

单词 一期
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔NEW〕the new issue of ‘Time’ magazine 新一期的《时代周刊》朗文写作活用〔biennial〕a biennial cycle 两年一期的轮转英汉大词典〔bimonthly〕bimonthly newsletters两月一期的简讯外研社新世纪〔carry〕carry a number in addition. 额外转印一期美国传统〔compound〕interest compounded semiannually 以半年一期复利计算的利息英汉大词典〔current〕the current issue of a journal 一份杂志的最近一期英汉大词典〔current〕the magazine's current issue 这本杂志最近的一期韦氏高阶〔edition〕a copy of the latest edition of our magazine 我们最新一期的杂志麦克米伦高阶〔edition〕the most recent edition of the city's film festival 城市电影节的最近一期韦氏高阶〔instal(l)ment〕a $1-billion loan, of which only one $300-million instal(l)ment has been made 迄今只按期交付了一期3亿的一笔10亿美元的贷款英汉大词典〔instalment〕his next instalment on the mortgage他的抵押贷款的下一期还款外研社新世纪〔instalment〕the first instalment of a science fiction trilogy 科幻三部曲小说的第一期朗文当代〔intention〕healing by first (second) intention 第一期(第二期)愈合英汉大词典〔issue〕an issue of a magazine.杂志的一期。牛津同义词〔issue〕in the May issue 在5月号的一期上英汉大词典〔issue〕the current/latest issue 最近/最新一期韦氏高阶〔issue〕the latest issue of the magazine 杂志的最近一期英汉大词典〔issue〕the latest issue of the magazine最新一期杂志外研社新世纪〔issue〕the most recent issue of the magazine/journal 最新一期杂志/期刊韦氏高阶〔lamented〕the last edition of the much lamented newspaper 那非常令人怀念的报纸的最后一期牛津高阶〔monthly〕a monthly newsletter 每月一期的通讯麦克米伦高阶〔new〕the new issue of 'Time' magazine 新一期《时代周刊》朗文当代〔number〕a recent number of a football magazine 最近一期的足球杂志麦克米伦高阶〔number〕an old number of a magazine. 一期旧杂志美国传统〔rollover〕a rollover week 奖金累积滚入下一期的一周剑桥高阶〔spread〕a spread on fashions in a 2003 Fashion magazine 2003年的一期《时装》杂志上横贯两版篇幅的时装广告英汉大词典〔thumb〕thumbed through the latest issue of the magazine. 翻阅最近的一期杂志美国传统〔turbo-charged〕a turbo-charged version of the show充满活力的一期节目外研社新世纪〔union〕union by first (second) intention 第一期(第二期)愈合英汉大词典the world 's No. 1 futures mart 世界第一期货市场牛津商务




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