算每件产品的总成本。牛津商务Continually adding new features to a product often results in bloatware.不断给软件产品增加新功能常常只会产生臃肿软件。牛津商务If we spend $1 000 on our advertising campaign and sell 20 items, the conversion cost per sale is $50.如果我们的广告宣传活动花费 1000 元,而销售了 20 件产品,那么每件产品的转换成本是 50 元。牛津商务Two of their products have been nominated for the ‘Innovation of the Year’ award.他们有两件产品已获得“年度创新”奖的提名。牛津商务We stock the whole range of model railway accessories.我们库存有全部铁路附件产品样品。剑桥国际




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