

单词 一个晚上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕What a boring way to spend an evening! 这样子过一个晚上多么乏味啊!朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕We spent an enjoyable evening playing cards. 我们开心地玩纸牌玩了一个晚上。朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕What you need is a good night out - it'd do you the world of good! 你需要的是出去好好玩一个晚上一肯定对你大有好处!朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Throughout the night, everyone mopped floors and washed walls in a frantic effort to clean the place up for the inspectors. 大家拖地的拖地,擦墙的擦墙,整整忙了一个晚上,把地方打扫干净,等待检查人员的到来。朗文写作活用〔NICE〕We spent a pleasant evening chatting in the bar. 我们在酒吧里愉快地聊了一个晚上。朗文写作活用〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕The young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings. 年轻人需要一个晚上能去的地方。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕I don't think I can stand another evening of Ted going on and on about his health problems. 我觉得自己无法再忍受一个晚上听特德唠叨他的健康问题了。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕She was earning $5000 a night working as a high-class call-girl. 她当高级应召女郎,一个晚上挣5,000美元。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕You'll have to alternate. One of you can use the room in the mornings, and the other in the evenings. 你们俩得轮着来了,一个早上用这间房,另一个晚上用。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕After getting a good night's sleep, Pedro awoke refreshed and full of energy. 佩德罗好好地睡了一个晚上,醒来时精神振作,充满活力。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕I think we both need a good night's sleep. I'm too tired to talk about it now. 我想我们俩都需要好好睡一个晚上。我太累了,现在不想谈这事。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕She was so worried about overstaying her welcome that she left after only one night. 她担心待得太久会惹人嫌,所以只住了一个晚上就走了。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Just leave that pan to soak overnight. 就把那个平底锅泡一个晚上吧。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕It rained all night, and half the day after. 雨下了一个晚上,第二天又下了半天。朗文写作活用〔between〕She does two performances a night, with only a very short break between.她一个晚上演两场,中间只有很短暂的休息时间。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕When I got paid I blew it all on a night out.我领到工资后出去一个晚上就全花光了。剑桥高阶〔blue〕She had a good win at bingo, but blued all her winnings on a night out with all her friends.她玩宾戈游戏赢了不少钱, 但一个晚上就和她所有朋友一起挥霍掉了。外研社新世纪〔boogie〕We boogied away all night long.我们狂舞了一个晚上。剑桥高阶〔break〕One night out won't break the bank.在外面玩一个晚上不会倾家荡产的。麦克米伦高阶〔break〕They worked through the night without a break.他们连续工作了一个晚上。剑桥高阶〔condemned〕They took over a condemned 1960s tower block last year for one night.去年, 他们曾接管过一幢20世纪60年代的高层危楼一个晚上。外研社新世纪〔condemned〕They took over a condemned 1960s tower block last year for one night.去年,他们曾控制过一幢20世纪60年代的破旧塔楼一个晚上。柯林斯高阶〔crowd〕I spent an evening out with the usual crowd.我和经常在一起的一帮朋友在外面过了一个晚上。麦克米伦高阶〔date〕They spent the evening bringing themselves up to date after a five years' interval.分别 5 年后,他们谈了一个晚上互相了解近况。英汉大词典〔dilate on/upon〕We spent a long evening listening to him dilate on the need for tax relief.我们花了漫长的一个晚上听他详述减税的必要性。韦氏高阶〔evening〕I work in a restaurant and only get one evening off a week.我在一家饭店工作,每周只有一个晚上歇班。剑桥高阶〔expense〕I think we deserve a night out on expenses.我觉得我们该花公费出去玩一个晚上。牛津搭配〔feat〕Writing that whole report in one night was quite a feat.一个晚上就写完整篇报告,实在是了不起。韦氏高阶〔flower〕The first night we met he gave me a bunch of flowers.我们认识的第一个晚上,他就送了我一束花。朗文当代〔flow〕The wine flowed and we danced the night away.我们喝了很多酒,跳了一个晚上的舞。柯林斯高阶〔fondly〕I fondly imagined that surgery meant a few stitches and an overnight stay in hospital.我天真地以为外科手术就是缝几针,然后在医院里熬一个晚上。柯林斯高阶〔full-on〕It was a full-on night out with the boys.这是与男孩们外出玩得最尽兴的一个晚上。牛津高阶〔get〕He got through the book in one evening.他一个晚上就看完了这本书。英汉大词典〔hold〕The rebels held out for another night but then fresh forces arrived.叛乱分子又守了一个晚上,但是接着增援部队到了。朗文当代〔holler〕They were screaming and hollering at each other all night.他们整整一个晚上都在朝对方吼叫。韦氏高阶〔intercourse〕He had intercourse with three women on the same night.他在同一个晚上和三个女人发生了性关系。外研社新世纪〔kilter〕Missing more than one night's sleep can throw your body out of kilter.超过一个晚上不睡觉会使你的身体失调。剑桥高阶〔leave〕Leave the pots to soak overnight.把锅泡一个晚上。朗文当代〔long〕They talked all night long.他们谈了整整一个晚上美国传统〔mention〕He didn't mention her all evening.他一个晚上都没提到她。麦克米伦高阶〔mingle〕Leave the dessert overnight for the flavours to mingle.把甜点放一个晚上使味道融合起来。麦克米伦高阶〔mother〕Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。牛津搭配〔night〕He spent another lonely night in front of the television.他又孤独地在电视机前度过了一个晚上。牛津搭配〔night〕I saw her the other night (= a few nights ago).我几天前在一个晚上见到过她。牛津搭配〔night〕I went round to see her the other night.几天前的一个晚上麦克米伦高阶〔night〕They can serve over 1500 covers on a big night.忙的时候他们一个晚上可以供应1500客。英汉大词典〔night〕They enjoy a night out occasionally.他们偶尔出去玩上一个晚上。牛津高阶〔nuthouse〕I don't want to spend another night in this nuthouse.我可不想在这乱七八糟的地方再呆一个晚上。朗文当代〔on the town〕I was out on the town/I had a night on the town last night, and I'm exhausted! 我昨晚去城里玩了一个晚上,现在累坏了!剑桥高阶〔one〕When Sam failed to appear one evening, my worry increased.有一个晚上萨姆没有露面,我变得越来越担心。麦克米伦高阶〔only〕We only want to stay for one night.我们只是想待一个晚上。外研社新世纪〔optimum〕For optimum results, allow the paint to dry overnight.为了达到最理想的效果,要让油漆晾一个晚上。韦氏高阶〔paper〕She spent the evening marking exam papers.她用一个晚上批阅试卷。牛津高阶〔pass away〕Conversation with friends soon passes an evening away.和朋友们谈话一个晚上很快就度过了。21世纪英汉〔placate〕The baby wouldn't be placated and continued to cry all night.婴儿怎样哄也安静不下来, 哭了整整一个晚上。外研社新世纪〔prayer〕One evening a week, the family would join together in prayer.每星期的一个晚上全家都要聚在一起祈告上帝美国传统〔preferable〕Sitting home alone would be preferable to spending a night with Janice.独自一人在家呆坐也比和贾妮丝一起呆一个晚上好。麦克米伦高阶〔prepare〕The best way of preparing the nuts is to rehydrate them by soaking overnight.做这些坚果的最好方法就是用水浸泡一个晚上,为其补充水分。柯林斯高阶〔rather〕I'd rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.我宁愿看看电视,安安静静地过一个晚上。朗文当代〔roll〕His jokes kept us simply rolling (about) all evening.他说的那些笑话简直使我们笑了一个晚上。英汉大词典〔round〕You can round off the evening with a visit to the nightclub.最后可以光顾一下这家夜总会,开心地结束一个晚上的活动。朗文当代〔run〕She can run up a dress in an evening.她一个晚上就能赶缝出一件连衣裙。朗文当代〔short〕It was a short book and she read it in one night.那本书很薄,她一个晚上就看完了。麦克米伦高阶〔sleep off〕It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.把假期的第一个晚上用来睡觉倒时差是个不错的主意。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕A night without sleep left him red-eyed and haggard.一个晚上没睡觉使他眼睛红红的,面容憔悴。麦克米伦高阶〔sleep〕To spend the night as a guest in another's home.彻夜作客:作为客人在别人的家里度过了一个晚上美国传统〔sleep〕You just need a good night's sleep (=a night when you sleep well) .你正需要好好睡一个晚上。朗文当代〔speed-reading〕I speed-read the book in one night.我一个晚上就快速地把这本书读完了。韦氏高阶〔thankful〕I'll be thankful for a good night's sleep after the week I've had.一个星期下来,我要能好好地睡上一个晚上就感激不尽了。朗文当代〔themselves〕They were themselves again after a night's rest.休息了一个晚上之后,他们又恢复了正常状态。韦氏高阶〔throw〕I feel terrible - I've been throwing up all night! 我很不舒服,整整吐了一个晚上。麦克米伦高阶〔town〕Frank is taking me out for a night on the town .弗兰克要带我出去玩一个晚上。朗文当代〔unannounced〕My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father's cousins.到西贡的第一个晚上, 我给堂叔伯们来了个突然袭击。外研社新世纪〔unannounced〕My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father's cousins.到西贡的第一个晚上,我给父亲的堂兄堂弟们来了个突然袭击。柯林斯高阶〔use〕She will have the use of the car one night a week.她每周会有一个晚上可以用车。外研社新世纪〔wagon〕After the birth of his daughter,he had a night off the wagon to celebrate.女儿出生后的一个晚上,他又喝起酒来以示庆祝。英汉大词典〔world〕We spent a night at the dirtiest hotel in the world.我们在天底下最脏的一家旅馆住了一个晚上。麦克米伦高阶〔wrap〕He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.他花了一个晚上的时间把圣诞礼物都包了起来。牛津高阶〔wrestle with〕I have been wrestling with the difficult examination paper the whole night.我一个晚上都在全神贯注地做这份难度极大的试卷。21世纪英汉〔yonks〕It's yonks since we had a good night out.我们好久没有痛痛快快出去玩一个晚上了。朗文当代I ran this dress up in one evening. 我用一个晚上的时间匆匆缝好这件衣服。译典通I spent the evening sticking photographs in the album.我花了一个晚上把相片嵌入影集。剑桥国际I was out on the town/I had a night on the town last night, and I feel really tired today.我昨晚出去到城里寻欢作乐去了/在城里寻欢作乐了一个晚上,今天我感到真的很累。剑桥国际It poured down all evening and most of the night as well.大雨下了整整一个晚上和大半夜。剑桥国际John's been plying me with drinks all evening -- I don't think I'm capable of driving home.约翰一个晚上都在给我敬酒----我想我没法开车回家了。剑桥国际She phoned me the other night to say she could come.她几天前的一个晚上打电话给我说她能来。剑桥国际She spent the evening grumbling to me about her job.她花了一个晚上向我抱怨她的工作。剑桥国际Spending another evening at home on my own is a very depressing prospect.又一个晚上要独自守家的可能真令人沮丧。剑桥国际The broken tooth kept her awake all night with toothache.这颗坏牙痛得她一个晚上没睡着。剑桥国际They lingered away the whole evening at the tea-house. 他们在茶馆消磨掉整整一个晚上。译典通They worked through the night without a break.他们连续工作了一个晚上。剑桥国际They'd been up carousing till dawn the night before and looked exhausted.他们前一个晚上一直狂欢到黎明,显得精疲力竭了。剑桥国际To his friends’surprise, he blurted his secret out one night.令朋友们惊奇的是他在一个晚上脱口说出了他的秘密。剑桥国际We boogied away all night long.我们狂舞了一个晚上。剑桥国际We get Daryl off our hands one evening a week when my mother looks after him for us.我们每周一个晚上不必去管达里尔,由我母亲照看他。剑桥国际When I first got paid I blew it all on a night out.当我第一次领到工资时,我出去一个晚上就挥霍掉了。剑桥国际




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