

单词 不参加
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕He decided not to take the exam, on the advice of his professor. 他听了教授的建议,决定不参加考试。朗文写作活用〔CONFUSED〕Jan's decision not to take part in the race was very puzzling. 简决定不参加赛跑令人十分费解。朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕I'm not playing in next week's game and I'm not sure who will be playing in my place. 下周的比赛我不参加了,我不清楚谁来替我。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Dick's had a bad injury, and it's probably smart of him not to play sports for a while. 迪克受了重伤,一段时间里不参加体育活动对他也许是个明智的做法。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕There are regular class discussions, but some of the students never participate. 班上有定期的讨论课,但有些学生从不参加。朗文写作活用〔absent from〕She absented herself from more than three practices, she was asked to leave.她三次以上不参加活动了,请她走人了。21世纪英汉〔all right〕I'd rather not go to Tricia's party if that's all right with you.如果你不介意,我还是不参加特里西娅的聚会了。剑桥高阶〔amateur〕Abbr. a.,A.Sports An athlete who has never participated in competition for money.缩写 a.,A.【体育运动】 业余运动员:从不参加赢利性竞赛的运动员美国传统〔astigmatism〕Perhaps because of slight astigmatism, he did not play sports.也许由于患有轻微散光, 他不参加体育运动。外研社新世纪〔athletics〕Girls who participate in high school athletics are more likely to graduate than those who don’t.参加中学体育运动的女生跟不参加的相比毕业率更高。剑桥高阶〔bench〕The place where the players on a team sit when not participating in a game.赛场外板凳:不参加比赛的运动员坐的地方美国传统〔bizarrely〕Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although non-attendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是,死亡不会让人失去投票资格,但是不参加政党会议却会让人失去投票资格。柯林斯高阶〔bizarrely〕Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although nonattendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是, 人若是死亡不会失去投票资格, 但是不参加政党会议的话投票资格就会被取消。外研社新世纪〔circulation〕I hear she's out of circulation/back in circulation (= taking part/not taking part in social activities) after her accident.我听说车祸后她不参加/又回来参加社交活动了。剑桥高阶〔count out〕If this is the standard to which I have to drop to gain membership, then count me out! 如果要加入就得降低到这一标准的话,那我就不参加了。柯林斯高阶〔court〕The court has decided against the alliance.朝廷已决定不参加该联盟。英汉大词典〔cry〕Why did she cry off joining your birthday party? 为什么她改变初衷,不参加你的生日宴会了? 英汉大词典〔dispense〕May I be dispensed from attending the meeting? 我可以不参加会议吗?英汉大词典〔dispense〕The Board of Governors dispensed him from exams in those subjects.理事会准许他不参加那些科目的考试。外研社新世纪〔enter〕Three days before the race he decided not to enter.比赛举行前3天,他决定不参加了。英汉大词典〔excuse〕He excused himself from the meeting (game).他要求不参加这次会议(这场比赛)。英汉大词典〔excuse〕I asked the teacher if I could be excused from (= allowed not to do) hockey practice as my knee still hurt.我的膝盖仍然很疼,因此我向老师请假看能否不参加曲棍球训练。剑桥高阶〔excuse〕She is excused from attendance at the meeting.已同意她不参加会议。21世纪英汉〔extreme〕Louise goes to the gym every day. At the other extreme, her husband does absolutely no exercise at all.路易斯每天都去健身房。而她的丈夫却属于另一个极端,他什么运动都不参加。麦克米伦高阶〔group〕Why don't you join the local drama group? 你为什么不参加当地的戏剧小组?麦克米伦高阶〔joiner〕I am no joiner.我什么社团都不参加。英汉大词典〔keeping〕In keeping with tradition, the Emperor did not attend the ceremony.遵照传统, 皇帝不参加庆典。外研社新世纪〔letout〕Is there no letout I can use to get out of attending the meeting? 有没有我可利用的借口能够不参加这个会议?韦氏高阶〔lie off〕He decided to lie off because he had other business to deal with.他决定不参加,因为他有其他事情要办。21世纪英汉〔look〕It looks bad not going to your own brother's wedding.连亲兄弟的婚礼都不参加,这太不像话了。牛津高阶〔miss out〕Will you feel as if you're missing out if you don't take part in the concert?假如不参加这次音乐会,你会不会感到错过了机会?21世纪英汉〔neutrality〕The state or policy of being neutral, especially nonparticipation in war.中立:保持中立的状态或中立政策,尤指不参加战争美国传统〔nurse〕Shaw has been nursing an injury, and will not play on Sunday.肖一直在养伤,星期天将不参加比赛。朗文当代〔offend〕They'll be offended if you don't go to their wedding.你若不参加他们的婚礼,他们会生气的。牛津高阶〔opt out〕A few employees opted out of the pension plan.一些员工选择不参加养老金计划。韦氏高阶〔opt out〕Employees can choose to opt out of the pension scheme.个人可以选择不参加养老金制度。剑桥高阶〔opt out〕Most employees participated in the pension plan, but a few opted out.大多数员工参加了养老金计划,但也有一些员工选择不参加。韦氏高阶〔opt〕Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan.雇员可选择不参加该公司的养老金计划。牛津高阶〔opt〕The firm opted out of the company car scheme last year.这家公司去年决定不参加公司汽车计划。麦克米伦高阶〔opt〕Today there is a growing tendency for people to opt out.今天,越来越多的人倾向于不参加。英汉大词典〔out of the running〕He declared himself officially out of the running for mayor.他正式宣布不参加市长竞选。韦氏高阶〔pace car〕A usually high-performance automobile that leads a group of competing cars through the pace lap of a race but does not participate in the race.领驶车:一辆通常是高性能的车,在汽车比赛中带着一队参赛车绕着试车圈,但却不参加比赛美国传统〔pair ... off〕Senators Wilson and Howard paired off on the revenue bill.参议员威尔逊和霍华德相约不参加对税收案的投票。21世纪英汉〔pair〕A Labour member has paired with a Conservative member.一工党议员已与一保守党议员相约不参加投票。英汉大词典〔pair〕Eighteen members were paired for the last vote.在最后一次表决中有18名议员相约不参加投票。外研社新世纪〔pair〕Eighteen members were paired for the last vote.在最后一次表决中有18名议员相约不参加投票。英汉大词典〔participate〕He never participated in sports in high school.高中时,他从不参加体育运动。韦氏高阶〔participate〕Most people joined the game, but a few chose not to participate.多数人都加入了游戏,但有些人选择不参加。韦氏高阶〔participate〕She never participates in any of our discussions, does she? 她从不参加我们的任何讨论,不是吗?剑桥高阶〔part〕She doesn't usually take part in any of the class activities.她通常不参加任何班级活动。剑桥高阶〔play〕He won’t play.他不参加比赛。牛津同义词〔poop〕To decide not to participate, especially at the last moment.决定不参加,尤指在最后一刻作出这样的决定美国传统〔quote〕The president said, quote, I shall not run for office in November, unquote.总统说,引文开始,我将不参加11月份的竞选,引文结束。英汉大词典〔redshirt〕To keep (a college or school athlete) out of varsity competition for one year in order to extend the athlete's period of eligibility.使成为红衫运动员:为延长运动员的运动寿命而使(学院或学校运动员)一年不参加校际比赛美国传统〔reversal〕In a sudden reversal, the mayor has decided not to run for reelection.情况突然逆转,市长决定不参加连任竞选了。韦氏高阶〔rubber-chicken circuit〕A monotonous series of events, such as lunches and dinners often featuring chicken, which politicians and heads of state feel compelled to attend.单调乏味的巡回鸡宴:政治家和国家首脑不得不参加的一系列单调的事件,如以鸡肉为特色的午餐和晚宴美国传统〔shut off〕She shut herself off from all the social aspects of life.她不参加任何形式的社交活动。柯林斯高阶〔sick leave〕Paid absence from work allowed an employee because of sickness.病假:雇员因生病而被允许不参加工作而工资照付美国传统〔silent partner〕One that makes financial investments in a business enterprise but does not participate in its management.隐名投资人:一个在某项生意上投资但不参加管理的人美国传统〔single〕She decided not to play in the singles.她决定不参加单打比赛。牛津搭配〔sit out〕You can start the game without me. I'm going to sit this one out.你们玩吧,这一局我不参加了。韦氏高阶〔stand out〕It's strange that the host herself will stand out in the party tonight.令人奇怪的是,今天晚上聚会的女主人将不参加。21世纪英汉〔stand〕He'll stand out in the next football match.他将不参加下一次的足球比赛。英汉大词典〔stick〕The politicians stick it to the tourists because the tourists don't vote.这些政客因为旅游者不参加投票就苛待他们。朗文当代〔think〕I've thought the plan over and decided not to join it after all.我重新考虑了这个计划并且决定不参加了。 英汉大词典〔unchurched〕More than half of the population of the city is unchurched.城中一大半居民不参加教会。英汉大词典〔unquote〕The president said, quote, I shall not run for office in November, unquote.总统说,引文开始,我将不参加11月份的竞选,引文结束。英汉大词典〔wallflower〕One who does not participate in the activity at a social event because of shyness or unpopularity.壁花:在社交场合因羞涩或受人冷落而不参加某一活动之人美国传统〔wonder〕Small wonder that he decided to take no part in the debate.难怪他决定不参加辩论呢。柯林斯高阶〔would〕A picnic wouldn't be any fun without you. 你不参加的话,野餐就没趣了。英汉大词典〔would〕The party wouldn't be any fun without you.如果你不参加的话,晚会就没意思了。21世纪英汉As a child he was very much an outsider, never participating in the games other children played.小时候他是一个非常离群的人,从来不参加其它孩子玩的游戏。剑桥国际Brinkworth won't be playing in Saturday's match owing to a knee injury.布林克沃思由于膝盖受伤将不参加星期六的比赛。剑桥国际He excused himself from the party. 他要求不参加这次聚会。译典通He missed two practice sessions and now he's out of the team.他两次不参加练习,现在已不再是队里的一员了。剑桥国际He never joined in the usual sports of the boys. 他从不参加孩子们的一般体育活动。译典通Her decision not to stand for election came as a bombshell to her supporters.她不参加竞选的决定大大出乎她的支持者们的意料。剑桥国际His sloth keeps him from taking part in sports. 他因懒散而不参加体育运动。译典通I hope you won't count it against me if I don't come to your birthday party.如果我不参加你的生日晚会,我希望你不会怪我。剑桥国际It was a horseshit excuse for not attending the wedding.这个不参加婚礼的借口是胡说。剑桥国际MacDonald's injured back is still iffy so she may not play in tomorrow's game.麦克唐纳的背伤仍未痊愈,所以她可能不参加明天的比赛。剑桥国际My body is much firmer than it used to be when I didn't do any exercise.与我不参加任何锻炼的时候相比,我的身体结实多了。剑桥国际Owing to the injury in my leg, I decided not to participate in the motocross this year. 因为我的脚伤,我决定不参加今年的摩托车竞赛。译典通Quite frankly, and in all modesty (= without wanting to seem too important), we'd probably have lost the game if I hadn't been playing.坦率而毫不自夸地说,如果我不参加,我们或许会输掉这场比赛。剑桥国际The army, which held power at that time, imposed draconian penalties on the non-voters.那时候掌权的军队对不参加选举的人实行了严酷的惩罚。剑桥国际The coach dispensed the injured player from practice. 教练准许受伤的队员不参加训练。译典通Their decision not to take part baffled everyone.他们作出不参加的决定令每个人迷惑不解。剑桥国际




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