单词 | 上千 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Hundreds of Serbs managed to flee the besieged city. 成百上千的塞尔维亚人设法逃出了那座被包围的城市。朗文写作活用〔CROWD〕Hundreds of troops swarmed across the border. 成百上千的士兵涌过边界。朗文写作活用〔DIG〕Squirrels bury hundreds of nuts, then dig them up in winter when food is scarce. 松鼠把成百上千的坚果藏起来,然后在冬天食物缺乏的时候再挖出来吃。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Hundreds of people lined the streets to see the football team go by. 成百上千人排在街道两旁看足球队经过。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕People in the drought-stricken region are dying by the hundreds. 旱灾地区的人成百上千地死去。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕At that time, hundreds of women were burned at the stake for witchcraft. 那时候成百上千的妇女因施巫术在火刑柱上被烧死。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕Thousands of new businesses are set up each year. 每年都有上千家新公司成立。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕The crash was witnessed by millions of viewers who were watching the race on TV. 正在电视上观看比赛的上千万观众都目击了这次撞车事件。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Thousands of home buyers were deceived into buying homes at inflated prices. 上千名购房者受了蒙骗,买下了价格过高的房子。朗文写作活用〔affection〕He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.他深受成百上千学生的爱戴。牛津搭配〔along〕She lost her job when the factory closed, along with hundreds of others.工厂倒闭时,她和成百上千的其他人一样失去了工作。牛津高阶〔and〕There were hundreds and hundreds of people there.那儿有成百上千的人。韦氏高阶〔audition〕The studio received hundreds of unsolicited audition tapes from hopeful actors.电影公司收到了成百上千名满怀希望的演员主动寄来的试演录像带。牛津搭配〔bare〕At the beach are hundreds of bare bodies exposed to the sun's damaging rays.海滩上, 成百上千的人们赤身露体地在有伤害作用的阳光下暴晒。外研社新世纪〔beauty〕Millions of dollars are spent each year on beauty products .每年都有上千万的钱花在美容产品上。朗文当代〔burst〕Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in mid-air.成百上千的烟花在半空同时绽放。外研社新世纪〔burst〕Hundreds of fireworks burst simultaneously in midair.成百上千朵烟花在半空中同时绽放。柯林斯高阶〔cheer on〕A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on.上千支持者涌进体育场为他们加油。外研社新世纪〔croak〕Thousands of frogs croaked in the reeds by the riverbank.上千只青蛙在河岸边的芦苇荡里呱呱叫。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕Hundreds of men were cut down by crossbow fire.成百上千的人被弩箭击倒。朗文当代〔doze〕Hundreds and thousands of books and magazines doze in the library.上千上万册图书杂志在图书馆里“睡大觉”。21世纪英汉〔fan〕Hundreds of fans clamoured / clamored to catch a glimpse of the star.成百上千的粉丝吵着要求一睹明星的风采。牛津搭配〔fascination〕Seeing over a thousand species of fish is part of the fascination of the reef.在礁石上可以看到上千种鱼是礁石的部分魅力所在。牛津搭配〔flee〕Hundreds of refugees fled across the border to escape the fighting.成百上千的难民为了躲避战争逃过了国境线。牛津搭配〔fly〕She has to fly thousands of miles every year for her job.她每年因为工作要飞行上千英里。剑桥高阶〔force〕The flooding forced hundreds of residents to flee their homes.洪水迫使成百上千的居民逃离家园。韦氏高阶〔form letter〕The bank sent out thousands of form letters offering its credit card.这家银行寄出了上千封提供信用卡的通函。韦氏高阶〔free〕Hundreds of dogs roam free on the streets.成百上千条狗在街上自由走动。朗文当代〔fury〕The hurricane unleashed its fury on hundreds of homes and businesses.飓风猛烈地袭击了成百上千的民宅和商铺。韦氏高阶〔get through〕If more supplies do not get through,thousands of refugees will die.如果没有更多的物资送到,上千名难民将会死亡。21世纪英汉〔hang〕The threat of homelessness hangs over hundreds of families.成百上千的家庭面临着无家可归的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔heretic〕Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake.上千名异教徒被处以火刑。外研社新世纪〔hungry〕There are millions of hungry people throughout the world.全世界有成百上千万的饥民。韦氏高阶〔installation〕Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.如果在更广的范围内安装报警器, 就可能挽救成百上千的生命。外研社新世纪〔install〕Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread.如果报警器得到更广泛的安装,成百上千的生命就可能被挽救。柯林斯高阶〔introduce〕Apple has sold many millions of iPods since the product was introduced in 2001.自从2001年首次推出该产品以来,苹果公司已经售出了成百上千万台iPod。剑桥高阶〔jammed〕Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour.在一个多小时内,成百上千的来电使得英国广播公司的总机应接不暇。柯林斯高阶〔job〕Hundreds of workers could lose their jobs.成百上千的工人可能会失业。剑桥高阶〔literally〕We've had literally thousands of letters.毫不夸张地说, 我们收到了上千封来信。外研社新世纪〔loosely〕Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail.监狱里可能有上千名囚犯跑出了牢房。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail.监狱里可能有上千名囚犯跑出了牢房。外研社新世纪〔lose〕Hundreds of people lost their homes in the floods.水灾中成百上千的人失去了家园。朗文当代〔measurement〕The machine makes thousands of measurements every day.这台机器每天测量上千次。剑桥高阶〔mind-boggling〕She was paid the mind-boggling sum of ten million dollars for that film.那部电影她的片酬达到了上千万英镑的天文数字。剑桥高阶〔mourner〕His funeral services attracted hundreds of mourners.他的葬礼上有成百上千的吊唁者。韦氏高阶〔mourn〕Hundreds of people gathered to mourn the slain president.成百上千人聚集在一起悼念遇刺的总统。朗文当代〔night-time〕Thousands were arrested in surprise night-time raids.上千人在夜间的突袭中被逮捕。外研社新世纪〔no less than〕There were no less than a thousand people there buying tickets.至少有上千人在那里买票。剑桥高阶〔nondescript〕Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road.欧罗巴大楼是巴斯大道沿路那些成百上千幢毫无特色的建筑之一。柯林斯高阶〔paved with gold〕Unemployed youngsters still come to London thinking that the streets are paved with gold.失业的年轻人继续成百上千地来到伦敦,认为这里遍地都是黄金。剑桥高阶〔pay〕Thousands turned up to pay their last respects to a great leader.上千人参加了葬礼,向伟大的领袖致以最后的敬意。麦克米伦高阶〔poisonous〕There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千。柯林斯高阶〔puffball〕We unearthed thousands of mushrooms and puffballs.我们挖出了上千个蘑菇和马勃菌。外研社新世纪〔purge〕They have purged thousands from the upper levels of the civil service.他们从上层文职部门清除了上千名公务员。柯林斯高阶〔put sth out〕They put out millions of pairs of shoes a year.他们一年生产成百上千万双鞋。剑桥高阶〔redundancy〕Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy.上千名银行职员面临被解雇的命运。外研社新世纪〔refugee〕Hundreds of refugees are pouring over the border.成百上千的难民涌过边境。牛津搭配〔ring〕Hundreds of people rang in to complain about his remarks.成百上千的人打电话来对他的话表示不满。麦克米伦高阶〔romp〕Hundreds of fans romped through the streets.成百上千的球迷欢快地走过街头。韦氏高阶〔seize〕During the riots hundreds of people seized the opportunity to steal property.在暴乱中成百上千的人纷纷趁机偷窃财物。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕Hundreds of kids are sleeping rough on the streets of the capital.有成百上千的孩子露宿在首都街头。剑桥高阶〔smoke〕Hundreds of valuable books had gone up in smoke.成百上千的珍贵书籍付之一炬。外研社新世纪〔soar〕The number of the people who traveled by air soared to millions.乘飞机旅行的人数猛增至上千万。21世纪英汉〔star〕There was a big moon and hundreds of stars were shining overhead.头顶是一轮明月和成百上千颗闪烁的星星。牛津高阶〔strait〕Many hundreds of vessels pass through the straits each year.每年有成百上千艘船通过海峡。牛津搭配〔strand〕The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.这场罢工使成百上千的游客滞留在机场。牛津高阶〔stream〕Hundreds of letters streamed in from listeners.成百上千封听众来信纷纷涌来。韦氏高阶〔thirst〕Hundreds of refugees collapsed from hunger and thirst.成百上千的难民饥渴难耐瘫倒在地。剑桥高阶〔thousand〕I must have driven past that place thousands of times.我得有上千次开车经过那里。柯林斯高阶〔time〕For the umpteenth/hundredth/thousandth time, (= I've told you on many occasions to) stop teasing your sister.我无数次/上百次/上千次告诉过你,别再戏弄你妹妹了。剑桥高阶〔truck〕Hundreds of refugees were herded into cattle trucks for the gruelling ten-hour journey.成百上千的难民被赶进运牛的货车里,开始了10小时令人筋疲力尽的行程。剑桥高阶〔trundle〕Hundreds of trucks full of fruit and vegetables trundle across the border each day.每天都有成百上千辆满载水果、蔬菜的卡车慢慢驶过边界。剑桥高阶〔tube〕The lungs are in fact constructed of thousands of tiny tubes.肺实际上由上千条细微的气管构成。柯林斯高阶〔tune〕Ten million people regularly tune in to see his show.上千万人定期收看他的表演。牛津搭配〔volunteer〕Hundreds of volunteers have come forward to offer their help.成百上千的人自告奋勇要来帮忙。牛津搭配Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of homeless families.上千个无家可归的家庭需要有住宿的地方。剑桥国际Cigarette smoke contains thousands of harmful chemicals.香烟的烟雾中含有上千种有害化学物质。剑桥国际Customers can select from thousands of products.有上千种商品可供顾客选购。牛津商务Every year, on International Women's Day, millions of women celebrate the idea of sisterhood.每年的国际妇女节,上千万的妇女都庆祝妇女团结。剑桥国际Fallout from the Chernobyl accident caused contamination thousands of kilometres away from the site of the explosion.切尔诺贝利核电站事故产生的核尘埃造成离爆炸地点上千公里的地方受到沾染。剑桥国际For the umpteenth/hundredth/thousandth time, (= I've told you on many occasions to) stop hitting your sister.我无数次地/上百次地/上千次地告诉过你,别再打你的妹妹。剑桥国际Hundreds of friends and former students came to Professor Conner's memorial service.成百上千的朋友和以前的学生参加了考纳教授的纪念仪式。剑桥国际Hundreds of people turned up to see the ship dock at Southampton.成百上千的人们赶去看那艘船在南安普敦靠上码头。剑桥国际Hundreds of political prisoners are to be given their liberty (= released from prison) .成百上千的政治犯将获得自由。剑桥国际Hundreds of refugees were herded into cattle trucks for the gruelling ten-hour journey.成百上千的难民被驱赶进运牛的货车经历了长达十小时精疲力竭的旅程。剑桥国际Hundreds of students are reported to have been martyred (= killed) for their political beliefs.据报道说,成百上千的学生因其政治信仰而遭杀害。剑桥国际It can take millions of years for light from a distant star to reach the Earth.光从遥远的恒星到地球要花上千万年的时间。剑桥国际The US and Soviet governments are dismantling thousands of long-range nuclear weapons.美国和苏联政府正在拆除上千枚远程核武器。剑桥国际The feud over two or three miles of land has so far cost over a thousand lives.这两三英里方圆的土地上的世仇到现在已经让上千人丧生。剑桥国际The fraud depended on hundreds of bank accounts being opened on behalf of straw men.这骗局靠用假名开上千个银行户头行骗。剑桥国际The machine makes thousands of measurements every day.这台机器每天测量上千次。剑桥国际The presidential palace was stormed by hundreds of people in the early hours of Saturday morning.成百上千的人在星期六一大早便强占了总统官邸。剑桥国际The refugee crisis worsened yesterday, with hundreds seeking refuge/asylum in foreign embassies in the capital.难民危机昨天更趋严重,成百上千的人到首都的外国使馆寻求庇护。剑桥国际The strike has left thousands of British holidaymakers stranded at Spanish airports.罢工使上千名英国度假者滞留在西班牙机场。剑桥国际There were no less than a thousand people there buying tickets.买票的人有上千个。剑桥国际There's a thousand and one ways of persuading people to give you money.有上千种办法可以说服人们给你钱。剑桥国际These negotiations could affect the lives of thousands, so we mustn't make any false moves.这些会谈可能会影响上千人的生命,所以我们不能错走一步。剑桥国际They are giving away thousands of perfume testers in their latest promotion.他们在最近的促销活动中派发了上千份试用装香水。牛津商务They're on trial for committing hundreds of war-time atrocities (=cruel and shocking acts) against the civilian population.他们因在战争时期对平民犯有成百上千次暴行而受到审判。剑桥国际Thousands of new businesses have sprung up in the past couple of years.近几年来,上千家新企业如雨后春笋般地涌现出来。剑桥国际 |
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