

单词 乡下人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MODEST〕Umbria is a wonderful region, where life is simple and the people are unpretentious country folk. 翁布里亚是个令人神往的地区,那里的生活朴素,居民都是谦逊的乡下人。朗文写作活用〔boy〕He's a country boy at heart.他实际上是个乡下人。麦克米伦高阶〔boy〕I'm just a country boy.我不过是个乡下人。朗文当代〔bucolic〕A farmer or shepherd; a rustic.农夫或牧羊人;乡下人美国传统〔chuff〕A rude, insensitive person; a boor.乡下人:粗鲁的、迟钝的人;乡下佬美国传统〔clodhopper〕A clumsy, coarse person; a bumpkin.乡下佬,粗人:愚笨粗俗之人;乡下人美国传统〔countryfolk〕Countryfolk were taught how to make valuable measurements and observations.乡下人接受如何进行有用的测量和观察的教育。英汉大词典〔countryman〕A man who lives in the country or has country ways.乡下人,农民:在农村居住的人;具有乡村方式的人美国传统〔countryman〕He had the red face of a countryman.他有着乡下人的红脸庞。柯林斯高阶〔countryman〕He had the red face of a countryman.他有着乡下人那种红红的脸庞。外研社新世纪〔difference〕There's a big difference in the attitudes of town and country people.城里人和乡下人的态度大不相同。麦克米伦高阶〔disabuse〕Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.他们认为乡下人爱讨好陌生人, 对此观点我并未予以纠正。外研社新世纪〔disabuse〕Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.他们认为乡下人爱讨好陌生人,对此观点我并未予以纠正。柯林斯高阶〔distaste〕They are country people with a general distaste for all things urban.他们是乡下人,对城市中的一切事物普遍有些厌恶。牛津搭配〔gaffer〕Chiefly British An old man or a rustic.【多用于英国】 老头儿或乡下人美国传统〔heart〕I'm really a country person at heart.我实际上是个真正的乡下人。麦克米伦高阶〔hick〕My hair was cut hick style.我头发给剪得像个乡下人。英汉大词典〔hillbilly〕A person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area.山里人,乡下人:来自山林或偏僻山区的人美国传统〔hind〕Archaic A country bumpkin; a rustic.【古语】 庄稼人;乡巴佬:纯朴的乡下人美国传统〔loutish〕Having the characteristics of a lout; awkward, stupid, and boorish.蠢笨的,乡下气的,粗鲁的:具有粗鄙者特点的;笨拙的,愚蠢的,乡下人的美国传统〔peasant〕A country person; a rustic.庄稼人;乡下人美国传统〔plowman〕A farmer or rustic.农夫,乡下人美国传统〔provincial〕A person who has provincial ideas or habits.乡下人:一个有乡下观念或习惯的人美国传统〔provincial〕City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes.城里人以为乡下人思想迂腐。牛津同义词〔rationalize〕She rationalized away the superstitious beliefs of the country folk.她用科学道理驳斥了乡下人的一些迷信。21世纪英汉〔record〕His diaries record the lives of ordinary country people.他的日记记载了普通乡下人的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔rusticate〕He rusticated himself so long that he has become an absolute country cousin.他定居乡村很久,已变成十足的乡下人了。21世纪英汉〔rustic〕A rural person.乡下人美国传统〔shire〕Smart country people are fleeing back to the shires.精明的乡下人正纷纷逃回各郡。柯林斯高阶〔villager〕The villagers were suspicious of anything new.那些乡下人对任何新事物都疑神疑鬼的。英汉大词典He spoke like rural people. 他说起话来像乡下人。译典通Her parents told her not to look down upon countrymen. 她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。译典通Joe's a real peasant.乔是个真正的乡下人。剑桥国际She speaks with a soft rural burr. 她说话带著乡下人的轻柔的r音。译典通You peasant! 你们这些乡下人!剑桥国际




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