

单词 depend on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕Inflation goes up and down depending on the state of the economy. 通货膨胀随着经济状况的变化而起伏不定。朗文写作活用〔DISABLED〕Because of his disability, he depended on his wife to dress him, feed him and bathe him. 他身患残疾,只得靠妻子帮助他穿衣吃饭洗澡。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Your accent depends on where you live, your upbringing, that kind of thing. 你的口音受到你生活的地方、你的家庭教育等方面的因素影响。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕He was growing to depend on her, he knew that. 他越来越依赖她,他是知道这一点的。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕The engine's efficiency depends on the effective compression of gas in all its cylinders. 发动机的效率取决于所有汽缸内气体压缩的有效性。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The price will depend on the size and quality of the carpet. 价格取决于地毯的大小和品质。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The rate at which an ice cube melts depends on its surface area. 冰块的融化速度取决于它的表面积。朗文写作活用〔THICK〕The price of the glass will depend on how thick it is. 玻璃的价格取决于它的厚度。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕It's going to be a stressful time - you'll need to have someone with you who you can depend on. 那将是一段艰难时期,你需要一个可以依靠的人和你在一起。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕Of course people will use their cars if they cannot depend on buses and trains to get them to work. 如果大家无法依赖公共汽车和火车上下班的话,他们当然要使用自己的汽车了。朗文写作活用〔bring〕Her illness brought home to him how much he depended on her.她一病倒才使他深切体会到自己对她的依赖程度有多大。英汉大词典〔capability〕People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.人们会感受到在一天的不同时段, 体力和脑力也会有所不同。外研社新世纪〔charity〕Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity.她丈夫失业了, 全家靠救济金过活。外研社新世纪〔clear up〕It all depends on the weather clearing up.这完全取决于天气是否会放晴。柯林斯高阶〔conference〕It depends on how the conference votes.这取决于与会者如何投票。外研社新世纪〔day〕Whether we win or not depends on which players are healthy on the day.我们能否获胜取决于比赛当天有哪几名球员状态良好。韦氏高阶〔depend on〕You shouldn't listen to the rumour.You can depend on me.你可别听信流言蜚语,你可以信赖我。21世纪英汉〔depend〕He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to.他或是辞职了,或是被辞退了,这要看你跟谁讲了。牛津高阶〔depend〕Nora grew accustomed to depending on her husband.诺拉变得习惯于依赖丈夫。柯林斯高阶〔depend〕The price depends on the quality.价格取决于质量。外研社新世纪〔depend〕The price varies, depending on whether you book by telephone or over the Internet.根据你是通过电话还是网络预定, 价格会不一样。外研社新世纪〔depend〕You may depend on the accuracy of the report.你可以信赖报告的准确性。21世纪英汉〔dice〕Everything depends on a throw of the dice.一切都靠掷骰子决定。外研社新世纪〔expert〕Ministers depend on civil servants for expert advice .部长们依靠公务员获取专家建议。朗文当代〔hand〕Everything depends on how the company plays its hand.利用有利因素麦克米伦高阶〔integrity〕The accuracy of the analysis depends on the integrity of the data supplied.该分析的精确性取决于所提供的数据是否完好无损。麦克米伦高阶〔jog〕Some people depend on a morning jog to give them energy.一些人靠清晨慢跑来获得充沛精力。韦氏高阶〔leading〕Britain's future as a leading industrial nation depends on investment.作为一个主要工业国英国的未来要倚赖投资。柯林斯高阶〔our〕The quality of our life depends on keeping well.我们的生活质量取决于健康状况。柯林斯高阶〔preference〕The amount of sugar you add will depend on personal preference .加多少糖取决于个人的喜好。朗文当代〔prosperity〕The island's prosperity depends on its fishing industry.这个岛的繁荣有赖于渔业。牛津搭配〔relative〕The words “right” and “left” are relative because their meaning depends on which way a person looks at something.“右”和“左”这两个词是相对性的,因为其意义是随人从哪一个方位看事物而定的。英汉大词典〔resort〕In the last resort, much depends on how well you have argued your case.最后,很大一部分要取决于你对案件的申辩情况。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕The punishment depends on how the umpire interprets the rules.怎样处罚取决于裁判如何解释规则。牛津搭配〔school〕What you think about this probably depends on which school of economics you belong to.你对此事的观点可能取决于你属于哪一个经济学派。麦克米伦高阶〔severe〕The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries.能否彻底康复取决于她受伤的严重程度。牛津高阶〔shape〕It all depends on how that football team shapes after Christmas.这全取决于圣诞节后那个足球队踢得如何。英汉大词典〔sound〕You can depend on him to make a sound choice.你可以依靠他作出正确的选择。英汉大词典〔suggestion〕The success of advertising depends on the power of suggestion.广告的成功依靠暗示联想的威力。麦克米伦高阶Children depend on their parents.孩子依赖于父母。剑桥国际Efficiency depends on good organization. 高效率依赖于良好的组织。译典通Everything now depends on what happens at next week's meeting.现在一切就看下周会议上会发生什么事了。剑桥国际Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week.一切最终都将取决于下周和董事的讨论。剑桥国际Health depends on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. 健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。译典通I'm depending on you to keep your promise.我相信你能信守诺言。剑桥国际It depends on the weather. 这取决于天气。译典通It all depends on how you look at it.这全取决于你如何看待。剑桥国际Prices vary widely depending on where you live.不同的居住地点价格变动很大。牛津商务The meaning of a sentence often depends on stress and intonation.一句句子的意思经常由重音和语调而定。剑桥国际This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.这种方法极其容易出错,因为它需要仔细和精确的计时。剑桥国际




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