

单词 upheaval
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔disaster〕cataclysm is a violent upheaval that brings about a fundamental change: Cataclysm 指巨大的劫乱,从而带来根本性的改变: 美国传统〔explore〕explore the root causes of the social upheaval 调查研究社会动乱的根源英汉大词典〔extrude〕a land upheaval that extruded molten rock 使熔岩喷出的一次地壳隆起英汉大词典〔incomprehension〕incomprehension of social upheaval 对社会动荡的不理解英汉大词典〔indifferent〕strangely incurious about the causes of the political upheaval surrounding her.对发生在她身边的政治风暴的原因竟然无动于衷。美国传统〔resultant〕the depression and the resultant economic upheaval 不景气和作为其结果而发生的经济大动荡 英汉大词典〔upheaval〕a period of emotional upheaval 情绪波动很大的时期牛津高阶〔upheaval〕political upheaval 政治剧变朗文当代〔upheaval〕political/social/economic upheaval 政治剧变/社会动乱/经济动荡麦克米伦高阶〔upheaval〕the emotional upheaval of divorce 离婚造成的情绪波动韦氏高阶




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