

单词 止血带
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REMEMBER〕Bob, who'd been a vet in the army, vaguely remembered how to use a tourniquet. 鲍勃曾经在军队里当过兽医,隐约记得如何使用止血带。朗文写作活用〔stop〕A tourniquet stops heavy bleeding.止血带可以止住大出血。英汉大词典〔tourniquet〕A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.止血带、压脉器:一种装置,特指一紧紧环绕的绷带,通过暂时阻止血液从四肢的较大动脉中流过而止血美国传统〔tourniquet〕If it continues to bleed, you may have to apply a tourniquet to the limb.如果流血不止,你可能得在手臂上用止血带。剑桥高阶It is sometimes better to try and stop bleeding by pressing on a limb, rather than by applying a tourniquet to it.有时候通过压胳膊或腿止血比较好,而不要用止血带。剑桥国际




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