

单词 不衰
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ageless〕Her beauty appeared ageless.她的美显得经久不衰。牛津高阶〔appeal〕Her charming children's stories have timeless appeal.她写的儿童故事的魅力经久不衰。牛津搭配〔appeal〕The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.披头士乐队的感染力经久不衰。牛津高阶〔attributable〕Most of the movie's life is attributable to its actors.这部电影之所以长映不衰,主要是演员们的功劳。英汉大词典〔be alive and well/kicking〕Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and well.尽管听到的都是女权主义已经江河日下,但实际上它却依然盛行不衰。剑桥高阶〔classic〕Having lasting significance or worth; enduring.历久不衰的,持续的:有永久的意义或价值的;持久的美国传统〔continue〕I'm surprised by the film's continuing popularity.这部电影经久不衰,让我感到惊讶。韦氏高阶〔durable〕Their talents are not only enormous but durable.他们的才能不仅惊人,而且经久不衰。英汉大词典〔embalm〕Jagger is not alone in his attempts at embalming himself in the rock fan's CD inventory.像贾格尔那样, 期望在摇滚乐迷的珍藏唱片中占一席之地并经久不衰的人大有人在。外研社新世纪〔endure〕His plays have endured for more than two centuries.他的戏剧经历两个多世纪而不衰。21世纪英汉〔enduring〕Since its publication in 1866, Crime and Punishment has had an enduring appeal.自1866年出版以来, 《罪与罚》一直有着经久不衰的吸引力。外研社新世纪〔enduring〕What is the reason for the game's enduring appeal? 这种游戏为什么具有经久不衰的吸引力呢?牛津高阶〔evergreen〕Perenially fresh or interesting; enduring.永保青春的,不衰的:永保新鲜和兴趣的;持久的美国传统〔evergreen〕Something that remains perennially fresh, interesting, or well liked.经久不衰的事物:常新的、百看不厌的或永保美名的事物美国传统〔going strong〕The company has been going strong for nearly a century.这家公司近一个世纪一直兴盛不衰。韦氏高阶〔good humour〕Everyone admired her patience and unfailing good humour.人人都佩服她的耐心和永不衰减的好脾气。牛津高阶〔less〕He doesn't seem any the less healthy in spite of drinking! 他尽管喝酒,但似乎健康并不衰减。英汉大词典〔perennial〕The film "White Christmas" is a perennial favourite.《白色圣诞》是一部经久不衰、深受欢迎的影片。剑桥高阶〔phrase〕You look, to coin a phrase, “in the pink”.你的身体,套句老话说,看来“精爽不衰”啊。英汉大词典〔pre-eminence〕London's continuing pre-eminence among European financial centres.伦敦在欧洲各金融中心历久不衰的突出地位柯林斯高阶〔pre-eminence〕London's continuing pre-eminence among European financial centres伦敦在欧洲各金融中心历久不衰的突出地位外研社新世纪〔produce〕He produced 'A Chorus Line', Broadway's longest running show.他制作推出了《歌舞线上》这一百老汇经久不衰的剧目。外研社新世纪〔produce〕He produced 'A Chorus Line', Broadway's longest running show.他制作推出了《歌舞线上》这一百老汇经久不衰的剧目。柯林斯高阶〔reign〕In painting the icon had reigned supreme until well into the 18th century.肖像画在绘画中曾占统治地位,18世纪开始之后好久仍盛行不衰。英汉大词典〔run and run〕This show will run and run.这场演出将会经久不衰。剑桥高阶〔run〕The play had a long (或 good) run.这戏久演不衰。英汉大词典〔run〕The play had a long run in the West End.这部戏在伦敦西区久演不衰。牛津搭配〔staying power〕Her staying power as a pop icon is remarkable.作为流行偶像,她的影响力经久不衰。韦氏高阶〔unflagging〕His unflagging enthusiasm was an inspiration for all of us.他经久不衰的热情鼓舞了我们所有人。麦克米伦高阶〔untiring〕His enthusiasm was untiring.他的热情持续不衰。英汉大词典One of the good things about Amanda is that you can always rely on her unfailing enthusiasm.阿曼达身上良好的品质之一是你可以永远相信她经久不衰的热心。剑桥国际The river supplies water to the city unfailingly. 这条河经久不衰地为这个城市供水。译典通Woody Allen, one of the all-time greats of the cinema 伍迪·艾伦,经久不衰的影坛名人之一剑桥国际




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