

单词 气质
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEAUTIFUL〕An elegant young woman sat at the next table, sipping a cocktail. 邻桌坐着一位气质高雅的年轻女子,正小口小口地呷着鸡尾酒。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Even at 75, Alice is still a striking woman. 即使已经75岁,艾丽斯依旧气质迷人。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Jody manages to look elegant, even in a simple pantsuit. 即使穿着简朴的长裤套装,乔迪看起来依然气质高雅。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕Gwyneth Paltrow is wonderful in the film, tall, graceful and elegant. 影片中格威妮丝·帕尔特罗漂亮极了,身材修长,气质高贵优雅。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕He was a tall, elegant man, silver-haired and beautifully dressed. 他身材修长,气质高雅,一头银色的头发,一身漂亮的衣服。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕Both men display the fiery self-reliance that natives of Oregon tend to possess. 两个人都表现出刚强自立的气质,这是俄勒冈人的典型气质。朗文写作活用〔Latin〕He is lively, one-legged, very Latin in temperament.他性情活泼,思想方法片面,非常有拉丁人的气质。英汉大词典〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕She was acutely aware of her own lack of sophistication. 她十分清楚自己缺少了一种高贵的气质。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕The district is calling for a voluntary ban on using wood-burning stoves, in order to improve air quality. 为改善空气质量,该区呼吁大家主动停用烧木柴的炉子。朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕He was very young and handsome in a slightly effeminate way. 他非常年轻英俊,稍带点阴柔气质。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕Air quality is rapidly deteriorating in our cities. 我们城市里的空气质量迅速恶化。朗文写作活用〔a certain〕She has a certain elegance about her.她身上有种优雅的气质。韦氏高阶〔about〕There is something noble about her [her behavior].她[她的行为]有几分高贵的气质。文馨英汉〔actuality〕In actuality, Teddie did not have a disorder but merely a difficult temperament.实际上,小特迪并非哪不正常,而仅仅是属于困难型气质。柯林斯高阶〔add〕The suite will add a touch of class to your bedroom.这套家具会给你的卧室增添一些典雅气质。牛津高阶〔air〕Personal bearing, appearance, or manner; mien.气质,风度:个人的举止、外表或行为方式;态度美国传统〔androgynous〕Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them.贝琳达总是以她兼具阳刚和阴柔的气质吸引着男人。外研社新世纪〔animus〕An attitude that informs one's actions; disposition.基本态度,主导精神:决定行动的态度;气质美国传统〔artistically〕They encourage boys to be sensitive and artistic.他们鼓励培养男孩子的敏感和艺术气质。柯林斯高阶〔artless〕Hemingway's artless air and charming smile.海明威的纯朴气质和迷人微笑柯林斯高阶〔artless〕Hemingway's artless air and charming smile海明威的率真气质和迷人微笑外研社新世纪〔aura〕He exuded an aura of wealth and power.他显露出一种富人和掌权者的气质。牛津搭配〔a〕He fancied himself as a bit of a Romeo.他自以为有点儿罗密欧的气质。外研社新世纪〔bone〕She was honest and hard-working, and didn't have an unkind bone in her body.她诚实勤劳,身上没有一点儿不好的气质。牛津高阶〔boyish〕Man, 30, seeks boyish woman, 22–30, for friendship/relationship.男, 30岁, 欲寻22岁到30岁之间有男孩气质的女人, 交友或恋爱。外研社新世纪〔breathe〕We can no longer have confidence in the quality of the air we breathe.我们无法再对我们呼吸的空气质量抱有信心。麦克米伦高阶〔by〕He is an extremist by temperament.从气质方面说,他是个极端主义者。英汉大词典〔capacity〕Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.她的心智和气质和他一样出色。外研社新世纪〔capacity〕Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.她的才智和气质和他一样出众。柯林斯高阶〔charism〕Charisma.领袖气质,魅力美国传统〔charm〕We were charmed by his boyish manner.我们被他天真烂漫的男孩气质迷住了。剑桥高阶〔chemistry〕His chemistry may not be suited for that kind of work.他的气质(或性格)可能与那种工作不相适应。英汉大词典〔cloy〕She has a charm and freshness that never cloys.她有一种平静清新的气质,绝不会让人腻烦。剑桥高阶〔dash〕A scarf adds a dash of (= a small amount of) sophistication.围巾可以添加一抹成熟的气质。剑桥高阶〔degrade〕Pollution has degraded air quality.污染降低了空气质量。韦氏高阶〔deteriorate〕The air quality has deteriorated these past few days.前几天空气质量已下降。21世纪英汉〔dignified〕He was handsome and dignified.他相貌英俊,气质高贵。麦克米伦高阶〔dignity〕His aristocratic voice gives him an air of dignity and power.他那贵族似的嗓音赋予他一种尊贵显赫、身居高位的气质。牛津搭配〔dignity〕She has a quiet dignity about her.她身上有一种恬静端庄的气质。剑桥高阶〔down-home〕She's very famous but there is something quiet and down-home about her.她很出名,但她身上有种恬静、纯朴的气质。韦氏高阶〔effort〕But a concerted effort has begun to improve the quality of the urban air.但是各方已经开始共同努力改善城镇空气质量。柯林斯高阶〔emission〕Standards will relate to ambient air quality and vehicle emission levels.标准将涉及环境空气质量以及汽车排放水平。外研社新世纪〔eroticism〕While beautiful, Elizabeth had none of Sophia's raw eroticism.伊丽莎白很漂亮, 但不具备索菲亚那份未经雕琢的撩人气质。外研社新世纪〔essence〕He is in essence a reclusive sort.他本质上具有一种隐士的气质美国传统〔essence〕The girl has her own spiritual essence.这个女孩具有独特的精神气质。牛津搭配〔ethology〕The study of human ethos and its formation.性格学:对人类性格气质或民族精神及其形成的研究美国传统〔femininity〕She kept her femininity even in greasy overalls.她即使穿著油污的工作服,也保持妇女气质。文馨英汉〔femininity〕The quality or condition of being feminine.作为女性的气质或条件美国传统〔grain〕Basic temperament or nature; disposition.气质,性情:基本的脾性或天性;气质美国传统〔habit〕An established disposition of the mind or character.气质:一种固有的心灵或性格上的倾向美国传统〔health〕The air quality was so bad that the government issued a health warning.空气质量非常恶劣,政府都发布了健康警告。牛津搭配〔impart〕She managed to impart great elegance to the unpretentious dress she was wearing.她把身上那件朴实无华的连衣裙穿出了非常高雅的气质。外研社新世纪〔indefinable〕She had that indefinable something that went beyond mere sex appeal.她具有某种说不清的气质,不只是性感。剑桥高阶〔individual〕If nothing else, the school will turn her into an individual.即使不能有其他建树,这所学校至少会将她培养成为一个有其独特气质的人。剑桥高阶〔infuse〕A strange spirit infused the place.那个地方散发着一种奇特的气质。柯林斯高阶〔intangible〕She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.她具有一种难以捉摸的特质,你或许会称之为领袖气质。剑桥高阶〔interim〕During the interim period, air quality has deteriorated.在过渡期间,空气质量下降了。朗文当代〔in〕I recognize his father in him(= his character is similar to his father's).我在他身上看到了他父亲的气质。牛津高阶〔je ne sais quoi〕Although he's not conventionally attractive, he has a certain je ne sais quoi that makes him popular with the ladies.尽管从传统意义上讲他并不吸引人,但他身上有种说不清的气质让他很受女士们青睐。剑桥高阶〔label〕If you venture from 'feminine' standards, you are labelled aggressive and hostile.女人行事要是偏离“女性”气质, 就会被认为咄咄逼人并且很不友善。外研社新世纪〔match〕That doesn't match your temperament.那与你的气质不称。英汉大词典〔maturity〕He hasn't got the maturity to be a father.他还不具备当父亲的成熟气质。麦克米伦高阶〔muliebrity〕Femininity.女子的气质美国传统〔perky〕Having a buoyant or self-confident air; briskly cheerful.敏捷的:有一种轻松自信的气质;愉悦的美国传统〔pore〕He has star quality oozing from every pore.他极具明星气质。外研社新世纪〔presence〕He has a certain presence that makes women fall in love with him.他有某种使女子倾心的气质。英汉大词典〔pull〕The poor woman was pulled to pieces. Her makeup, her accent, her political opinions; nothing escaped criticism.那个可怜的女人备受指摘;她的气质、她的口音、她的政治观点,没有一项不遭批评的。英汉大词典〔puritan〕Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him.保罗身上无疑带有清教徒气质。外研社新世纪〔puritan〕Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him.保罗身上无疑带有清教徒气质。柯林斯高阶〔quality〕They have real star quality.他们具有真正的明星气质。牛津搭配〔schizothyme〕One who exhibits characteristics or symptoms of schizothymia.精神分裂气质者:表现出精神分裂性气质症状特点的人美国传统〔schizothyme〕Relating to, characterized by, or showing schizothymia.关于、具有或显示精神分裂性气质的美国传统〔somewhat〕He is somewhat of a poet.他稍有诗人的气质。文馨英汉〔soul mate〕One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity.意气相投的人:在气质性格、观点或者感情方面相互协调一致的两个人中的一个美国传统〔star quality〕He is a player who has the star quality to delight his fans.作为一个运动员,他具有愉悦球迷的明星气质。剑桥高阶〔star〕He's a good player but he lacks star quality.他是个很好的球员,但他缺少明星气质。麦克米伦高阶〔tendency〕He displayed artistic tendencies at an early age.他小时候就显示出了艺术气质。牛津搭配〔tendency〕She has artistic tendencies.她有艺术气质。外研社新世纪〔wisely〕She has the air of a wise woman.她有才女气质。柯林斯高阶〔woman〕There is not much of the woman about her.她身上缺少女子气质。英汉大词典〔would〕Chris is so full of artistic temperament you'd never think she was the daughter of a banker.克丽丝极富艺术气质,你根本想不到她是银行家的女儿。柯林斯高阶〔zoomorphism〕Attribution of animal characteristics or qualities to a god.神像兽形化:赋于动物以神的特性和气质美国传统A tall, grey and distinguished-looking woman stood in the doorway.一个头发灰白而气质高贵的高个子女人站在门口。剑桥国际Although he's not particularly attractive, he has this je ne sais quoi which makes him very popular with women.他虽然并不特别漂亮,但有种特殊的气质,很受女人们青睐。剑桥国际Catherine Deneuve seemed to typify cool Gallic elegance.凯瑟琳·德纳弗似乎具有典型的法国冷傲而高雅的气质。剑桥国际He was clever but he had none of his parents’charisma.他很聪明,但丝毫没有他父母的领袖气质。剑桥国际He was her ideal of all that was manly. 他集男子汉所有气质于一身,是她心中的偶像。译典通I don't think their relationship will ever work--they're of a different mind-set.我不认为他们的关系会融洽,他们是不同气质的人。剑桥国际I would say that maleness is purely biological, whereas masculinity is based largely on upbringing and social conditioning.我认为男性纯粹是生物学(现象),而男子气质很大程度上取决于教养及社会环境。剑桥国际It's easy to mix up the mayor and his deputy-- neither of them have much charisma.市长和他的副手很容易被弄混----他们都没有什么领袖气质。剑桥国际Long hair has traditionally been regarded as a sign of femininity.传统上把长发看成是女人气质的标志。剑桥国际She came from Spain, and had the fiery Latin temperament.她是西班牙人,有着火般的拉丁气质。剑桥国际She composed music which had a spiritual, ethereal quality.她创作的音乐有一种超凡脱俗、空灵飘渺的气质剑桥国际She has a quiet dignity about her.她周身带着娴静的高贵气质。剑桥国际She seems to have a strange aura.她看上去具有一种奇特的气质。剑桥国际The artist Chagall believed his Jewishness had a deep influence on his painting.画家夏加尔认为他的犹太人气质对他的绘画作品有深刻的影响。剑桥国际The industry's claim that its products are tested to meet indoor air quality standards is misleading and unscientific.工业部门关于它的产品经检测符合室内空气质量标准的声明是误导人的, 是没有科学道理的。剑桥国际The visitor had an air of mystery.来客有种神秘的气质。剑桥国际They are similar in grain. 他们气质相似。译典通You can't deny she's successful and rich, but she has no style.你不能否认她既成功又富有,可惜她缺乏气质。剑桥国际




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