

单词 一间
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔advertisable〕to advertise for a house to rent登广告租一间房子21世纪英汉〔after〕a large hall fitted up after the Roman style 一间仿照罗马风格装修的大厅英汉大词典〔allocate〕allocate a room to be used for storage. 指定一间房用来贮藏美国传统〔all〕a room painted all white; directions that were all wrong. 一间全刷成白色的房间;完全错误的方向美国传统〔amid〕a tiny bungalow amid clusters of trees. 在树丛中的一间小平房柯林斯高阶〔attic〕a small attic room 一间小阁楼朗文当代〔bedsitter〕a flat consisting of a small kitchen and a bedsitter 由一间小厨房和一间卧室兼起居室组成的公寓套房英汉大词典〔by〕a room 15 metres by 23 metres 一间 15 米宽 23 米长的房间朗文当代〔cavern〕a badly-lit underground cavern一间照明很差的地下室外研社新世纪〔commandeer〕a tiny office that he has commandeered from a secretary他从一位秘书那里抢来的一间小办公室外研社新世纪〔cubby〕a little cubby of an office 一间窄小的办公室英汉大词典〔dotage〕spending his dotage in a riverside cottage在河边一间小屋中度过老弱之年外研社新世纪〔imprison in〕to imprison the criminal in a dark room将罪犯监禁于一间暗室中21世纪英汉〔intrude into〕to intrude into a house闯入一间屋子21世纪英汉〔in〕a room furnished in the modern style 一间以现代风格装饰的房间朗文当代〔lofty〕a light, lofty apartment in the suburbs of Salzburg. 位于萨尔茨堡市郊的一间采光好、屋顶高的公寓柯林斯高阶〔lofty〕a light, lofty apartment in the suburbs of Salzburg位于萨尔茨堡市郊的一间采光好、屋顶高的公寓外研社新世纪〔messy〕a messy bedroom. 一间脏乱的卧房美国传统〔morgue〕old news stories found in a newspaper morgue 在一间报纸资料室中发现的过去的新闻报道韦氏高阶〔newborn〕a newborn nursery一间育婴室外研社新世纪〔old〕a beautiful old farm house in the country 乡下一间漂亮的古老农舍剑桥高阶〔old〕lived in a ramshackle, antediluvian tenement; 住在一间摇摇欲坠,太过于陈旧的廉价公寓里;美国传统〔opulent〕an opulent office on Wimpole Street in London's West End伦敦西区温波尔街上的一间豪华办公室外研社新世纪〔partition〕a partition between two parts of a room.把一间房分成两部分的隔板。牛津同义词〔plushy〕a plushy office. 一间奢华的办公室美国传统〔quaint〕a quaint little cottage一间古色古香的小屋外研社新世纪〔rake〕a well-equipped lecture room, the raked seats of which were filled by silent students一间设施齐全的教室, 向后倾斜的座椅上安安静静地坐满学生外研社新世纪〔rec〕a rec room; a rec hall. 一间娱乐室;一个娱乐厅美国传统〔relatively〕a relatively small basement flat 一间相对较小的地下室公寓麦克米伦高阶〔room〕the first room on the left; an unpainted room. 左手边第一间;未粉刷的房间美国传统〔shadowy〕a broad, shadowy room. 一间宽敞阴暗的房间柯林斯高阶〔shirttail〕a shirttail cabin in the woods. 林中的一间小棚美国传统〔side〕a factory on the west side of town 城西的一间工厂牛津搭配〔slap together〕to slap a cabin together with lumber用木板搭起一间小木屋21世纪英汉〔slide into〕to slide into a room悄悄溜进一间屋21世纪英汉〔sloppy〕a sloppy kitchen; 一间不整洁的厨房;美国传统〔small〕a small house; 一间小房子;美国传统〔upstairs〕an upstairs room 一间楼上房间 英汉大词典〔worst〕the worst room in the hotel 旅馆里最差的一间房英汉大词典a fully equipped office 一间设施齐全的办公室牛津商务




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