

单词 中隔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔hedge off〕He hedged off some space in the sitting room for bedding with a screen.他用屏风在起居室中隔开了一些空间,供他睡觉时使用。21世纪英汉〔isolate〕Certain patients must be isolated in a separate ward.某些患者必须在单独病房中隔离。韦氏高阶〔mediastinum〕The region in mammals between the pleural sacs, containing the heart and all of the thoracic viscera except the lungs.纵隔:哺乳动物体内将胸腔分为左右两半的中隔,由心脏和除肺以外的胸腔脏器组成美国传统〔quarantine〕She was sent home to Oxford and put in quarantine.她被送回牛津的家中隔离起来。柯林斯高阶〔septal〕Of or relating to a septum or septa.中隔的:属于或关于中隔的美国传统〔septectomy〕Surgical excision of a septum or part of a septum, especially the nasal or atrial septum.中隔切除术:切除中隔或中隔中一部分的外科手术,尤指鼻的或心房的中隔美国传统〔septicidal〕Dehiscing by splitting along or through the septa. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过沿着中隔或通过中隔劈开而裂开的,用于种皮美国传统〔septum pellucidum〕A thin membrane of nervous tissue that forms the medial wall of the lateral ventricles in the brain.透明中隔:形成大脑侧脑室的中层壁的神经组织美国传统〔vomer〕A thin flat bone forming the inferior and posterior part of the nasal septum and dividing the nostrils in most vertebrates.犁骨:形成鼻中隔膜下后部的一块薄而平的骨头,在大多数脊椎动物中分开鼻孔美国传统




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