

单词 个数
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Each number in the series 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 is twice as large as the previous number. 在2-4-8-16这一列数字中,每个数都是前一个数的两倍。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕Pick a number from one to five. 从一至五中挑一个数字。朗文写作活用〔GUESS〕Off the top of my head, I think that the figure is about 25%. 我随口说说,我想这个数字是在25%左右。朗文写作活用〔MENTION〕We didn't really discuss the price, but somebody mentioned a figure of £300. 我们实际上没有讨论价钱,可是有人提到了300英镑这个数字。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕A comparison of the two figures shows the estimated profit on investment. 把这两个数字比较一下就会知道投资的利润大约是多少。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕The number of deaths from road accidents has remained constant over the last five years. 过去五年里,道路交通事故造成的死亡人数一直保持一个数字。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The system can simultaneously search up to 16 databases. 这个系统可以同时搜索多达16个数据库。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕Over 30% of marriages end in divorce, which is double the number 20 years ago. 超过30%的婚姻以离婚告终,这个数字是20年前的两倍。朗文写作活用〔balance〕We can balance the equation by multiplying the different atoms and molecules.我们可以通过增加不同原子和分子的个数来配平等式。外研社新世纪〔between〕Choose a number between 1 and 10.在1至10之间选择一个数字。麦克米伦高阶〔board〕He removed the figure from the board.他从黑板上抹去了那个数字。牛津高阶〔cancel〕The numbers in the numerator and denominator cancel.分子和分母里的这几个数字可以消去。外研社新世纪〔caveat〕With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can at least be said that the world travel and tourism industry is huge.尽管事先声明此项调查报告中的每个数字都不可靠,但至少可以说,世界旅游观光业的市场庞大。柯林斯高阶〔chalk〕Some had chalked the number 706 on the door of our house.有人用粉笔在我们的房门上写了个数字706。外研社新世纪〔check off〕I haven't checked them off but I would say that's about the number.我没有逐一核对过,不过,我可以说差不多是这个数。柯林斯高阶〔circle〕I wrote down the number 46 and drew a circle around it.我写下46这个数字,又画了个圆将它圈起来。柯林斯高阶〔cologarithm〕The logarithm of the reciprocal of a number.余对数:一个数字的倒数的对数美国传统〔confidence limit〕Either of the two numbers that specify the endpoints of a confidence interval.置信限:表示置信区间端点的两个数字中的一个美国传统〔conventional〕The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.这个数字符号是计量单位磅的常用标识。韦氏高阶〔conversion factor〕A numerical factor used to multiply or divide a quantity expressed in one system of units in a conversion to another system.转换因子:在把一个数量从一种单位制换算成另一种单位制的过程中被这个数量乘或除的数值因子美国传统〔copyright〕The database will be protected by copyright .这个数据库将受到版权保护。朗文当代〔correspondence〕Note the correspondence of each number to a location on the map.注意每个数字跟地图上位置的对应关系。韦氏高阶〔cube root〕A number whose cube is equal to a given number.立方根:一个数字的立方与所给定数相等美国传统〔decile〕Any one of the numbers or values in a series dividing the distribution of the individuals in the series into ten groups of equal frequency.十分位数:指把一系列的数字或价格按相等的出现频率分成十组后的其中任何一个数字或价格美国传统〔decimal place〕The figure is accurate to two decimal places.这个数精确到小数点后两位。牛津高阶〔delimiter〕A character marking the beginning or end of a unit of data.定界符:标记出一个数据单位的起始或结束的字符美国传统〔density〕Computer Science The number of units of useful information contained within a linear dimension.【计算机科学】 信息密度:在一个线性维数内有用的信息单元的个数美国传统〔difference〕The amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another.差额:一个数在数量上多于或少于一个数的数值美国传统〔digit〕Her telephone number differs from mine by one digit.她的电话号码和我的只差一个数字。外研社新世纪〔digit〕Her telephone number differs from mine by one digit.她的电话号码和我的只差一个数字。柯林斯高阶〔digit〕The number can be up to eight digits long.这个数字可达八位数。牛津搭配〔division sign〕The symbol (÷) placed between two quantities written on a single line to indicate the division of the first by the second.除号:符号(÷)放在写在一条线上的两个数字之间,标示前一数被后数所除美国传统〔divisor〕The quantity by which another quantity, the dividend, is to be divided.除数:要除被除数的那个数美国传统〔downward〕We received an estimate, but the number has since been revised downward.我们收到一个估算数据,但后来这个数字被改得越来越小。韦氏高阶〔end〕The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27.第一个数字表示截至7月27日的周销售量。外研社新世纪〔error〕NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.美国国家航空航天局在它的计算结果中发现了一个数学错误。柯林斯高阶〔evolution〕Mathematics The extraction of a root of a quantity.【数学】 开方,求一个数的方根美国传统〔faint〕I can't make out the number-it's very faint.我看不清楚这个数字 - 太模糊了。牛津搭配〔fiendishly〕This figure is reached by a fiendishly clever equation.这个数字是通过一个精妙的方程式计算出来的。柯林斯高阶〔figure〕By 2009, this figure had risen to 14 million.到 2009 年为止,这个数字已经增长到 1 400 万。牛津高阶〔figure〕Can you read this figure? Is it a three or an eight? 你能认出这个数字吗?是3还是8?剑桥高阶〔flat-file database〕A database system in which each database contains only one file, which is not linked to any other file.平面文件数据库:每个数据库只包含一个文件并且不与其它任何文件相连结的数据库系统美国传统〔folio〕Accounting A page in a ledger or two facing pages that are assigned a single number.【会计学】 页:帐簿中的一页或相对的两张,只标一个数码美国传统〔graphically〕Include a diagram that represents this data graphically.加入一个图表来形象地反映这个数据。剑桥高阶〔hexadecimal〕The number 107 is represented in hexadecimal as 6B.*107 这个数用十六进制表示为 6B。牛津高阶〔identifier〕A symbol that serves to identify, indicate, or name a body of data.标识符:用来确定、表明或命名一个数据组的标志美国传统〔import〕Computer Science To transfer (a file, for example) from one database to another.【计算机科学】 输入:把(例如文件)从一个数据库转移到另一个数据库美国传统〔infect〕A computer virus may lurk unseen in a computer's memory, calling up and infecting each of the machine's data files in turn.计算机病毒可潜伏在计算机存储器中,依次调出并感染计算机中的每一个数据文档。剑桥高阶〔involution〕Mathematics The multiplying of a quantity by itself a specified number of times; the raising to a power.【数学】 乘方:一个数字与自身相乘若干次;达到一个幂美国传统〔isolation〕The figures should not be looked at in isolation but as part of a pattern.不应孤立地去看待这些数字,而应该将其视为一个数列的一部分。牛津搭配〔magnitude〕A number assigned to a quantity so that it may be compared with other quantities.量值:用来表示数量多少的一个数字,以便和其他数量作比较美国传统〔mark〕I put a mark in the margin to remind me to check the figure.我在页边做了个记号来提醒自己核对一下这个数字。牛津高阶〔measure〕This figure alone is not a fair measure of our success.单凭这个数字不能公正地衡量我们的成功。牛津搭配〔measure〕This figure provides an objective measure of risk.这个数字提供了客观的风险指标。牛津搭配〔modulus〕The number by which a logarithm in one system must be multiplied to obtain the corresponding logarithm in another system.对数的模:当从一个系统变换到另一个系统时为得到相应的对数须乘以的一个数美国传统〔multiply〕Multiply the two figures together and that will give you the area.将两个数字相乘,你将得出面积。麦克米伦高阶〔number〕I can't read the second number.我无法读出第二个数字。外研社新世纪〔number〕I'm afraid the numbers just don't make your idea a profitable option.恐怕这个数额不能说明你的想法有利可图。韦氏高阶〔number〕Think of a number and multiply it by two.想出一个数,然后乘以二。牛津高阶〔order of magnitude〕Processing speeds exceed those of five years ago by several orders of magnitude.处理速度超过5年前好几个数量级。麦克米伦高阶〔order of magnitude〕The masses of Earth and the sun differ by five orders of magnitude.地球与太阳的质量相差五个数量级美国传统〔order of magnitude〕These molecules are several orders of magnitude smaller than a grain of sand.这些分子比一粒沙子小好几个数量级。韦氏高阶〔order〕The number of elements in a finite group.次数:一个有限群中的元素个数美国传统〔period〕This compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year.这个数字与去年同期的 4% 升幅相若。牛津高阶〔placeholder〕In the decimal form of a number, a digit that is not significant.占位符号:在一个数的小数形式中,没有意义的数字美国传统〔pluck〕I just plucked a figure out of the air and said: ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’ 我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看 1 000 英镑合适吗?”牛津高阶〔pluck〕I'm plucking a figure out of the air here, but let's say it'll cost about $15,000.我只是随口说一个数字,比如说这要大约 15,000 美元。朗文当代〔possess〕This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power.这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。柯林斯高阶〔proper〕Mathematics Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.【数学】 常义的:当一个数集至少有一个不在某个子集里时,这个数集的子集的,或与之有关的美国传统〔quantity〕This is a question of quantity, not quality.这是个数量问题,而不是质量问题。英汉大词典〔quarrel〕I would quarrel with you on that figure.在那个数字的问题上, 我并不认同你的看法。外研社新世纪〔quarrel〕I would quarrel with you on that figure.在那个数字的问题上,我并不认同你的看法。柯林斯高阶〔quote〕Don't quote me on this but I think the figure is in excess of £2 billion.我的话不足为据,但我认为这个数字超过 20 亿英镑。牛津搭配〔radical〕Abbr. rad.Mathematics The root of a quantity as indicated by the radical sign.缩写 rad.【数学】 根,根号:用根号表示出来的一个数的根美国传统〔random〕We picked the number at random.我们随机抽取了这个数字。外研社新世纪〔readout〕The calculator has a digital readout.这个计算器有一个数字显示屏。韦氏高阶〔read〕For “one thousand” another version reads “ten thousand”.“一千”这个数目在另一版本中作“一万”。英汉大词典〔short division〕The process of dividing one number by another without writing down all the steps, especially when the divisor is a single digit.短除法:一个数被另一个数所除,但不写下所有步骤的过程,尤其当除数是一位数时美国传统〔space〕Leave a space after each number.每个数字后面空一格。朗文当代〔square root〕A divisor of a quantity that when squared gives the quantity.平方根,二次根:一个数开方后所得的数美国传统〔square〕Mathematics The product obtained when a number or quantity is multiplied by itself.【数学】 平方:一个数或数量被自己乘了之后所得的积美国传统〔statistic〕To them, I'm just another statistic in the unemployment figures.对他们来讲,我不过是失业数据里面的一个数字而已。麦克米伦高阶〔thereabouts〕About that number, amount, or time.大约:大约那个数字,数量或时间美国传统〔treble〕The figure has more than trebled to 67%.这个数字已增加两倍多,达到 67%。牛津搭配〔triple〕A number or quantity three times as great as another.三倍数,三倍量:一个数或量是另一个数或量的三倍美国传统〔troops〕Various figures for US troop presence in Iraq were quoted.引用了美国在伊拉克驻军的多个数字。牛津搭配〔underestimate〕The figure of £10 million was a serious underestimate.1,000万英镑这个数目是被大大低估了。麦克米伦高阶〔underneath〕A number had been painted underneath the table.桌子底下涂有一个数字。朗文当代〔upper bound〕A number that is greater than or equal to every number in a given set of real numbers.上界:一个数,大于或等于给定的一系列实数中任何一数美国传统〔wizard〕He is a wizard at math.他是个数学奇才。韦氏高阶〔yield〕This figure could yield a return high enough to provide a healthy pension.这个数目能产生很高的回报,足以提供一大笔养老金。麦克米伦高阶Australia's total wine exports were half that amount only five years ago.仅仅在5年前,澳大利亚总的葡萄酒出口数是那个数字的一半。剑桥国际He is a bear at mathematics. 他是个数学天才。译典通The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.4、5、9 三个数的平均数为 6。牛津商务The confusion was caused when two numbers were accidentally transposed by a Social Security clerk.一个社会保险的职员无意中互换了两个数字,引起了这场混乱。剑桥国际The security men were alerted after a player claimed he had put two £25 chips on a winning number when the croupier found just one.保安人员被告知一位赌客声称自己押了两个25英镑的筹码在赢钱的那个数码上,而赌台管理员发现只有一个。剑桥国际This figure includes a €1.7 million one-off gain from sale of assets.这个数字包括从出售资产中获得的 170 万欧元的一次性收益。牛津商务We keep a database on deadbeats who pass bad checks.我们保存着一个数据库记录那些使用空头支票的赖账者。牛津商务Why is there a discrepancy between these two figures? 这两个数字之间为甚么存在差异?牛津商务Working separately both mathematicians developed similar notations.两个数学家各自单独工作,发明了相似的数学符号。剑桥国际




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