

单词 一方
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FAST〕to move very fast in a particular direction 迅速朝某一方向移动朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕to understand the meaning of something in a particular way 以某一方式理解某事物的含义朗文写作活用〔adultery〕single (double) adultery 一方(双方)已婚的通奸英汉大词典〔affirmative〕the affirmative side (对辩论中的问题)持赞成态度的一方英汉大词典〔aggrieved〕the aggrieved party in a case 案件中受害的一方英汉大词典〔balance with〕to balance one side with another使一方与另一方成均势21世纪英汉〔bat〕the side at bat 轮到击球的一方英汉大词典〔biased〕a biased account 偏袒一方的报道英汉大词典〔biased〕a biased report 偏袒一方的报道麦克米伦高阶〔block〕a block of ice/concrete/stone 一方冰╱混凝土╱石头牛津高阶〔case〕an obvious case of favouritism.一件显然偏袒一方的事例。牛津同义词〔catspaw〕have no intention of becoming a catspaw for either belligerent 不打算成为敌对的任何一方的工具英汉大词典〔consistency〕a side who have been struggling to achieve consistency in the First Division甲级联赛中一直奋力保持连胜的一方外研社新世纪〔contest〕divorce actions, mutual or contested 双方一起提出或由一方提出另一方予以辩驳的离婚诉讼英汉大词典〔fear〕the fear that once a war began it would soon pass beyond the ability of either side to manage it担忧战争一旦开始就会很快超出任何一方掌控外研社新世纪〔fish〕a piece of boiled fish 一方煮熟的鱼肉英汉大词典〔give〕a relationship where one partner gives more than the other 一方比另一方付出更多的关系麦克米伦高阶〔guilty〕guilty of cheating; the guilty party. 犯诈骗罪;犯罪一方美国传统〔illness〕the sudden onset of illness in a parent 父母中一方突然发病牛津搭配〔innocent〕innocent goods carried to a belligerent 允许运往交战一方的物资英汉大词典〔innocent〕the innocent party (尤指离婚讼诉中)无辜的一方英汉大词典〔interested〕an interested party in the estate.See Usage Note at disinterested 对财产有所有权的一方 参见 disinterested美国传统〔launch〕the launch of yet another programme to promote efficiency in government 提高政府办事效率的另一方案的发布麦克米伦高阶〔loaded〕a loaded argument.偏袒一方的论点。牛津同义词〔losing〕the losing side.失败的一方。牛津同义词〔negative〕the negative side (对辩论中的问题)持反对态度的一方英汉大词典〔negotiation〕negotiations with the other side 同另一方的谈判牛津搭配〔one-sided〕a one-sided referee.偏向一方的裁判员。牛津同义词〔paradoxically〕a growing up that paradoxically involves remaining a child, too. 一方面在成长、一方面还是个孩子的矛盾柯林斯高阶〔partial〕a partial referee.偏袒一方的裁判。牛津同义词〔party〕a court, the decision of which may not satisfy either party. 所作判决可能无法令任何一方满意的法庭柯林斯高阶〔piece〕a piece of stamps (供集邮用的按规定量出售的)一大张(或一长条、一方块等)邮票英汉大词典〔pull〕to pull for our side向我们这一方鼓劲21世纪英汉〔receiving end〕elderly patients on the receiving end of Medicare cutbacks. 在医疗保健的缩减上,处于接受一方的年长病人美国传统〔reverse〕reverse the charge(s) 要接电话一方付费英汉大词典〔side〕keep public opinion on one's side 使公众舆论站在自己一方英汉大词典〔side〕not to take sides in the dispute 在争论中不偏袒任何一方 英汉大词典〔side〕to be on the winning/losing side 在获胜╱失败一方牛津高阶〔specific〕children with specific learning difficulties(= in one area only) 某一方面有学习困难的儿童牛津高阶〔weakly〕the strengths and weaknesses of the government's case. 政府一方的优势和弱点柯林斯高阶




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