

单词 两党
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Leaders in both parties are calling for changes in campaign finance laws. 两党领导人都在呼吁修改筹备竞选经费的法律。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕The growing hostility between the two parties is threatening to plunge the country into civil war. 两党之间日益激化的敌对情绪使国家濒临内战边缘。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕The Senator promised a thorough investigation into the fund-raising activities of both parties. 参议员答应对两党的筹款活动情况进行深入调查。朗文写作活用〔adversarial〕In the old days of two-party adversarial politics, voting was easy.在过去两党对抗的政治环境中,决定投谁的票并不困难。剑桥高阶〔alliance〕The two parties formed an alliance.两党结成了同盟。外研社新世纪〔alliance〕The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.两党分歧甚大,还远未能结成同盟。柯林斯高阶〔amicable〕The two parties have reached an amicable settlement.两党已达成和解。朗文当代〔apathetic〕Others feel apathetic about the candidates in both parties.其他人对两党的候选人都不感兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔balanced〕Parliament was evenly balanced between the two parties.议会中两党平分秋色。牛津搭配〔bipartisan〕Can President Clinton expect bipartisan support for the bill? 柯林顿总统能够期望两党对该法案的支持吗?文馨英汉〔bipartisan〕The bill has bipartisan support.这个议案得到两党共同的支持。韦氏高阶〔break〕A group of moderates from both parties are negotiating to break the deadlock in Congress.两党中的温和派正在协商打破双方在国会对立的僵局。韦氏高阶〔business as usual〕As the election nears, both political parties continue to blame each other for all the city's problems. In other words, it's business as usual.随着大选临近,两党继续就这个城市面临的所有问题相互指责。换句话说,一切如往常一样。韦氏高阶〔coalition〕The two parties have formed a coalition.两党结成了一个联盟。牛津搭配〔comeback〕Both parties made a comeback in recent elections.两党在近期选举中均呈现出卷土重来的态势。外研社新世纪〔concur〕Members of both parties concurred in urging passage of the bill.两党成员一致要求通过这项法案。21世纪英汉〔consensus〕There is a bipartisan consensus against the legalization of drugs.在反对毒品合法化上两党形成共识。牛津搭配〔corrupt〕He wants to save the nation from corrupt politicians of both parties.他想把这个国家从两党腐败政客的手中拯救出来。外研社新世纪〔difference〕The two parties agreed to settle their differences.两党就解决双方的分歧达成了一致。麦克米伦高阶〔disparage〕The tax cut is widely disparaged by senators from both parties as a budget gimmick.两党参议员都将这一减税措施视为预算上的花招而加以贬斥。外研社新世纪〔distrustful〕Both parties were distrustful of the President's policy.两党都对总统的政策持怀疑态度。外研社新世纪〔divide〕There's a clear divide between the two parties on the issue of taxation.两党在税收问题上有明显的分歧。麦克米伦高阶〔dry run〕Both the parties are treating the local elections as a dry run.两党都把地方上的选举当成了一种预演。朗文当代〔duel〕The two parties duelled for power.两党为权力而斗争。21世纪英汉〔electoral〕Our electoral system strongly favours two-party government.我们的选举制度极力支持两党轮流执政。朗文当代〔encounter〕This meeting will be the first encounter between the party leaders since the election.这是自大选以来两党领导人首次狭路相逢。剑桥高阶〔engage〕The two parties engaged upon an escalating political struggle.两党陷入了日益加剧的政治斗争。朗文当代〔fracture〕These problems may fracture the unity of the two parties.这些问题可能会破坏两党的团结。韦氏高阶〔ground〕Both parties are battling to occupy the centre ground .两党都在争取占领中间阵地。朗文当代〔high〕Both parties are giving a high priority to education in their campaigns.在总统竞选中两党都把教育置于优先考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔hungry〕Both parties are hungry for power.两党都渴望掌权。牛津高阶〔identical〕The two parties fought the last election on almost identical manifestos.两党以几乎完全相同的宣言参加了上次竞选。外研社新世纪〔impatience〕There's a growing impatience among the electorate with the old two-party system.选民对旧有的两党制日渐失去耐心。剑桥高阶〔irreducible〕The alliance between the two parties is irreducible.这两党之间的联盟是不会削弱的。英汉大词典〔leadership〕The leadership of both parties and their wives were invited.邀请了两党的领导人及其夫人。英汉大词典〔libel〕The rival parties libel(l)ed each other during the election.在大选中竞选两党互相说对方的坏话。21世纪英汉〔lid〕Both parties have a tight lid on political advertising.两党都严格禁止政治宣传。英汉大词典〔limbo〕Neither party accepted her, so she was in limbo.两党都不承认她,所以她遭到忽略。牛津同义词〔mount〕Tension continues to mount between the two parties.两党之间的紧张气氛持续加剧。麦克米伦高阶〔multiparty〕Their two-party system cloaks a multiparty reality.他们的两党制掩盖了存在多党的实际情况。英汉大词典〔narrow〕The gap between the two parties narrowed sharply in the days before the election.选举前夕两党之间的差距骤然缩小。牛津搭配〔platform〕Representatives of both parties shared a platform(= they spoke at the same meeting).两党的代表同台发言。牛津高阶〔shake-up〕Many were eager for a shake-up in the two-party system.很多人都热切地盼望着两党制能改组。外研社新世纪〔signal〕Both parties have signalled their determination to win.两党都已表示出要赢的决心。麦克米伦高阶〔spin〕Both parties tried to spin the debate as a victory for their candidate.两党都竭力将这场辩论描述成各自候选人的胜利。韦氏高阶〔strength〕If the two parties joined forces, their combined strength would be 127 seats.如果两党联合,他们将共同拥有127个席位。剑桥高阶〔sweetener〕The tax bill includes sweeteners for both parties, so it looks likely to pass.税收法案对两党都有笼络条款,因此很可能得到通过。剑桥高阶〔third party〕A political party organized as opposition to the existing parties in a two-party system.第三党:在两党制下与现存的两党派相对立而建立的一个政党美国传统〔unite〕The two parties have been trying to unite since the New Year.两党新年到来后就开始试图结盟。外研社新世纪He was instrumental in the reunion of the two parties. 他对两党再次联合起到了促进作用。译典通In the old days of two-party adversarial politics, voting was easy.在两党对抗性政治的昔日,选举是容易的。剑桥国际It was a bipartisan decision to pass this bill. 通过这个法案是两党共同的决定。译典通The election campaign has begun in earnest, with both parties severely criticizing the other.竞选已正式开始,两党都严厉地批评对方。剑桥国际The two parties disprove the theory of the other, but unite in persecuting the dissenter. 尽管这两党各自不同意它党的理论,在迫害持异议者这一点上却是一致的。译典通There was a bipartisan agreement on the need for discussions.需要讨论这一点得到两党的同意。剑桥国际There's a growing impatience among the electorate with the old two-party system.选民对旧的两党制越来越不耐烦。剑桥国际When the forces of our two parties are conjoined together, we may stand a chance of winning the general election. 当我们两党的力量融合在一起的时候,我们就可能赢得大选。译典通




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