

单词 一通
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abuse〕a stream/torrent of abuse 不断辱骂;劈头盖脸一通臭骂牛津高阶〔binge〕a drinking/shopping binge 一通狂饮/狂买韦氏高阶〔blind〕make a blind guess 胡猜一通英汉大词典〔bollocking〕to give sb a bollocking 把某人臭骂一通牛津高阶〔boozy〕a boozy night out 晚上外出大喝一通剑桥高阶〔bout〕a drinking bout 狂饮一通牛津高阶〔bout〕a drinking bout 狂饮一通韦氏高阶〔collect〕send a telegram collect 发一通由收件人付款的电报文馨英汉〔current〕a current of air from a fan; a current of spoken words.See Synonyms at flow 从风扇中吹出的一股气流;一通讲话 参见 flow美国传统〔early〕an early morning phone call清早的一通电话外研社新世纪〔hail〕a hail of pebbles; a hail of criticism. 一阵卵石;一通批评美国传统〔hail〕hail blows (curses) (down) on sb. 把某人乱打 (骂) 一通 英汉大词典〔internal〕an internal phone call一通国内电话外研社新世纪〔lard〕a long phone call, larded with 'darlings' and a sickening amount of baby-talk一通长长的电话, 其中充斥着“亲爱的”和多到令人作呕的故作天真的话外研社新世纪〔person-to-person〕place a person-to-person call to ... 打一通叫人电话给…。文馨英汉〔snap〕to snap out one's complaints怒气冲冲地发了一通牢骚21世纪英汉〔spree〕a shopping/spending/buying spree 疯狂采购一通/乱花一气/乱买麦克米伦高阶〔tirade〕a tirade of abuse 一通谩骂朗文当代〔wrap〕wrap oneself round a large drink 大喝一通英汉大词典




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