

单词 旗帜
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-waving〕a flag-waving crowd. 挥舞着旗帜的人群柯林斯高阶〔Confederate〕the Confederate flag/army 南部邦联的旗帜/军队韦氏高阶〔aflutter〕with flags aflutter. 旗帜飘扬美国传统〔aloft〕a flag flying aloft the mast在桅顶上飘扬的旗帜21世纪英汉〔banner〕banners fluttering in the wind.在风里飘扬的旗帜。牛津同义词〔banner〕banners waving in the wind 在风中飘扬的旗帜牛津搭配〔bear〕a banner borne aloft 高高举起的旗帜英汉大词典〔bedeck〕flags bedecking the balcony装饰阳台的旗帜外研社新世纪〔billow〕flags billowing in the breeze 在风中飘扬的旗帜英汉大词典〔blush〕a flag blushed with blood of the soldiers被战士们的鲜血染红的旗帜21世纪英汉〔burning〕the burning of flags焚烧旗帜外研社新世纪〔color〕colors The salute made during the ceremony of raising or lowering a flag. colors 敬礼:升降旗时对旗帜敬礼美国传统〔cross〕a flag with a design of two crossed keys 有两把钥匙交叉图案的旗帜牛津高阶〔display〕to display a banner展开一面旗帜21世纪英汉〔drape〕draping the banner from the balcony. 使旗帜成褶皱状从阳台上垂下美国传统〔emblazon〕a banner emblazoned with a hammer and sickle 饰有醒目的锤子和镰刀图案的旗帜英汉大词典〔emblazon〕banners emblazoned with slogans and portraits 饰有醒目标语和肖像的旗帜韦氏高阶〔emblazon〕emblazon a cross on a banner. 在旗帜上饰上醒目的十字美国传统〔ensanguine〕a flag ensanguined with the blood of soldier一面由战士鲜血染红的旗帜21世纪英汉〔f.a.n.〕the flag fanning in the breeze微风中飘动的旗帜21世纪英汉〔flag〕a flag fluttering in the breeze 微风中飘扬的旗帜牛津搭配〔flag〕a ship flying a foreign flag. 悬挂外国旗帜的船只。文馨英汉〔flag〕the flag of internationalism 国际主义的旗帜英汉大词典〔flag〕to swear allegiance to the flag 面对旗帜作效忠宣誓牛津高阶〔flap〕banners flapping in the breeze. 旗帜在微风中飘扬美国传统〔flap〕the flap of the flag in the wind. 风中旗帜的飘动美国传统〔flaunt〕where their banner flaunts above the castle walls城墙上方飘扬着他们的旗帜的地方外研社新世纪〔in〕flags waving in the wind 迎风飘扬的旗帜英汉大词典〔numeral〕a banner with the class numerals on it 标有班级荣誉年号的旗帜英汉大词典〔post〕posting the colours把旗帜送到指定地点21世纪英汉〔remnant〕the tattered remnants of the flag 破旧旗帜残留的布条牛津搭配〔salute〕to salute the flag/an officer 向旗帜╱长官敬礼牛津高阶〔scant〕forces that have shown scant respect for Red Cross markings or UN flags. 对红十字会标志和联合国旗帜不屑一顾的军队柯林斯高阶〔set〕set out a flag 展开旗帜 英汉大词典〔shred〕the tattered shreds of their flag 他们的旗帜的碎片牛津搭配〔standard〕the royal standard 王室的旗帜朗文当代〔unfurl〕unfurl a banner 展开旗帜英汉大词典〔unfurl〕unfurl a flag/banner 展开旗帜/条幅韦氏高阶〔whip〕flags whipping in high wind旗帜在大风中拍动21世纪英汉〔wind〕a flag flapping in the wind 迎风飘扬的旗帜牛津搭配




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