

单词 也作
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔America〕or Also the A.mer.i.cas [-kəz] The landmasses and islands of North America, South America, Mexico, and Central America included in the Western Hemisphere. 或 也作 the A.mer.i.cas [-kəz] 美洲:西半球的北美洲、南美洲、墨西哥和中美洲的陆地和岛屿美国传统〔Noël〕noël also noel A Christmas carol. noël 也作 noel 圣诞颂歌美国传统〔Oz〕regarded New York City as the Oz of the Northeast. Also called Land of Oz 认为纽约城是东北部的神秘之地 也作 Land of Oz美国传统〔Protestant〕protestant also [prə-tĕsʹtənt] One who makes a declaration or an avowal. protestant 也作 [prə-tĕsʹtənt] 抗议者:提出声明或公开表示的人美国传统〔Supreme Court〕supreme court The highest court in most states within the United States. Also called In this sense, also called high court supreme court 最高法院:美国国内大多数州的最高法院 也作 在此意义上也可称作 high court美国传统〔ambhi〕or Also m̥bhiAround. 或 也作 m̥bhi周围.美国传统〔antenna〕pl. an.ten.nas A metallic apparatus for sending or receiving electromagnetic waves. Also called In this sense, also called aerial 【复数】 an.ten.nas 天线:用于放射或接收电磁波的金属仪器 也作 在此意义上也可称作 aerial美国传统〔blinder〕blinders A pair of leather flaps attached to a horse's bridle to curtail side vision. Also called blinkers blinders 马的眼罩:系在马勒上缩短侧面视线的一对皮罩 也作 blinkers美国传统〔demimonde〕the literary demimonde of ghost writers, hacks, and publicists. Also called In this sense, also called demiworld 由代人写作的人、雇佣文人或出版者组成的名声不好的文人阶层 也作 在此意义上也可称作 demiworld美国传统〔dice〕pl. dicealso dices A small cube, as of food. 【复数】 dice 也作 dices 小方块:一种如食物的小方块美国传统〔dilatation〕dilatation of the stomach. Also called dilation 胃胀 也作 dilation美国传统〔domination〕dominations Theology The fourth of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called dominions dominations 【神学】 九等天使中的第四等 也作 在此意义上也可称作 dominions美国传统〔epi〕or Also opiNear, at, against. 或 也作 opi靠近, 在, 反对.美国传统〔focus〕the focus of a lens. Also called focal point 透镜的焦点 也作 focal point美国传统〔forefront〕in the forefront of the liberation movement. Also called In this sense, also called foreground 在解放运动的最前锋 也作 在此意义上也可称作 foreground美国传统〔glasswork〕glassworks (used with a sing. verb)An establishment where glass is manufactured. Also called In this sense, also called glasshouse glassworks (与单数动词连用)玻璃制作厂 也作 在此意义上也可称作 glasshouse美国传统〔g〕or Also gweiə- To live. 或 也作 gweiə- 活着,存活,维生.美国传统〔g〕or Also gwel- To throw, reach, with further meaning to pierce. 或 也作 gwel- 投掷, 延伸, 和附加的含义:穿透.美国传统〔hemorrhoid〕hemorrhoids The pathological condition in which such painful masses occur. Also called In this sense, also called piles hemorrhoids 痔疾:这些令人疼痛的病块出现的病理状态 也作 在此意义上也可称作 piles美国传统〔hiccup〕hiccups also hiccoughs An attack of these spasms. Often used withthe. hiccups 也作 hiccoughs 呃道的发作。通常与the 连用 美国传统〔k〕or Also kwi- Stem of relative and interrogative pronouns. 或 也作 kwi- 关系代词和疑问代词的词干.美国传统〔medium〕pl. mediums A person thought to have the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension. Also called psychic 【复数】 mediums 灵媒,降神者:被认为是有能力与死者的灵魂或另一世界或空间的力量进行交流的人 也作 psychic美国传统〔opiate〕a natural brain opiate. Also called opioid 天然镇脑剂 也作 opioid美国传统〔pacemaker〕the fashion house that is the pacemaker. Also called pacesetter 起带头作用的时装屋 也作 pacesetter美国传统〔percent〕pl. percentalso per cent One part in a hundred: 【复数】 percent 也作 per cent 百分之一:一百中的一份:美国传统〔phalanx〕pl. phalanges Anatomy A bone of a finger or toe. Also called phalange 【复数】 phalanges 【解剖学】 指骨,趾骨 也作 phalange美国传统〔piazza〕pl. pi.az.ze[pē-ätʹsə, pyätʹsĕ] also [pē-ätʹsə, pyätʹsä] A public square in an Italian town. 【复数】 pi.az.ze[pē-ätʹsə, pyätʹsĕ] 也作 [pē-ätʹsə, pyätʹsä] 广场,露天市场:意大利小镇的公共广场美国传统〔police〕campus police. Also called police force 校园警察 也作 police force美国传统〔principality〕principalities Theology The seventh of the nine orders of angels. Also called In this sense, also called princedoms principalities 【神学】 权天使:九级天使中的第七级 也作 在此意义上也可称作 princedoms美国传统〔screen〕a star of stage and screen. Also called silver screen 舞台剧和电影界的明星 也作 silver screen美国传统〔sluice〕open sluices to flood a dry dock. Also called sluice gate 打开水闸灌水到一个干船坞 也作 sluice gate美国传统〔sublimit〕negotiating sublimits on the number of land-based, intermediate-range missiles. Also called subceiling 就地面的中程导弹存在的最多数目进行谈判 也作 subceiling美国传统〔suttee〕pl. sut.teesalso sa.tis A widow who commits such an act. 【复数】 sut.tees 也作 sa.tis 殉夫自焚的寡妇美国传统〔tule〕tu.les [to͞o′lēz] Northern California Marshy or swampy land. Also called Regional tule land tu.les [to͞o′lēz] 【加州北部】 沼泽地或湿地 也作 【区域的】 tule land美国传统〔voice〕a fugue for four voices; string voices carrying the melody. Also called voice part 四声部的赋格曲;弦乐声部演奏旋律 也作 voice part美国传统




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