

单词 下咽
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HORRIBLE〕The main course was an unappetizing leg of chicken with boiled potatoes. 主菜是令人难以下咽的鸡腿配煮马铃薯。朗文写作活用〔absolutely〕The food was absolutely disgusting/delicious.这食物实在是难以下咽/美味无比。剑桥高阶〔atrociously〕The food here is atrocious.这里的食物难以下咽。柯林斯高阶〔chew〕He was chewing on his meat as if he found it hard to swallow.他嚼着肉的样子就好像他觉得很难下咽似的。麦克米伦高阶〔dose〕Failing the exam was a hard dose to swallow.考试不及格是一服很难下咽的苦药。英汉大词典〔exaggerate〕I'm not exaggerating - it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in my life.我不是在夸大其词——那是我这辈子吃到的最难以下咽的饭了。剑桥高阶〔fiasco〕He hoped that the breakfast he had ordered would not be a fiasco.他希望自己叫的那份早餐不至于难以下咽。英汉大词典〔go down〕A small glass of water can help food go down more easily.一小杯水可以使食物更容易下咽。外研社新世纪〔inedible〕Detainees complained of being given food which is inedible.被拘人员抱怨给他们提供的食物难以下咽。外研社新世纪〔inedible〕Detainees complained of being given food which is inedible.被拘留者抱怨提供的食物不堪下咽。柯林斯高阶〔slop〕Do you actually expect us to eat this slop? 你竟然要让我们吃这种难以下咽的稀烂东西?朗文当代〔stodgy〕He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London.他讨厌吃伦敦卖的难以下咽的比萨饼。柯林斯高阶〔such〕Such food as they gave us was scarcely fit to eat.他们给我们的那些食物简直无法下咽。朗文当代〔unpleasantly〕The juice was unpleasantly sour.这果汁酸得难以下咽。韦氏高阶If you don't chew your food properly, it's difficult to swallow it.如果你不把食物嚼碎是很难下咽的。剑桥国际




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