

单词 一家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMOUNT〕Thieves escaped with a large quantity of cigarettes after breaking into a shop in Cramlington, Northumberland. 窃贼闯入诺森伯兰地区克兰林顿的一家商店,窃得大量香烟后逃跑了。朗文写作活用〔BABY〕All our children were born in the same hospital. 我们所有的孩子都是在同一家医院里出生的。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕It's a disgrace that the only hospital in the town has been closed. 镇里唯一一家医院也关了门,太不像话了。朗文写作活用〔BUSINESS〕Tim Knight is a high-powered businessman who runs his own electronics company. 蒂姆·奈特是个干劲十足的商人,管理着自己的一家电子公司。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕The painting was bought by a museum in New York. 这幅画被纽约一家博物馆买了。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕The government has closed a factory that was producing pirate CDs. 政府已关闭一家生产盗版激光唱片的工厂。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕My uncle took us out to dinner at an expensive restaurant. 叔叔带我们去一家很贵的餐馆里吃饭。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕We happened upon a beautiful little hotel about an hour outside of Tours. 我们在图尔郊外约一小时路程处无意中发现一家漂亮的小旅馆。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕At Missouri, Wright broadened his experience by working on a local newspaper. 在密苏里州,赖特通过在当地一家报社工作来增加经验。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕Curtis was employed by a car rental agency. 柯蒂斯受雇于一家汽车出租代理行。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Police are still looking for three men who stole £55,000 from a post office in York. 警方仍在追捕从约克市一家邮局窃取了55,000英镑的三名男子。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕A local firm has agreed to meet the cost of sending ten lucky prize-winners on a dream holiday. 当地一家公司已经同意支付费用,送十名幸运的获奖者参加梦幻之旅。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕I took the ring to a shop for valuation. 我把戒指拿到一家店里去估价。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕None of the coursework seemed to have much relevance to being a nurse in a busy hospital. 课程作业好像跟在一家忙碌的医院里做护士没有很大关系。朗文写作活用〔area〕He's an area manager (= is responsible for business in a particular area) for a computer company.他是一家计算机公司的区域经理。剑桥高阶〔bed and breakfast〕There's a bed and breakfast in the next village.隔壁村子里有一家提供住宿加早餐的旅馆。朗文当代〔brilliantly〕The Blues started brilliantly, but were soon outclassed.布卢一家刚开始时表现十分优异, 但不久后就被比下去了。外研社新世纪〔build〕Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site.现在开发商们提议在这个地段建一家酒店。外研社新世纪〔castaway〕One castaway family hitched a lift in a helicopter.遭遇船难的一家人搭乘了直升机。外研社新世纪〔change〕A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.一家成功的公司必须得跟上技术变革的步伐。牛津搭配〔cheap〕We found a cheap and cheerful cafe(= one that is simple and charges low prices but is pleasant).我们找到了一家价格低廉环境宜人的咖啡馆。牛津高阶〔chemist〕She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林。柯林斯高阶〔clinic〕She works in a birth-control clinic.她在一家节育诊所工作。牛津搭配〔close〕There are good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.附近有几家挺不错的咖啡馆和一家餐馆。牛津高阶〔committed〕Arthur's drinking caused him to be committed to a psychiatric hospital.阿瑟由于酗酒被送进一家精神病医院。柯林斯高阶〔consortium〕A Japanese consortium invested millions in the technology.一家日本财团在这项技术上投资了数百万美元。韦氏高阶〔cook〕He found work as a short-order cook in a local diner.他在当地一家小餐馆找了份做快餐的工作。牛津搭配〔cook〕She was employed as a cook in a hotel.她受雇在一家旅馆做厨师。牛津高阶〔deli〕I went into one of those great Jewish delis and asked for a coffee.我走进一家很棒的犹太熟食店, 要了杯咖啡。外研社新世纪〔down payment〕Celeste asked for the money as a down payment on an old farmhouse.西莉斯特要这笔钱来支付购买一家旧农舍的首付。柯林斯高阶〔do〕Being a start-up, it did well by its employees.那是一家新建的公司,雇员们待遇很好。英汉大词典〔draw〕Hughes had drawn $8000 in cash from a bank in Toronto.休斯从多伦多的一家银行中提走了 8000 美元现金。朗文当代〔dust〕The farmer and his family were dusted out.那个农民一家由于尘暴而离乡背井。英汉大词典〔electronically〕We transferred the money electronically from one bank to another.我们在网上把钱从一家银行转到另一家银行。韦氏高阶〔evening〕I work in a restaurant and only get one evening off a week.我在一家饭店工作,每周只有一个晚上歇班。剑桥高阶〔expand〕I own a bookshop and would like to expand.我开了一家书店, 希望能扩大业务。外研社新世纪〔fancy〕She looked through the hotel advertisements until one of them caught her fancy.她仔细查看旅馆广告,终于有一家中了她的意。牛津高阶〔fatten〕The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.政府正在用纳税人的钱壮大一家公有企业,再进行私人认购。柯林斯高阶〔fight for〕We had to fight the other firm for the contract.我们不得不和另一家公司争订合同。21世纪英汉〔fluke〕By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.由于神奇的巧合,我们后来竟在同一家公司工作。韦氏高阶〔handpick〕They run a farm where you can handpick fresh strawberries.他们经营一家农场,你在那里可以采摘到新鲜草莓。韦氏高阶〔hungry〕I have a hungry family to feed.我得养活嗷嗷待哺的一家人。牛津高阶〔invective〕I am shocked that a newspaper would publish such invective, unsubstantiated deceit.一家报纸会刊登这样没有事实依据的抨击性谎言, 我为此感到震惊。外研社新世纪〔know〕As you know, we've already accepted an offer from another company.如你所知,我们已经接受了另一家公司的报价。麦克米伦高阶〔land〕His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers.他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。柯林斯高阶〔law〕She lost her job at a Boston law office.她丢掉了在波士顿一家律师事务所的工作。牛津搭配〔local〕We asked one of the locals to recommend a restaurant.我们请一位当地人推荐一家餐馆。朗文当代〔local〕We had dinner at a local restaurant.我们在当地一家饭馆吃了饭。韦氏高阶〔mark down〕A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game.一家玩具店降低了电脑游戏《刺猬索尼克》的售价。柯林斯高阶〔materfamilias〕A woman who is the head of a household or the mother of a family.主妇:作为一家之主或母亲的妇女美国传统〔mental〕His mother was in a psychiatric hospital after suffering a mental breakdown.他母亲在精神崩溃之后住进一家精神病院。外研社新世纪〔mortgage〕He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.他将房子作抵押借款以开办一家商店。21世纪英汉〔original〕The original painting is in a museum in Vienna.这幅画的原作收藏在维也纳的一家博物馆里。麦克米伦高阶〔radio station〕Britain's first national commercial radio station英国第一家全国性商业广播公司外研社新世纪〔ram-raider〕A shop in Station Road was the target of a ram-raid early yesterday.昨天清晨车站路的一家商店遭到了飞车抢劫。柯林斯高阶〔ran〕He helped his father run a shop in Shanghai.他协助父亲在上海经营一家商店。21世纪英汉〔robber〕Robbers held up a bank at gunpoint.强盗持枪抢劫了一家银行。牛津搭配〔scout〕She scouts young musicians for one of the country's top orchestras.她为国内一家顶级的管弦乐团物色年轻的音乐家。韦氏高阶〔scrimp〕The Jags have to scrimp and scrape their way along.贾格一家不得不节衣缩食, 艰难度日。外研社新世纪〔shopper〕I observed my fellow shoppers rushing from store to store.我观察到和我一样的购物者匆忙赶往一家又一家商店。牛津搭配〔shop〕There's a little gift shop around the corner.在街角附近有一家小礼品店。牛津高阶〔skeleton〕A source of shame or disgrace, as in a family, that is kept secret.家丑:被隐藏起来的羞耻或丢脸的原始资料,例如一家庭内美国传统〔sprout〕Since its first shop was opened in 1976, it has sprouted outlets in 39 countries.自从 1976 年开设第一家店以来,它已经在 39 个国家里开设了大量分店。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕There is a strain of madness in that family.那一家人有疯癫的倾向。韦氏高阶〔studio〕She works for a major Hollywood studio.她为好莱坞一家大电影公司工作。牛津高阶〔subcontract〕Hauling of the material was subcontracted to a motor transport company.材料的拖运工作已分包给一家汽车运输公司。英汉大词典〔take on〕He's spoken to a publishing firm. They're going to take him on.他和一家出版公司谈过了,他们打算雇用他。柯林斯高阶〔throw〕The news threw the family into a panic.这个消息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安中。英汉大词典〔together〕The family together earned one hundred dollars a week.一家人合在一起每星期挣100美元。英汉大词典〔tout〕He touted Evening Post from café to café.他在一家家咖啡馆兜售《晚邮报》。21世纪英汉〔transfer〕Anton was able to transfer from Lavine's to an American company.安东成功地从拉文调到了一家美国公司。柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕The patient was transferred to a different hospital.患者被转到了另一家医院。韦氏高阶〔unsunned〕The unsunned art treasures kept locked up in a private gallery.不公开的艺术珍品锁藏在一家私人美术馆里。英汉大词典〔wing〕The young singer was taken under the wing of a record shop owner who became his manager.这位年轻歌手得到了一家唱片店老板的资助,后来这老板就成了他的经纪人。英汉大词典〔with〕I got a job with a motor company.我在一家汽车公司找到了工作。英汉大词典A new company must have a strong financial base if it is to survive.一家新公司要生存,必须有雄厚的资金来源。牛津商务Against all probability (=although it was extremely unlikely) we found ourselves in the same hotel as some people we used to know.绝不可能的事居然发生了: 我们发现自己与过去认识的一些人住在同一家旅馆里。剑桥国际Dey plays the part of an uptown Manhattan restaurateur.代伊扮演北曼哈顿一家餐馆老板的角色。剑桥国际He got his marching orders when they found out that he'd been working for another company as well.当他被发现在另一家公司兼职时,即遭到了解雇。剑桥国际He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house. 他在一家出版社里谋到一个报酬很高的职位。译典通Her family are still trying to come to terms with her violent death (= death caused suddenly and unexpectedly by the use of physical force, esp. murder).她的一家还在尽力接受她因暴力致死的现实。剑桥国际I get my hair cut at the cheapest hairdresser's in town.我在城里收费最低的一家理发店剪的头发。剑桥国际I keep my money in a savings bank. 我的钱存在一家储蓄银行里。译典通Like most souvenir shops it sells a lot of old tat.像大多数纪念品商店一样,这一家卖许多低劣的东西。剑桥国际Of the three organizations criticized, only one was brave enough to face the press.在被批评的三家机构中只有一家勇敢地面对新闻界。剑桥国际One of the more gushing newspapers described the occasion as ‘a fairy-tale wedding’.一家更为装腔作势的报纸把那个场面描述为“一个童话般的婚礼”。剑桥国际Phil was articled to a firm of lawyers. 菲尔签约在一家律师事务所当见习生。译典通She works as a fashion buyer for an upmarket London department store.她的工作是为伦敦的一家高档百货公司采购时装。牛津商务She works for a company that produces computer software/hardware.她在一家制造电脑软件/硬件的公司里工作。剑桥国际She's a usability consultant at a London-based web company.她是一家位於伦敦的网络公司的用户体验顾问。牛津商务She's rented a room above a baker's shop.她在一家面包店的楼上租了一个房间。剑桥国际The French company has a joint venture with Dongfeng Motor in China.这家法国公司与中国的东风汽车公司在中国建立了一家合资企业。牛津商务The family all play instruments--they're all very musical.这一家子都会演奏乐器----他们都很爱好音乐。剑桥国际The hotel food was dreadful, so for three days our iron rations were fruit, cheese and bread bought in the only shop in the village.旅馆里的食品糟透了,因此这三天来我们的基本口粮就是在村庄仅有的一家店里买的水果、奶酪和面包。剑桥国际The study was supported by a $70 000 grant from a research group.此项研究得到了一家研究集团 7 万元的资助经费。牛津商务They have set up a business in London producing bespoke tailoring (= jackets, trousers and skirts) for men and women.他们在伦敦建立了一家为男女顾客定做服装的公司。剑桥国际They spent the night in a noisy second-class hotel. 他们在一家吵闹的下等旅馆里度过了这一夜。译典通This is a radio programme presented by courtesy of a soap company. 这是一档由一家肥皂公司提供的广播节目。译典通We live over a small bookstore. 我们住在一家小书店的楼上。译典通We moved away from our core PC business to build a consulting firm.我们放弃了最重要的个人电脑业务,改为建立一家咨询公司。牛津商务




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