

单词 一局
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕The situation was allowed to continue for several months before the local authorities stepped in. 在当地政府插手干预之前,这一局势已被放任持续了数月。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Two men in the bar began fighting over a game of cards. 酒吧里两个男人为了一局牌打了起来。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Chang won the first set but lost the next two. 常赢了第一局,但是接下来连输两局。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Let's have a game of cards -- you and Frank can be partners. 我们玩一局牌吧—你可以和弗兰克搭档。朗文写作活用〔adroitly〕She managed the situation adroitly.她巧妙地应对了这一局面。韦氏高阶〔all fours〕Any of several card games resembling whist and in which points are scored in four ways: for the high trump, the low trump, the jack of trumps, and the game.全四牌戏:一种类似惠斯特的纸牌游戏,以四种方式计算分数,最大王牌、最小王牌、王牌杰克及这一局美国传统〔annihilate〕She annihilated her opponent, who failed to win a single game.她大获全胜,对方连一局也没有赢。牛津高阶〔beyond〕The situation is beyond our control.我们已无法控制这一局面。牛津高阶〔bingo〕They had a game of bingo.他们玩了一局宾戈游戏。外研社新世纪〔bottom〕Baseball The second or last half of an inning.【棒球】 下半场:一局中的第二或最后半场美国传统〔bowl〕Jack usually bowls a 120 game, but yesterday he bowled 180.在地滚球戏中杰克通常一局得120分,但昨天却得了180分。21世纪英汉〔break ... back〕He lost the second game, but broke back and won the third game.他失去第二局,可是又扳回一局赢了第三局。21世纪英汉〔break〕The challenger broke in the final set but the champion broke back to even the score.最后一盘挑战者破了发球局,但卫冕冠军又破发对方一局,双方打成平局。韦氏高阶〔breath〕The world waited with bated breath to see what would result from the situation.全世界屏息注视着这一局面会导致何种结果。英汉大词典〔brilliant〕He pitched a brilliant game.这一局他投球很棒。韦氏高阶〔catch ... out〕Two of the team were caught out in the first innings.在第一局中,这个队有两名队员因击出的球被对方接住而出局。21世纪英汉〔charge〕As the senior officer present he took charge of the situation.作为在场的高级军官, 他接管了这一局面。外研社新世纪〔choke up〕They began to choke up in the last innings.他们在最后一局因过分紧张而开始打得不好了。21世纪英汉〔coolly〕He has coolly exploited the situation.他大胆地利用了这一局势。外研社新世纪〔cushion〕The team enjoyed a 6-0 cushion in the last inning.这个队最后一局以6:0的比分稳操胜券。韦氏高阶〔cynically〕He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.他指责一些主要政党从这一局势中牟取私利。外研社新世纪〔cynically〕He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.他指责一些主要政党从这一局势中牟取私利。柯林斯高阶〔deal〕I lost on that last deal.上一局我输了。英汉大词典〔default〕Spassky won the first game, and was awarded by the second by default, when Fischer failed to put in an appearance.斯帕斯基赢了第一局,又因菲舍尔第二局未能上场而再胜一局。柯林斯高阶〔defuse〕Beth's quiet voice helped to defuse the situation.贝思平静的话音有助于平息这一局面。朗文当代〔defuse〕It is up to you to defuse the situation.这一局面需要靠你化解。外研社新世纪〔double play〕They turned a double play to end the inning.他们用一记双杀结束了这一局。韦氏高阶〔double〕Walker led the inning with a double.沃尔克是那一局的第一个击球手,击出一个二垒安打。朗文当代〔dropping〕Oremans has yet to drop a set.奥尔曼斯还一局未输。柯林斯高阶〔drop〕They dropped the first game but won the next two.他们输了第一局,但赢了后两局。韦氏高阶〔dwindle〕He is struggling to come to terms with his dwindling authority.他正努力适应自己权力被削弱这一局面。柯林斯高阶〔exploit〕The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation.暴力事件归咎于暴徒利用了这一局面。朗文当代〔frame〕A round or period of play in some games, such as bowling and billiards.一局,一回合:一些游戏(如保龄球与台球)的一局或一回合美国传统〔frame〕Baseball An inning.【棒球】 一局美国传统〔game〕I won the first game, and then lost the next two.我赢了第一局,但是后两局都输掉了。剑桥高阶〔get〕Sports A return in tennis on a shot that seems impossible to reach.【体育运动】 难以回击的一球:一局网球比赛中的最后一击并且似乎不可能接住美国传统〔give〕The champion refused to give in and went on to win the set.那个冠军没有认输,而是继续拿下了那一局。麦克米伦高阶〔goat〕In the last inning, a home run can make you the hero, and a strikeout can make you the goat.在最后一局中,一个本垒打能使你成为英雄,三击未中出局能使你成为千夫所指的对象。韦氏高阶〔got〕I'm not happy with the situation, but I've just got to accept it.我对这一局面并不满意,但又不得不接受。柯林斯高阶〔grudgingly〕There seems to be a grudging acceptance of the situation.这一局面看来已经被勉强接受。柯林斯高阶〔grudging〕There seems to be a grudging acceptance of the situation.这一局面看来已经被勉强接受。外研社新世纪〔hand〕Who wants to play a hand of poker? 谁想玩一局扑克?剑桥高阶〔heart〕I think he lost heart after losing the first game.我想他输了第一局后就泄气了。麦克米伦高阶〔hit ... up〕Jack hit up 30 runs in the first innings.杰克在第一局得了30分。21世纪英汉〔hit off〕He didn't hit off only one run in the first innings.在第一局比赛中他竟然一分未得。21世纪英汉〔immediate〕There is no prospect of that situation changing in the immediate future.在近期看不到这一局面改变的前景。外研社新世纪〔incongruous〕She was struck by the incongruity of the situation.这一局面煞是怪异,让她惊愕不已。牛津高阶〔inept〕He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.他由于对这一局面处理不当而受到批评。剑桥高阶〔inning〕The first innings is finished.第一局结束了。英汉大词典〔intensity〕He was unable to play the final set with the same intensity.他没能以同样的气势赛完最后一局。牛津搭配〔intervene〕This situation called for military intervention.这一局势需要军队的干预。韦氏高阶〔knock〕He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round.他第一局就将对手击倒三次。牛津高阶〔lapse〕A single lapse of concentration cost Sampras the game.桑普拉斯一走神就断送了这一局。朗文当代〔lead〕The first play.第一局美国传统〔leg〕One of several contests that must be successfully completed in order to determine the winner of a competition.一局比赛:数个比赛中的一个,必须成功的完成以便于决定比赛的优胜者美国传统〔measure〕After only one game, the chess champion had the measure of his young opponent.仅仅一局过后,这位国际象棋冠军就摸清了年轻对手的实力。牛津高阶〔midpoint〕The crowd begins to leave after the midpoint of the final period.最后一局过半后,人群开始离去。韦氏高阶〔mismatch〕The opening game seemed, at first sight, a mismatch.乍一看,开始的一局双方的实力似乎相差很远。英汉大词典〔opener〕Sports The first game in a series.【体育运动】 第一局比赛:一系列比赛中的第一场美国传统〔open〕Scott opened up a 3-point lead in the first game.斯科特在第一局就以 3 分领先。牛津高阶〔parlay〕Games To bet (an original wager and its winnings) on a subsequent event.【游戏】 再押:在下一局赌博中押上(原先的赌金和赢得的赌注)美国传统〔period〕He scored a goal in the first period.他在第一局得一分。韦氏高阶〔play〕A double play ended the inning and the Red Sox were up.双杀结束了那一局,红袜队晋级。牛津搭配〔play〕The coach was playing the odds that his pitcher would get through the inning without giving up a run.教练希望他的投手能走运,不失一分地顺利完成这一局。韦氏高阶〔portend〕He doesn't know what the situation portends for his country.他不知道这一局势对于国家预示着什么。英汉大词典〔potentially〕This is a potentially dangerous situation.这一局势存在潜在的危险。外研社新世纪〔propose〕Are you seriously proposing that we allow this situation to continue? 你建议我们应该任由这一局势持续下去是认真的吗?牛津搭配〔recoup〕The gambler recouped his losses in the next game.这个赌徒在随后一局中赢回了输掉的钱。剑桥高阶〔remedy〕Something must be done to remedy the problem/situation.必须采取行动解决这一问题/扭转这一局势。韦氏高阶〔remedy〕The government should have taken steps to remedy the situation.政府本应该采取措施挽救这一局势。牛津搭配〔reorient〕He had to reorient and come to terms with this situation.他非重新适应并接受这一局面不可。英汉大词典〔review〕We are currently reviewing the situation.我们正在审度这一局势。牛津搭配〔score〕England scored 282 in their first innings.英格兰队在第一局中就拿到282分。外研社新世纪〔score〕England scored 282 in their first innings.英格兰队第一局就获得了 282 分。柯林斯高阶〔service break〕A game won on an opponent's serve, as in tennis.发球一方输掉的发球局:对方发球失误而赢的一局,如在网球中美国传统〔set〕They won in straight sets (= they won every set).他们一局未失。剑桥高阶〔showdown〕Games The laying down of the players' cards face up to determine the winner of the pot in poker.【游戏】 摊牌:在扑克牌戏中牌手的牌面向上放下以决定一局牌的胜者美国传统〔spellbinder〕The final game of the tennis match was a real spellbinder.网球比赛的最后一局确实是吸引观众的。剑桥高阶〔stopper〕Games A card or cards enabling one to prevent one's opponents from winning all the tricks in a hand of bridge.【游戏】 阻拦牌:在一局桥牌中能使人用来防止对方赢一局所有的牌的某张牌或某些张牌美国传统〔strand〕Baseball To leave (a base runner) on base at the end of an inning.【棒球】 使(跑垒员)留在垒处:在棒球比赛一局的末尾使(跑垒员)留在垒处美国传统〔strike〕Sports The knocking down of all the pins in bowling with the first bowl of a frame.【体育运动】 第一投全倒:在滚木球一局的第一投投击就所有的木柱全被打倒美国传统〔throwing〕I lost my first serve in the first set, it threw me off a bit.我在第一局的第一个发球失误,使我有点乱了方寸。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕The first game ended in a tie.第一局比赛以平局收场。外研社新世纪〔tie〕The first game ended in a tie.第一局比赛双方战平。柯林斯高阶〔topical〕Medicine Of or applied to an isolated or localized area of the body.【医学】 局部的:身体某一孤立或地域化的地方的;用于身体某一局部的美国传统〔triple play〕They turned a triple play in the first inning.他们在第一局里就上演了三重杀。韦氏高阶〔tumult〕Round one ends, to a tumult of whistles, screams and shouts.第一局比赛结束了,口哨声、尖叫声与呼喊声一片喧哗。柯林斯高阶〔university〕The university was beaten by an innings.校队以一局之差败北。英汉大词典〔walk〕He would have had a perfect game, except he walked a batter in the final inning.对他来说,这本来可以是一场完美的比赛的,除了在最后一局他让一名击球手自由上垒。剑桥高阶〔wicket〕A batsman's innings, which may be terminated by the ball knocking the bails off the stumps.一局:击球手的一回合,球若击中三柱门右前方的横木则结束这一个回合美国传统〔winner〕She scored the game-winner.她得分胜了这一局。韦氏高阶A decisive person is needed to deal with the situation. 应付这一局面需要一个坚决果断的人。译典通After a disappointing first set, Becker played assuredly (=confidently) and went on to win the match.在大失众望的第一局之后,贝克尔怀着自信地继续比赛,最后终于获胜。剑桥国际Becker must get another break (of serve) to win tennis's most prestigious prize.贝克尔必须再破对方一局发球才能赢得网球赛最显赫的奖金。剑桥国际Henderson is the leadoff hitter (=the player who hits first for their team in the game) for the Athletics this season.汉德森是这一赛季的(每一局)第一位击球员。剑桥国际In the final frame she drew on her full range of skills to win.最后一局她充分发挥了技术赢得比赛。剑桥国际She's too personally bound up in the situation to judge it impartially.她自己在这一局面中陷得太深以致于不能对此作出公正的判断。剑桥国际The situation poses a grave threat to peace. 这一局势对和平构成重大威胁。译典通Tina has challenged me to a game of poker.蒂娜向我挑战,邀我玩一局扑克牌。剑桥国际We played a desultory game of cards.我们漫不经心地玩了一局牌。剑桥国际




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