

单词 一袋
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.两国边境地区的仓库里堆满了一袋袋的大米和面粉。柯林斯高阶〔EAT〕Jamie came out of the store munching a bag of potato chips. 杰米从店里出来,嘎巴嘎巴地吃着一袋薯片。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕A bag of groceries fell off the table onto the floor. 一袋食品杂货从桌子上掉落到地上。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries. 她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。朗文写作活用〔bag〕I bought a bag of sweets to eat on the way home.我买了一袋糖果在回家的路上吃。外研社新世纪〔bag〕Sally shared a bag of crisps with me.萨莉和我把一袋薯片分着吃了。外研社新世纪〔bag〕She ate a bag of chips.她吃了一袋炸土豆条。牛津高阶〔bag〕The amount that a bag can hold.一袋的量:包或袋所能盛的数量美国传统〔dip〕On her lap was a bag of candy which she kept dipping into.她不停地从腿上放着的一袋糖果里摸糖出来吃。朗文当代〔draw〕We delved through a sackful of letters to draw the winning name.我们把手探进一袋信件中抽取获奖者。柯林斯高阶〔goodies〕He won a bag of goodies.他赢了一袋子糖果。外研社新世纪〔light〕This bag is two pounds light.这一袋少了两磅。麦克米伦高阶〔load up〕They loaded up the van with sacks of flour.他们把一袋袋面粉装上运货车。21世纪英汉〔own〕Do you want to share a bag of popcorn, or should we each get our own? 你想我们共享一袋爆米花,还是各吃各的?韦氏高阶〔packet〕Elinor bought her a packet of biscuits.埃莉诺给她买了一袋饼干。柯林斯高阶〔pocketful〕He carried a pocketful of money.他带了一袋子的钱。韦氏高阶〔pocketful〕She always takes a pocketful of tissues with her when she takes the children out.她带孩子们出门时总是带上一袋纸巾。剑桥高阶〔poke〕He bought a poke of chips.他买了一袋薯条。外研社新世纪〔potato chip〕I had a sandwich and a bag of potato chips for lunch.午餐我吃了一个三明治和一袋炸薯片。韦氏高阶〔pyramid〕Bags of garbage are pyramided at the side of the basement entrance.一袋袋垃圾堆在地下室入口处。英汉大词典〔sack〕The amount that such a container can hold.一袋之量:这种容器所能装的量美国传统〔sack〕We need about a sack of rice.我们需要大约一袋米。朗文当代〔shake〕She picked up the bag of salad and gave it a shake.她捡起一袋沙拉摇晃了一下。外研社新世纪〔soil〕She bought a bag of potting soil.她买了一袋盆栽土。牛津搭配〔spill〕He dropped a bag of sugar and it spilled all over the floor.他把一袋糖掉在地上,撒得地板上到处都是。剑桥高阶〔thereto〕The king gave his servant rich garments and added thereto a bag of gold.国王给他的仆人华丽的衣服,此外再加金币一袋。英汉大词典〔unpack〕To remove a pack from (a pack animal).卸下:将一袋东西从(一只驮畜)身上取下美国传统He bought a packet of chocolate (= covered with a layer of chocolate) digestives.他买了一袋巧克力全麦饼干。剑桥国际He dropped a bag of sugar and it spilt all over the floor.他把一袋糖掉在地上,洒得满地都是。剑桥国际He hiked up a sack of grain on his shoulder. 他把一袋粮食举上肩。译典通He slapped a sack of cement down. 他砰的一声重重放下一袋水泥。译典通I bought a bag of mixed nuts:Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews.我买了一袋什锦干果,其中有: 巴西果,杏仁,榛果和腰果。剑桥国际Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore. 给一袋袋马铃薯削皮真是件苦差事。译典通Rats had gnawed their way into a sack of corn.老鼠咬破了一袋玉米,钻了进去。剑桥国际She always takes a pocketful of tissues (= as many as a pocket will hold) with her when she goes out with her children.她和孩子们出门时,常带一袋子卫生纸。剑桥国际She bought a package of cookies (Br and Aus a packet of biscuits).她买了一袋小甜饼。剑桥国际She opened a bag of goodies. 她打开了一袋糖果。译典通The bird was pecking industriously at a bag of nuts outside the kitchen door.那只鸟儿正在不停地啄食厨房门外的一袋坚果。剑桥国际There was a free sachet of shampoo on the front of my magazine.在我的那份杂志封面上有一袋免费赠送的洗发精。剑桥国际There was a sack of (= one containing) potatoes/coal/flour in the corner of the barn.在谷仓的角落里有一袋土豆/煤/面粉。剑桥国际You should buy a bag of well-rotted manure and spread it on the garden.你应该买一袋沤软的肥料,撒在花园中。剑桥国际




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