

单词 不按时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blacklist〕Any client who doesn't pay on time goes on our blacklist.凡不按时付款的顾客都会列入我们的黑名单。麦克米伦高阶〔default〕Any default on your mortgage payments may mean you will lose your house.不按时偿还抵押贷款就意味着可能会失去房子。剑桥高阶〔get by with〕That student never completes his work on time,I don't know how he gets by with it.那个学生从不按时完成作业,我不知道他是如何逃脱处罚的。21世纪英汉〔get socked with sth〕If you don't pay your credit card bill on time, you'll get socked with a huge late fee.如果你不按时支付信用卡账单,你就要缴纳一大笔滞纳金。剑桥高阶〔lump〕The danger is that people who pay their bills on time will be lumped in with those that don't.危险的是,按时付账单的人和不按时付账单的人会被混为一谈。朗文当代〔overtired〕Make sure you avoid getting overtired or missing meals, when at all possible.尽可能避免过度劳累或不按时吃饭。柯林斯高阶〔pay〕He is a good (bad) pay.他总是按时(不按时)付款。英汉大词典〔tar and feather (someone)〕If I don't get home in time, Mom will tar and feather me.如果我不按时回家,妈妈就会严惩我。韦氏高阶〔trouble〕If I don't get this finished in time, I'll be in trouble.我如不按时把这完成就要倒霉了。牛津高阶He was released on a $5 000 bond (= if he did not appear in court on a particular day he would lose the money).他以 5 000 元获得保释(如果他不按时出庭,就会失去这笔钱)。牛津商务If you don't finish this on time, you're finito -- you won't get a second chance.假如你不按时完成这件事,你就算完了----你不会再有第二次机会了。剑桥国际Late opening of stores is common in Britain now.现在英国的商店不按时开门司空见惯。牛津商务




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