

单词 一公斤
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕I bought a kilo of apples and a bunch of grapes. 我买了一公斤苹果和一串葡萄。朗文写作活用〔a〕They cost 50p a kilo.其价钱是一公斤 50 便士。牛津高阶〔key〕A kilogram of marijuana, cocaine, or heroin.一公斤:一公斤大麻、可卡因或海洛因美国传统〔or〕It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds.这东西重一公斤,或者说两磅多一点儿。牛津高阶〔score〕Me and my mate went to score a kilo of amphetamine down in London.我和爱人去伦敦市区搞到了一公斤苯丙胺。柯林斯高阶〔so〕You need a kilo or so of flour.你需要一公斤左右的面粉。外研社新世纪One kilogram equals two point two (= 2.2 ) pounds.一公斤等于2. 2磅。剑桥国际One thousand grams are equal to one kilogram. 一千克等于一公斤。译典通The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram. 最大的恐龙脑子大约有一公斤重。译典通The price of such goods in those days equates to (= is the same as) about 50 a kilo at current prices.这种货物那时的价格相当于现行价格约50美元一公斤。剑桥国际Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only 1 kilogram.他们的孩子早产了,只有一公斤重。剑桥国际With modern technology, even babies weighing as little as 1 kilogram at birth can survive.有了现代科技,即使生下来只有一公斤重的婴儿也能存活。剑桥国际




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