

单词 wave to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OPPOSITE〕I waved to her but she didn't see -- she was looking the other way. 我向她挥手,可她没看到—她正看着另一边。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕The emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony. 皇帝在皇宫的阳台上向人群挥手。朗文写作活用〔acoustic〕The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission.麦克风把声波转换成电信号进行传送。剑桥高阶〔attention〕He waved to attract the attention of the waitress.他招手以引起女服务员的注意。麦克米伦高阶〔attention〕She waved to attract the attention of the waitress.她挥手想引起服务员的注意。朗文当代〔battle〕She described how they had battled against huge waves to save their friend.她描述了他们如何为了营救朋友而与巨浪搏斗。麦克米伦高阶〔bodysurf〕To ride the waves to shore without a surfboard.徒手冲浪运动:不用冲浪板进行冲浪美国传统〔breath〕I had no breath to call, so I waved to him to come.我因气促而叫不出声,所以只好招手叫他过来。英汉大词典〔brush〕He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.他擦身而过,朝人群敷衍地挥了挥手。柯林斯高阶〔brush〕He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.他随意地对人群招了招手就匆匆走过。外研社新世纪〔check〕He waved to a waiter and got the check.他招呼服务员拿到了账单。外研社新世纪〔deck〕She stood on the deck and waved to them.她站在甲板上向他们挥手。外研社新世纪〔duly〕The Queen duly appeared on the balcony to wave to the crowds.女王准时出现在阳台上,向人群招手。朗文当代〔everybody〕The president waved to everybody in the crowd.总统向人群中的每个人挥手致意。韦氏高阶〔impel〕They impelled the little craft through the waves to the beach.他们顶着海浪把小船推上海滩。英汉大词典〔obliviously〕The starlet's left breast popped out as she obliviously waved to photographers.那名崭露头角的女明星无意识地向摄影师挥手时, 左胸突然露了出来。外研社新世纪〔passing〕A small child waved to the passing cars.一个小孩朝着经过的汽车招手美国传统〔past〕She waved to me as she drove past.她开车过去时向我挥手。文馨英汉〔somebody〕The singer waved to somebody in the crowd.这名歌手朝人群中某个人挥了挥手。韦氏高阶〔sonar〕A system using transmitted and reflected underwater sound waves to detect and locate submerged objects or measure the distance to the floor of a body of water.声纳:一种系统,通过利用传送或反射的水下声波,来探测或定位水下物体或者测量某一水域的深度美国传统〔sound ranging〕A method for locating a source of sound, such as an enemy gun, by measuring the travel time of the sound wave to microphones at known positions.声波测距法:一种确定某一声源位置的方法,如测敌人的枪声位置,其方法是通过测量声波到达某些预知位置的麦克风时所用的时间美国传统〔transmit〕Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium wave (= uses those particular radio waves to broadcast on).广播七台通过中波201千赫广播。剑桥高阶〔turn〕He turned round and waved to us.他转身向我们招手。剑桥高阶〔wave mechanics〕A theory that ascribes characteristics of waves to subatomic particles and attempts to interpret physical phenomena on this basis.波动力学:将波的特征归结于亚原子粒子的理论并试图在此基础上阐释物理现象美国传统〔wave〕Wave to your father.向你父亲招手呀。 英汉大词典〔wave〕He waved to attract the attention of the waitress.他挥了挥手, 想引起女服务员注意。外研社新世纪〔wave〕He turned to wave to his mother.他转过身去向母亲挥手。牛津搭配〔wave〕Patterson waved to her to remain where she was.帕特森向她示意待在原地不动。外研社新世纪〔wave〕Prince Charles waved to the media and members of the public.查尔斯王子向媒体和公众挥手致意。麦克米伦高阶〔wave〕She turned to wave to the approaching soldiers.她转身向走来的士兵挥挥手。朗文当代〔wave〕The children waved to their teacher.孩子们向老师招手。21世纪英汉〔wave〕They waved to us as we passed.我们走过的时候,他们向我们招手。牛津搭配〔wave〕We waved to our friends through the window.我们隔着窗户向朋友们挥手致意。韦氏高阶Bats use ultrasonic waves to locate flying insects at night, and engineers use them to detect flaws in metals.蝙蝠在晚上利用超声波确定飞行昆虫的位置, 而工程师们利用超声波探测金属里的瑕疵。剑桥国际Radio Seven transmits on 201 medium wave (= uses those particular radio waves to broadcast on).第七电台是用201中波传送的。剑桥国际The children turned round at the top of the stairs and waved to us.孩子们在楼梯上端转过来向我们挥手。剑桥国际The hotel doorman hailed a taxi (= waved to a taxi to make it stop).旅馆司门人招手拦了一辆出租车。剑桥国际The microphone converts acoustic waves to electrical signals for transmission.麦克风将声波转换成电信号来进行传送。剑桥国际We waved to the shore to try to get help.我们朝岸上挥手,试图求得帮助。剑桥国际




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