

单词 wherein
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔wherein〕a riding school wherein we could learn the art of horsemanship.一所我们可以在那里学习马术的骑术学校柯林斯高阶〔wherein〕a riding school wherein we could learn the art of horsemanship一所我们可以在那里学习马术的骑术学校外研社新世纪〔wherein〕showed them wherein they were wrong.告诉他们错在哪儿了美国传统〔wherein〕the bed wherein John slept 约翰睡过的那张床英汉大词典〔wherein〕the box wherein she kept her letters 她把信件保存在其中的那个盒子文馨英汉〔wherein〕the city wherein he lives 他所居住的城市韦氏高阶〔wherein〕the contract wherein it is stated that rent shall be paid at monthly intervals 规定租金每月一付的合同麦克米伦高阶〔wherein〕the country wherein those people live.那些人所居住的国家美国传统〔wherein〕the room wherein he lay他住过的房间21世纪英汉




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